"Dr. Lin, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yang seems to understand Lin Yi a little.

"I can see that your writing is very good. Although your writing... Well, it doesn't look very tall, but it's also a good ability, because there is demand in the market. Of course, you should also work hard in other skills. If you can, I'll give you some opportunities to show yourself later."

Lin Yi smiled and said casually, "opportunities don't necessarily come at any time, but you must be ready anytime and anywhere. Opportunities won't give you opportunities to prepare. OK, I approved this article. Take it to the finance department to apply for $5 million in operating funds."

After that, Lin Yi signed the application.

Assistant Xiao Yang left soon. Lin Yi pondered for a few seconds and then shook his head and smiled. Why did he tell him so much? Did he really adapt to such a leadership position and begin to find ways to make his subordinates work faithfully for himself?

"It seems that I need to pick myself out of such a position as soon as possible. After all, this is not suitable for me. What I yearn for more is the broad sky rather than intriguing in the mall. It's boring. It's really boring."

Lin Yi shook his head and then continued to focus on the notebook on the table: "the 38th question, continue to write. This thing is very interesting. It's good to be regarded as homework."

What Lin Yi didn't know was that someone was reciting his name in another place in Nanyang city.


"Lin Yi... Shu Yutong... Zheng Chengyi... What do they want to do?"

In an office on the top floor of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, Cui Kai sat in the office. He looked young and talented. He was not as happy as outsiders imagined. At the moment, Cui Kai frowned and sounded in his mind. When listening to the rain building, he saw Lin Yi drinking together, which made him a little upset.

Shu Yutong, chairman of Donghua Tongyu group.

With numerous assets and a large scale, the position of the whole Donghua province is not weak compared with Cui's group. Fortunately, there is no conflict of interests. Otherwise, in the face of such a cruel role as Shu Yutong, I'm afraid even Cui's head will have a headache?

Zheng Chengyi, chairman of Donghua Yitian group.

This guy is undoubtedly more powerful than the young Shu Yutong, and most importantly, he is the richest man in Donghua province. His investment business is all over Donghua Province, and he is richer than the twelve families in the provincial capital. As for Cui group?

Even if the five Cui groups add up, there may not be Yitian group rich, right?

Cui Kai was a little upset by these two big people. He didn't know why the three people ate together. Did they really plan to invest in Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum?

It's not easy to wait until Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum has a backer, but now there are two more powerful backers than Wei's family?

Don't bring such a playboy?

"If this news is true, I'm afraid our Cui family will have to withdraw their capital from Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. Otherwise, there will be endless future troubles. A Nanyang cloud family, our Cui family doesn't care much. After all, it's just a new top-level rich family. The foundation is very weak, but Tongyu group and Yitian group..."

Cui Kai frowned. He was obviously hesitant, but his eyes were a little afraid: "if this news is true, we Cui family must withdraw our capital, otherwise, once we provoke Yitian group, I'm afraid the whole Cui group will have bad luck..."

Yitian group, this is the real big Mac.

Looking at the whole Donghua Province, even the top Big Mac that the four families are quite taboo. Compared with this force, the value of Cui group is nothing. The most important thing is that Yitian group is very rich recently. If you provoke others, you can directly invest tens of billions in a large jade company and overwhelm Cui group in one fell swoop, That's fatal.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit came in a hurry. He didn't have time to knock on the door and pushed it away. Then before Cui Kai was angry, he hurriedly said, "Cui Shao, the big thing is bad. The people we arranged in Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum came a very bad news for us."


Cui Kai's face changed slightly.

Is it difficult that my guess has become true?

Tongyu group and Yitian group really joined hands with Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum?

"What news?"

Cui Kai asked hurriedly and motioned to the other party to close the door. He didn't want to be heard by outsiders. Otherwise, it is very likely to cause some changes, which is not what Cui Kai wants to see.

"Cui Shao, look at this message."

The middle-aged man in the suit handed Cui Kai his mobile phone. Cui Kai hurriedly looked at it. This is what he Shanyue and others joined Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. Although this matter has not been spread, as an internal staff of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, it doesn't seem unthinkable to get this news.

"I've heard of he Shanyue for a long time. At the beginning, I even invited them out of the mountain myself. These old guys refused. Now they all joined Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. It's incredible."

Cui Kai's heart sank: "is this done by the Yun family? No, it's impossible. Neither Yunxing nor yunshuang have this ability. Their heritage in Nanyang city and even Donghua province is inferior to that of our Cui family. How can we do such a thing? However, apart from them, there is only..."

In Cui Kai's mind, he thought of the scene of Lin Yi, Shu Yutong and Zheng Chengyi eating together. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something. His face was a little ugly.

"It seems that Shu Yutong and Zheng Chengyi really made a move. That's right. Looking at the whole Donghua Province, I'm afraid Zheng Chengyi, an old man, can catch up with this line. Then it's certain that their two families really joined hands with Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum."

Cui Kai thought he had guessed the truth, so his heart was very heavy.

"Cui Shao, what should we do now?"

The middle-aged man in the suit asked in a low voice.

Cui Kai was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly opened his mouth and said, "please invite Xie Yu of the Xie family in the provincial capital to come and say... I can secretly sell all the equity of the Cui family in Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. He doesn't want to get the equity of our Cui family. Good. Just give them all."

"But I'm afraid it will offend the Xie family, especially after they know the truth..."

The middle-aged man in the suit whispered.

"I can't care so much. Anyway, it's just a relationship of interest."

Cui Kai said fearlessly.

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