Lin Yi is not very opposed to speculation.

He is not a pedantic person. Living in this era, Lin Yi is too aware of the importance of hype, especially in business. If he doesn't hype, it's basically useless. Although it sounds shameless, the effect is very good.

It is said that the value of spending 10 million on speculation is more powerful than 300 million advertising. Although Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is now rich and powerful, Lin Yi knows that they are not charities, but profit-making organizations of private enterprises. Since they want to make profits, they naturally have to find ways to do the most with the least money, which is the most appropriate.

Lin Yi knows exactly what hype is about, but what is more clear in his heart is that hype can be said to be a double-edged sword. If it is done well, it can certainly have an excellent effect, but if it is not done well, then... I'm afraid it will have the opposite effect. It won't be very fun at that time.

It may even have a great impact on the reputation and reputation of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum and become a joke of the whole bank. This is not what Lin Yi wants to see. Therefore, he needs to ask about the hype said by assistant Xiao Yang first, and then decide whether to do so.

If it's a small matter, assistant Xiao Yang can check it by himself, but this matter

Lin Yi feels that this doesn't seem to be a small thing, and assistant Xiao Yang is still too young. Maybe there will always be some things that can't be considered.

"The identities of he Lao and others in the field of traditional Chinese medicine are not general. Of course, I naturally dare not use them to hype, but it's no problem to borrow fame, for example..."

Assistant Xiao Yang sorted out the wording and said tentatively: "Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum was ruthlessly abandoned by the provincial capital Wei family. Even Professor Wang Weikang chose to leave. However, he Shanyue and other more powerful elders chose to join. Is the provincial capital Wei family's choice correct? Is Professor Wang Weikang's practice a bit down the drain?"

"Stepping on the provincial capital Wei family and Wang Weikang to hype?"

Assistant Xiao Yang's idea doesn't sound like a bright spot. However, Lin Yi can imagine how those small editors who like to play with the title party on the Internet will write these things, which will definitely surprise Lin Yi.

However, although this title has no value at all, the public likes to see these things. Even if they know it's false and want to ask if Xiaobian wants to eat Xiang after reading it, they still can't help but go in and have a look.

"Dr. Lin, the provincial capital Weijia and Professor Wang Weikang abandoned Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum at the critical moment, which made Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum lag behind Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. They did wrong. Even if we use their reputation to hype, it should be understandable?"

Assistant Xiao Yang said carefully.

"You're right. There's nothing wrong with it."

Lin Yi nodded slightly, pondered a little for a while, and said, "I agree to your proposal. Later, you write an application to me, and then I will grant you five million yuan. You can do all this. Do you think five million yuan is enough?"

"Enough, that must be enough."

Assistant Xiao Yang was shocked and nodded quickly.

"Well, that's enough, but remember, we must pay attention to the hype. Take out the Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum and don't let people seize the handle. Secondly, I don't mind you being cruel about Xue Qian and Wang Weikang. Anyway, after they leave, they are already competing with us."

Lin Yi said faintly.

This guy has never been a good tempered person. If someone thinks Lin Yi has a good temper, he probably knows a fake one.

Lin Yi doesn't like the behavior of Xue Qian and Wang Weikang. Therefore, Lin Yi doesn't mind targeting them. As for whether it will have any consequences, Lin Yi doesn't need to worry.

The sudden divestment of the provincial capital Wei's family was not beyond Lin Yi's expectation. Therefore, he just spent tens of billions in his hands, and took the share of the major shareholder from Yunshi group with his personal technology.

Lin Yi is not very interested in money. He doesn't do this to make money. He just wants to revenge the provincial capital Wei family. He is also the life-saving benefactor of the provincial capital Wei family. As a result, Wei kongho, an old man, actually treats the life-saving benefactor in this way, which is really an eye opener for Lin Yi.

As for Xue Qian and Wang Weikang, no one can control the fate of these two people. They can choose to stay in Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum or leave. Although the Wei family in the provincial capital is powerful and top-level giants, they can't control their personal freedom.

However, for their so-called future and interests, they chose to leave Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum under this situation. In essence, it is no different from falling into a well. Although Lin Yi does not resent the two, it does not mean that he can ignore them. Now stepping on each other's hype, Lin Yi has no psychological burden, and even deliberately told assistant Xiao Yang, At the critical moment, you can step harder.

"Dr. Lin, I know. I'll be measured."

Assistant Xiao Yang said respectfully.

"Well, that's good. Go."

Lin Yi smiled and nodded, then entered his office.

This afternoon, Lin Yi didn't have anything to do. He wanted to play games, but basically the opposite side was either not fooled or the mentality of being beaten exploded, which made Lin Yi really depressed. Later, he felt bored. He turned off his mobile phone and noticed the notebook in his hand.

Nearly 400 questions can make Lin Yi have fun for a while.

This guy is also bored. He took out a large 16 open notebook directly from the table, and marked all Yin Changping's questions on it. Of course, this is not to copy the questions. Lin Yi has not been idle yet. He directly marked the serial number and began to answer the questions.


Sexy Lin Yi, answer questions online.

No problem.

Yin Changping's questions are very interesting. Although most of them are not difficult problems for Lin Yi, a little use of Yin-Yang medicine can resolve them. Only some deeper knowledge needs Lin Yi to think for a few seconds before he can draw a conclusion.

Lin Yi's writing method is also the simplest and intuitive way, rather than involving too deep content. He is not stingy and refuses to teach Yin Changping, mainly because he is afraid that this guy can't understand it.

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