When Lin Yi and Yun Shuang entered Donghua University, the freshmen's military training had just ended. Of course, it was only one morning and had to continue in the afternoon.

There are many students in Donghua University. However, there are not many students in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine. The total number of freshmen is about 200, which is completely different from those who recruit thousands at one time. Even if there are only more than 200 this time, it is very much for the Department of traditional Chinese medicine.

At least in the past few sessions, they were able to recruit very few students in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, and there may even be only dozens of people. Compared with thousands of others, it was very embarrassing.

Lin Yi was surprised to find the military training site for the freshmen of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine. In the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, the proportion of girls is much higher than that of boys. Of the more than 200 freshmen, more than 130 are girls, which is very different from other branches.

"Lin Yi, why are you here?"

When she found Tang Mengying, she was carrying a bottle of drinks, a bottle of mineral water and some snacks.

Tang Mengying frowned when she heard someone call herself. She was a little impatient. She thought it was because she looked good, so she was often accosted. However, when she saw Lin Yi, she was surprised.

"Come and see you."

Lin Yi said with a smile.


Tang Mengying was a little happy, but when she saw yunshuang next to Lin Yi, she was surprised, and then said hello in awe.

"You're welcome."

Yunshuang smiled and pointed to the thing in her hand: "what are you doing?"

"Oh, Huanhuan said she was hungry, so I helped her buy some snacks."

Tang Mengying said reluctantly, "I wanted to buy her mineral water. Because of military training, my body will be dehydrated more, and mineral water is much better than drinks, but she said she didn't like mineral water, so she had to buy Coke."

"That girl is pure hypocrisy. Don't get used to her."

Lin Yi frowned slightly: "next time, let her buy it by herself. If you let her form this habit, I'm afraid she'll treat herself as a big lady wherever she goes."

Yunshuang looked at Lin Yi in silence. Li Huanhuan's sister seems to be the eldest lady, isn't she?

"No, that..."

Tang Mengying wanted to say something, but hesitated and didn't say it.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yi wondered.

"Nothing, just Huanhuan her..."

Tang Mengying sorted out the wording: "previously, a freshman from other branches came to chat up and couldn't get rid of it like a brown sugar. Huanhuan was impatient and scolded him. As a result, the guy should not be scolded in public. Some of them didn't come down, so they quarreled with Huanhuan, and then..."

"Then... Is that brown sugar not disabled?"

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

"I don't know."

Tang Mengying shook her head: "but that guy is also not polite. He said Huanhuan flat chest and Huanhuan was angry. However, he beat him and cried on the spot. The people in the medical room said he had a fracture. I don't know how it is now."


Yunshuang couldn't help taking a breath.

Because she thought that she had mocked Li Huanhuan's flat chest, she couldn't help being afraid for a moment.

Seeing that Li Huanhuan was still very proud at the beginning, otherwise he would have to beat himself up.

It seems that you can't say that girl's chest is flat in the future. Who knows that one word will blow her hair

Yunshuang secretly reminds herself that she can't say how Li Huanhuan is in the future, especially when it comes to the body. Otherwise, if the girl starts

She doesn't want to go to work on crutches.

"Is it just a fracture?"

Lin Yi was a little surprised.

"What else do you want?"

Tang Mengying was surprised on the spot. What is just a fracture?

The problem is serious, okay?

Why did Lin Yi say, "is it just a fracture?", Is this really appropriate?

"It's all right. I just think of Huanhuan's force value. The girl seems to know how to show mercy. Otherwise, if she is really angry, I'm afraid it's not just a fracture. I'm sure it can make that guy lie in bed all his life and don't want to move."

Lin Yi shook his head.


Yunshuang trembled. She thought of the picture that she had annoyed Li Huanhuan again and again. She couldn't help asking bitterly, "Lin Yi, why didn't you remind me of this?"

"This... Do you need to remind?"

Lin Yi had some doubts: "Huanhuan hasn't touched in Nanyang city. Moreover, I remember telling you that Huanhuan fought very badly."


Yunshuang was speechless for a moment.

Yes, Lin Yi did remind her at first, but yunshuang didn't take it to heart.

In yunshuang's opinion, even if Li Huanhuan's force value is good, it is at most the level of a certain section of karate, or beating ordinary people. It must be impossible to deal with those experts. Now it seems that it is not the case.

"By the way, Huanhuan broke others. Was Huanhuan hurt?"

Yunshuang suddenly remembered that this was not the time to think about it, and immediately asked.

"This is not..."

Tang Mengying shook her head. She glanced at them secretly and came to a conclusion immediately.

It seems that Lin Yi didn't tell yunshuang about the practitioners. Otherwise, yunshuang should know how strong Li Huanhuan is and won't ask such a question.

Tang Mengying has never seen Li Huanhuan do his best, but through Lin Yi's several hands, she can guess some results, and clearly knows that, let alone an ordinary student, even some martial arts experts are nothing in front of Li Huanhuan.

"Huanhuan broke other freshmen. Didn't the school say anything?"

Lin Yi frowned. He thought about Donghua University. According to what he knew, Donghua University seems to have been very strict in managing this kind of thing, and Li Huanhuan broke people when he first entered school. This impact is not good and must be severely punished.

"The school hasn't given the results yet, but the Dean told me that it should be punished by deducting credits. After all, Huanhuan is a girl, and others take the initiative to challenge. Even if it is punishment, the school won't do much."

Tang Mengying thought for a moment and said.

"Don't worry, the school will act up at most. I'll tell the Dean here later. If they dare to punish severely, I won't make them comfortable."

Yunshuang snorted.

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