"No, just think I invited you." Lin Yi waved his hand and said.

"How can I do that? Besides, if you want to invite me, wouldn't it be cheaper for you to eat such cheap things?" Lu Yiran turned his head proudly.

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head. "It's up to you."

Then Lin Yi went to the outpatient area, while Lu Yiran went in the opposite direction to the garage.

She's going to get the money for Lin Yi. She's already decided to stay in Lin Yi's office area for an afternoon.

Lin Yi, who originally thought there would be no patients in the afternoon, was surrounded by a bustling crowd when he arrived at the office. Everyone said a word to me, and Lin Yi was so noisy that he couldn't open his mouth.

Suddenly, Lu Yiran broke in and gave an order.

The room was silent.

"It's no use arguing like this. You have numbers on your hands. Come on, I'll call one."

Lin Yi is also frightened by Lu Yiran's behavior. What evil is this girl?

However, with her help, Lin Yi is more handy when he gets sick, which reminds him of Han Ying in Xuanfeng hall. Han Ying is also the person responsible for arranging and calling numbers for everyone, so as not to let everyone rush to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi devotes himself to seeing a doctor for everyone. Lu Yiran continues to observe Lin Yi while shouting, and a strange feeling rises in his heart.

Finally, after reading it, Lin Yi stood up, stretched and looked at the time. At 5:30 p.m., he also experienced the nine to five life of the working class.

Looking back at Lu Yiran, she was casually looking at her fingernails.

In fact, she pretended. One second before Lin Yi looked back, she still stared at him.

"Miss Lu, you've worked hard today." Lin Yi said politely to her.

"It's so polite. It's not like you." Lu Yiran still broke her pride and said faintly.

"I've always been so polite and friendly, because you don't know me well." Lin Yi invites Lu Yiran out of the door and they go to the garage together.

Before getting on the bus, Lu Yiran called Lin Yi.

"Thank you today."

Lin Yi was stunned by this sudden thanks. "You're welcome. It's my honor to serve beautiful women."

"Greasy." Lu Yiran said and sat in his car.

Lin Yi and Lu Yiran both started the engine. This time, Lin Yi didn't deliberately block Lu Yiran's way, but let her go first.

Lu Yiran poked his head out of the window. "Will you still come here to work tomorrow?"

Lin Yi also stretched out his head, "no, if you want me, come to Xuanfeng hall."

Lu Yiran smiled, shook his head, stretched out a hand and waved at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also retracted his head. Miss Lu seems to be more and more interesting.

In the morning, several bird calls woke Lin Yi from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, there was no sign of Han Ying next to him. The new day began again. Lin Yi sat up, stretched and walked out of the room.

Open the door of Xuanfeng hall to welcome today's patients.

The first "patient" came to add gambling to everyone.

Lu Yiran stepped on her red high heels and slowly shook in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was startled. Han Ying hasn't come out yet. Lin Yi thought about what happened yesterday. He thought Lu Yiran came to trouble him again. He was so frightened that he asked, "you, why are you here?"

"Why, can't I come?" Lu Yiran's smiling appearance really seems to embarrass Lin Yi.

"But, yes, yesterday, did your stomach get better yesterday?" Lin Yi tries to calm herself down so that Han Ying doesn't come out and think about it again and again.

"Ah, it's all right. It's amazing. I used to have stomach problems occasionally. You made me feel better yesterday." Lu Yiran suddenly said excitedly.

"Brother Yi, you have come so early." Han Ying said and came out wearing sunglasses. When she saw the man in front of her, her face suddenly darkened.

Lin Yi also saw the change and said with a smile on his face: "yesterday, Miss Lu came to see a doctor in the central hospital yesterday. She had some gastrointestinal discomfort. I cured her. Today she wants to have another review."

"Really?" Han Ying asked suspiciously, staring at the landing happily.

What should I do? What should I do? Somebody come and relax the atmosphere. Lin Yi prayed silently in his heart.

"Lin Yi, there's a pink car parked on the street. I think it looks familiar. It's like the 'broom star' we met when we went on a trip." Su ruoyao's voice came in from outside the door, and then her people appeared with a smile.

Then, Lin Yi, Han Ying and Lu Yiran all looked back at Su ruoyao.

Lin Yi's face collapsed a little. Originally, he wanted to have a patient. He had reason to jump out of the impasse and see a doctor for the patient, but it was su ruoyao who came. The impasse would be even more rigid.

"Who is this?" Su ruoyao looks at Han Ying's face, guesses a few points, and then looks at Lin Yi, hoping to get the answer from his mouth.

"This is my patient, Miss Lu. She helped her grandfather heal before." Lin Yi explained briefly.

Su Ruo Yao nodded thoughtfully, "Oh, Grandpa was ill before, and now you are ill?" Su ruoyao's words were unfriendly.

Lin Yi's greatest fear finally appeared.

"You said the pink car outside was a broom star?" Lu Yiran's attention is always special.

Su ruoyao thought, "listen to you, is that car yours?"

Lu Yiran nodded, "yes, it's mine, but how did my car annoy you? Do you want to say that?"

Suddenly, there was a smell of war in the air. Lin Yi hurried forward and smiled awkwardly, trying to resolve the "war".

"Two, two, take it easy, take it easy, calm down. It's all misunderstanding, all misunderstanding."

"There is no misunderstanding. I remember that this' broom star 'prevented us from traveling smoothly. I said before, don't let me touch it again." Su ruoyao deliberately showed his ruthlessness on his face.

"What do you want when I meet you?" Lu Yiran deliberately raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"I'll show you when I meet you!"

"Well, I'll see how you look at me."

Su ruoyao and Lu Yiran, one needle and one wheat awn, do not give in to each other.

Han Ying sat on the chair, smiling like the Mona Lisa, watching them perform. She had long wanted to frustrate Lu Yiran's spirit. Later, when Su ruoyao said almost, she went up and added a few words.

"Stop it!" Lin Yi suddenly roared, "what do you look like? You are all ladies of the family. In this way, you don't lose your identity. Where do you put your family's face?"

Lin Yi pretended to be angry and yelled wildly. Unexpectedly, they really worked. They didn't talk anymore and sat down with each other.

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