The next day.

Lin Yi soon woke up, then began to prepare breakfast, asked yunshuang what to eat, and then made it together.

"When are you going to work?"

Yunshuang asked after dinner.

"Don't worry. Wait until noon. Anyway, I don't have anything to do in the medical museum. I can afford a million yuan for treatment. Even the whole Donghua province is rare, and assistant Xiao Yang will contact me if there is anything."

Lin Yi said casually.

"Then you are really lazy. What I said yesterday is right. You used to go to work almost rarely on time. It's definitely not that you were delayed, but that you really... Don't take attendance seriously."

Yunshuang shook her head reluctantly: "you're not a good example. I hope the doctors and other staff in the hospital won't be like you. Otherwise, I'm afraid Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum will definitely make big news."

"It won't, because I have special regulations. I can be late at most three times a month. If I'm late more than three times, I have to deduct three days' salary for each time. I can say that it's very humanized, but it can also ensure that they will go to work on time. After all, three days' salary is not a small thing. They can buy a table of lollipops."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

Although he doesn't know much about management, he doesn't understand anything. Lin Yi doesn't want his colleagues to be late often, but if he comes up with a heavy penalty directly, it will affect everyone's working mood. Therefore, Lin Yi gives them the opportunity to be late three times a month.

If they are late for these three times, the medical center will not deduct their wages or record demerits. However, if they are late for more than three times, they will start to be severely fined. If they are late for one time, they will deduct their wages for three days. According to the current salary offered by Yunxing traditional Chinese medicine center, it costs almost 500 to 1000 yuan for three days, which is definitely not a minority.

Lin Yi's rules are both humanized and extremely strict, but fortunately, everyone has no opinion, so they accepted happily, um... Of course, even if there is an opinion, there is no way. Lin Yi has decided good things for this character, and no one can say no.

"What about yourself?"

Yunshuang immediately asked, "if you are late for work, do you start to deduct your salary according to this provision?"

"Ha ha."

After hearing this, Lin Yi immediately smiled: "Xiao Shuang, in ancient times, there was a saying that the emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. It was the same in the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. I didn't want to make it more special and give people the feeling that the rules didn't seem to be very strict. Of course, I had to pay a fine according to this when I was late for work, so... I'm ready to paste back two months' salary every month."


Yunshuang was speechless.

Does this guy mean that he has decided to be late every day during his work?

How can you be like this? Do you want to be so shameless.

"Well, I almost forgot that you are a rich man who doesn't care about money. For you, a salary of 10000 or 20000 a month is nothing at all. I'm afraid you can deduct enough money for dinner for the first half of the year."

Yunshuang shrugged helplessly: "however, you still have one thing to do today. Do you remember the pile of raw wool stones we got back yesterday? I'm looking forward to how much valuable jade these things can produce. For the sake of insurance, I don't suggest that others do this kind of thing, so I want you to solve the stones yourself. What do you think?"

"Hmm? Yes."

Lin Yi picked his eyebrow, thought a little in his heart, and then nodded and agreed. Naturally, he had no opinion about it. Since yunshuang said to let him come in person, it's good to come in person. Although it's a little troublesome to live with this strength, what yunshuang said is also reasonable. If someone else does it, it's easy to leak out.

If you remember correctly, there are no less than 100 raw materials. If you let others know that all these 100 raw stones can solve precious jade, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar. Since then, Lin Yi doesn't need peace.

To be on the safe side, yunshuang can be said to be very serious.

After dinner, yunshuang took Lin Yi to the warehouse. Yes, after she came back yesterday, yunshuang had instructed her men to secretly transport all these things back to a warehouse of the Yun family. The warehouse was originally the parking garage of the villa, but because there were no so many parking garages, it was directly transformed into a warehouse, although it was useless, But now it seems that it has a place to play.

"I've got all the machines I need ready for you. Let's start now."

After yunshuang and Lin Yi came in, she directly asked those hands to wait outside, and then closed the door of the warehouse.

"Lonely men and women, are you not afraid of others thinking?"

Lin Yi joked.

"What are you afraid of? Can you eat me?"

Yunshuang looked calm and even teased Lin Yi: "if you really have the courage, I don't mind."

"Ha ha..."

Lin Yi shook his head and didn't answer.

Who knows if yunshuang will mind. Besides, even if yunshuang doesn't mind, Lin Yi won't do such a thing. Come on, he's not so hungry.

Well, let's go.

Lin Yi didn't talk much nonsense with Yun Shuang. He also saw the process of those stone dissolving hands working on these machines. This thing is mainly manual work. With a little skill, it doesn't have any technical content. After Lin Yi simply started, he began to understand stone.

Yunshuang has been watching. Lin Yi's action to solve the stone is not fast. He mainly doesn't want to destroy the jade in the raw stone because of violence. It's not worth the loss.

Lin Yi knows very well how valuable a complete jade is. If a piece of jade with the same weight is complete and well shaped, it may be worth more than 100 million, but if it is broken, it may not even be worth millions, or even some inferior ones. Once broken, it may become garbage that no one wants.

Lin Yi has carefully selected these raw materials in front of him. Therefore, he naturally doesn't want to see these raw materials damaged by himself.

First, second

Soon, more than a dozen original stones were successfully untied and many precious jade were obtained.

At the beginning, yunshuang was very excited, but after all, it was a very troublesome project and a waste of time. Therefore, after simple excitement, yunshuang felt bored. She found a clean stone, sat playing with her mobile phone, and took a picture. It seemed that she was ready to send a circle of friends or something.

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