The equity of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum changes rapidly.

In Cui Kai's words, he has no intention to worry about Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, so he wants to withdraw early and doesn't want to stay here, and Xie Chengkun doesn't think much, because he can't wait to take the controlling stake of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

It was precisely because the two people couldn't wait that the equity change was completed quickly. No one knew about it, even the provincial capital Bao family, another major shareholder of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, eh... Xie Chengkun specifically instructed Cui Kai that he didn't want the provincial capital Bao family to know about it in advance, otherwise, with the strength of Bao family, It's not going to be that way.

Cui Kai secretly laughed and laughed that Xie Chengkun was a fool. At the same time, he quietly agreed to Xie Chengkun's request and said he would not tell the provincial capital Bao family about it. After all, it was not good for Cui Kai himself.

"Unexpectedly, I lost to that guy."

The next day, after Cui Kai woke up, he still opened his notebook and wanted to work, but then he suddenly remembered that Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum now had nothing to do with himself. He hesitated, searched the search engine for key words such as Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum and Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, and then saw a message

"Who is the mysterious person joining Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum?"

"Why did he Shanyue, the peak physician of the generation who became famous and retired four years ago, come out of the mountain again?"

"Is the departure of the former president and the former chief physician a strategic adjustment or a downfall?"

"Did the Wei family, the provincial capital known as the overlord of the medical industry, expect today's Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum?"

"Can Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, which once competed with Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, bear it?"

"Shocked! The cooperative organization of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum surfaced, but it was him?"

"Shocked! The details of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum have finally been announced. Is it so powerful?"


Hundreds of popular news were searched, all related to Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, and the provincial capital Weijia, Xue Qian, Wang Weikang and Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum were pulled out to whip the corpses from time to time.

This makes Cui Kai feel strange. You know, before today, there was no news about these on the Internet. It seemed that they only appeared overnight, which makes Cui Kai feel incredible and vaguely happy. Fortunately, he sold all his shares. Otherwise, he might have to rot in his own hands.

Five billion.

Although the Cui family in Nanyang has great wealth, it is not so rich that it can ignore 5 billion. After all, the 100 billion valuation of the Cui family in Nanyang refers to the full value of the Cui group. However, when it comes to working capital, I'm afraid it doesn't even have 10 billion, and 5 billion accounts for half, which can be said to be very important.

"Lin Yi... Unexpectedly, this guy is still so powerful. The competition in the past is nothing, but this time... I really lost."

Cui Kai couldn't help sighing. Cui Kai didn't care much about the past victory or defeat. After all, he was a businessman, but he lost to Lin Yi in the battle in the business world. This was the real failure, and he had to be convinced.



In a luxury villa, Lin Yi is also looking at the information of the tablet computer.

Unlike those so-called business elites, Lin Yi doesn't like to use laptops and desktop computers. He still prefers the touch-screen feel of mobile phones and tablets. Perhaps because of design, mobile phones and tablets have faster network speed in some light operations.

"Well, yes, that's good."

The news Lin Yi saw was similar to that of Cui Kai, but it was not his own initiative to search. Lin Yi was very lazy and was not interested in searching these things when he got up early in the morning. Xiao Yang helped him cut his hair. Lin Yi turned off his mobile phone at night, so he didn't see it. Assistant Xiao Yang sent it at 4 a.m.

"The boy is interesting enough. He told him that he didn't have to work overtime. As a result, he worked overtime to do all these. I thought that many of the five million funds should be used to write articles, but looking at these... It seems that Xiao Yang stayed up late to write them."

Lin Yi touched his chin and felt that assistant Yang was really loyal to the boss.

Lin Yi previously gave Xiao Yang a working capital of $5 million. Originally, he thought Xiao Yang would take out part of it and ask the gunman and all the shocked LiuXiao to write soft text, and then buy hot search through some operation numbers or directly spend money.

But now it seems that assistant Xiao Yang is obviously a professional expert. He not only stays up late to get all these out, saving a lot of money, but also completely makes a fire through various ways of hanging, stepping on people and rubbing heat, and even saves part of the operating expenses.

"You're a smart assistant."

The soft voice of yunshuang rang.

"What do you say?"

Lin Yi looks up at yunshuang. She has the habit of taking a bath in the morning. Now she has just taken a bath, and she dresses casually. When she is close, Lin Yi can smell the fragrance of yunshuang and stimulate hormones, especially this morning.

"It's simple."

Yunshuang didn't notice all this. She just took the tablet from Lin Yi's hand, casually turned over the chat records between him and assistant Xiao Yang, and just smiled and said, "do you see who stepped on the articles written by your assistant?"


Lin Yi raised his eyebrows. He really didn't notice this.

Moreover, although Lin Yi also mentioned this matter to assistant Xiao Yang, he just mentioned it casually. He just focused on taking care of the Wei family in the provincial capital, Xue Qian and Wang Weikang. There's no way. Who let Lin Yi see that they are not pleasing to the eye? Moreover, Lin Yi is not an honest businessman. Why should he miss this opportunity if he can step on the person who is not pleasing to the eye?

As for the Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, I just mention it incidentally. After all, it is a competitor. In the past, Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum has not discredited Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

"The sudden divestment of the Wei family in the provincial capital, the downfall of Xue Qian and Wang Weikang, the past glory and joining of he Shanyue and others, and the competition of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum..."

Yunshuang said faintly, "did you find that when he was writing, he deliberately avoided many things that should not be written, such as the ingratitude of the Wei family in the provincial capital, whether Xue Qian and Wang Weikang had personality and medical ethics problems, and... The Provincial College of traditional Chinese medicine with a cooperative relationship with Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum..."

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