"You, what do you want to do?" Lin Yi retreated step by step, feeling uneasy.

"It's just your condition." Although Lu Yiran's tone was kind, she never seemed to follow Lin Yi's words.

"Count, forget it. Don't kiss. I'll think of something else." Lin Yi said with some fear.

"It's too late. I'll kiss you with my invincible wind leg now!" While Lu Yiran roared, he kicked Lin Yi in the same position.

The last dark blue hasn't completely dissipated, but it comes again. Lin Yi can't cry out this time. He closes his eyes and falls down.

Lu Yiran knew it would be this result. She did it on purpose.

Lin Yi falls in the empty garage. Lu Yiran leaves him and walks out. He meets Liu Guoli who is looking for Lin Yi everywhere. Lu Yiran smiles and points to the direction inside, and then continues to walk his own way.

When Liu Guoli arrived at the scene, he was shocked to see Lin Yi lying on the ground. He immediately called someone to bring a stretcher to carry Lin Yi back to the ward.

"Dr. Lin's unique skill has a great side effect. After each treatment, he will fall ill. How can this be good?" After everyone sent Lin Yi back to his room to rest, a young doctor couldn't help sighing.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to boosting with internal force. It really takes a lot of energy. Dr. Lin can finish these rounds. It's already a very powerful cultivation." Liu Guoli stood outside the window and looked at Lin Yi lying in bed.

"In other words, Miss Lu's hand is too heavy. She kicked Dr. Lin out last time. This time, Dr. Lin is the old leader's life-saving benefactor." The young doctor said puzzled.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with Dr. Lin?" A sophisticated low voice sounded behind them.

Liu Guoli and others turned their heads and saw the old leader standing behind them with a serious expression. Now his body is all right, and his eyes began to emit sharp light again.

"Old, old chief, why are you here?" Liu Guoli looked surprised.

"I want to see Dr. Lin and ask the nurse that he comes back here to have a rest every time he treats me." The old chief explained.

"Old chief, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for Dr. Lin to see you now. He's asleep." Liu Guoli didn't know how much the old chief had just heard, but he wanted to muddle through.

"Still trying to lie to me? I heard what you said just now. Dr. Lin fainted. He was happy and spoiled by me. Alas." The old chief looked at Lin Yi inside and sighed.

"Old chief, you calm down. The eldest lady didn't mean to. She must be playing with Dr. Lin, and Dr. Lin can't blame Miss Lu for fainting. The treatment he used itself consumes his strength."

Liu Guoli explained again, hoping that the old chief would not blame Lu Yiran too much.

"How long will he sleep like this?" The old chief frowned and asked.

"It's estimated that you'll be fine when you wake up tomorrow morning." Liu Guoli replied.

"OK, he wakes up tomorrow. You must inform me as soon as possible." The old chief asked again and again.

Liu Guoli and others nodded and asked the old chief to rest assured that they would take good care of Lin Yi.

Later that night, Lin Yi woke up. This time, his memory was very clear. He knew that he fainted again because of Lu Yiran.

This girl is too cruel to start. Anyway, the old chief's illness has been cured. It seems that it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Lin Yi tiptoed out of the sick room door and ran to the garage.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, Lin Yi ran away to Xuanfeng hall as if he had done something bad.

At this time, I think Feng Yixu and Han Ying are asleep. Lin Yi takes out the key, enters lightly, closes the door, and then quietly returns to Han Ying's room.

As soon as he entered, he heard Han Ying's even breathing. Lin Yi didn't want to wake her up. Fortunately, when he added new products to Xuanfeng hall, he added a sofa to Feng Yixu and Han Ying's rooms respectively.

Lin Yi quietly took out a quilt from the cabinet, and then nestled into the sofa. It's strange to say that he was still energetic when he ran away just now. At this moment, fatigue suddenly attacked. With Han Ying's slight snoring, Lin Yi fell asleep.

At dawn, the old chief called the president of the central hospital and said he was going to see Lin Yi. I don't know if he woke up.

The Dean hurriedly called Liu Guoli and asked him to hurry to Lin Yi's ward and accompany the old chief.

Liu Guoli hurriedly dressed and ran to the hospital.

When Liu Guoli arrived, the old chief was already there. Looking at the empty ward, the old chief was a little unhappy: "where is Dr. Lin?"

Of course, Liu Guoli didn't know. He immediately ordered the whole hospital to look for food to see if he was hungry, or to get up early and exercise.

But the people who came back said they didn't see Lin Yi's shadow.

When Liu Guoli didn't know what to do, a young doctor came and said he didn't see Lin Yi's car in the garage. Maybe he went back to Xuanfeng hall.

Liu Guoli suddenly realized that no matter how Lin Yi Ran, he would always go home. Even if he didn't come back now, if they went to Xuanfeng hall to wait for him, they would be able to wait.

So Liu Guoli explained to the old head. The old head nodded happily and ordered someone to prepare the car. He was going to see Lin Yi.

On the way to Xuanfeng hall, the old chief called Lu Yiran.

"Yi Ran, haven't you got up yet?"

"Clean up quickly. I'll send you an address later. Come here quickly."

"Everything else can depend on you. You have to depend on me. Be obedient. Come here quickly."

Although the old chief's words are not cordial, his tone is full of doting.

Lu Yiran, on the other end of the phone, obviously didn't wake up. After hanging up, he threw his cell phone aside and wanted to continue dating Duke Zhou.

But within five seconds of closing his eyes, Grandpa's last word rang in his ear again. Forget it, I'd better go and see what grandpa wants from me.

Reluctantly, she got up, dressed and washed. An hour later, she drove out of the door in her dazzling pink Audi.

Lin Yi's consciousness is a little sober, but he still wants to stay in bed for a while, but he suddenly feels that a shadow blocks his light. Lin Yi frowns slightly and half opens one eye to see what's going on, but he bumps into Han Ying's white face.

Lin Yi immediately opened his eyes and stepped back, "you, what are you doing?"

Lin Yiding is sleepy and mistakenly thinks that Han Ying will do something malicious to herself.

Han Ying thought he was strange. "No, it's just strange. When did you come back? Why don't you sleep on the bed and sleep on the sofa?"

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