After the old chief said that, there was another warm applause under the stage. Lin Yi sat in the grandstand area, his eyes keenly caught the eyes of two candidates on the stage, exchanged eyes, and his face darkened.

The old chief motioned for the host to speak. He asked Lu Yiran to help him to sit down at the position marked with his name and wait for the election meeting to officially begin.

From a distance, seeing the two candidates smiling warmly at the old leader, Lin Yi felt that the two people were deja vu and tried to search for their shadow in his memory.

The memory goes back to the first time he treated the old man. That time, he was kicked unconscious by Lu Yiran and sent to the ward next to the old chief.

When he woke up, two strangers, a man and a woman, came to see him with a lot of supplements and gifts, saying that they were a thank-you gift for his treatment of the old leader.

Although he was surprised, Lin Yi accepted their thanks. Lin Yi also asked the little nurse and said it was the vice mayor and his wife.

Yes, it's them. Now they're sitting in the candidate seat, waiting for the voters to vote.

Lin Yi looked at the old chief again. The old chief was nodding at some place, probably at the two people.

"I'm already a vice mayor. What else are you going to run for?" Lin Yi couldn't help talking to himself.

"Hey, you don't understand." A middle-aged elder brother next to him seemed to know the truth of officialdom very well. He compared with Lin Yi: "he must want to run to the right. Moreover, what's the meaning of the mayor? He has to run to a bigger one."

Lin Yi suddenly became interested. "Brother, are you also a member of the officialdom? I see you understand it very well."

The eldest brother glanced at Lin Yi, and his face immediately became proud. "I see you are here to join the fun. This election is to decide the leader of the next Central Committee. Both the head and Deputy have to be elected. Of course, everyone has to fight."

Lin Yi nodded. "Probably only by taking the leading position in the country, will he not want to continue to run up."

"You're wrong." The eldest brother shook his head. His eyes seemed to say that Lin Yi was too young. "Domestic pawns and international ones. It's like wealth. No one will think too much money."

Lin Yi showed admiring eyes, which made the big brother even more complacent.

The host stood back to the rostrum and cleared his throat, "ladies and gentlemen, our most respected old leaders are here now, and the election officially begins!"

"As just said, after the election, fold the votes, come to the front desk in turn and put your votes into the election box."

"We have 10 minutes to think about it. After 10 minutes, we will start from the leftmost side of the first row and vote in turn."

"Time, start!"

After the host read the lines according to the line list, there was a low voice of discussion. Although it was agreed that we could not talk to each other, we still didn't care about these empty rules and discussed in groups.

"OK, 10 minutes is over. Now please calm down, come to the front in turn and put your votes in the election box."

The host interrupted everyone at the right time to remind everyone that they can vote.

The first row began on the far left, one by one, and everyone came to the stage to vote.

Because we only need to put the tickets in the box without extra action, everyone moves very quickly.

It was the old leader's turn. Lu Yiran smiled and picked him up. He followed him to the election box. The old leader stood in front of the election box and raised his hand to indicate the votes in his hand. He was just about to put the votes into the box. Suddenly, he was pierced by a burst of strong fire, and his hands trembled.

The ordinary people just thought it was a strange wind, but Lin Yi really saw it. It was a bullet, which was 0.1mm away from the old leader's fingers and only 1cm away from the old leader's body.

The bullet hit only a piece of paper and hit the wall behind the election platform. It made a noise. Now the group started up and ran around. Lu Yiran also ran out with the old chief.

Lin Yi immediately looks for the source according to the direction of the bullet. According to Lin Yi's guess, if one shot doesn't hit, the other party will come for the second shot.

But now the old leader is running, which is more difficult to hit than the static state just now. Moreover, those sent to shoot the old leader must have undergone professional training. Nine times out of ten, the second shot will hit, but if you want to hit, you have to follow the old leader for a long run.

Sure enough, Lin Yi began to move in the direction of the old chief. His eyes kept scanning the environment of the old chief for a few meters. Soon, a man in a suit appeared. He was wearing sunglasses and wrapped with strange cloth. Soon, another bullet was shot from his hand and directed directly at the old chief's back.

Lin Yi rushed forward with an arrow, a silver needle hit the bullet, and the bullet was squinted.

It turned out that there was a gun hidden under the cloth of the man in the suit. It seems that he was undoubtedly the bullet just now.

Lin Yi immediately rushed over and wanted to catch him. Seeing the failure, the suit man turned his direction and wanted to escape in troubled times. But he underestimated Lin Yi's tracking power.

The suit man ran out of the meeting with the panic stricken crowd and looked back. When he couldn't see Lin Yi, he stopped to take a breath.

The man in suit ran to the parking lot dozens of meters away. Because of the election conference, all vehicles could not be parked in the parking lot in the venue. There was a strict ban around the venue. Therefore, he needed to run so far to drive away.

The suit man looked around. Maybe the people in the parking lot were scared and lost their ideas. At present, there was no one like him to pick up the car in the parking lot.

Just proudly getting rid of Lin Yi, but at the moment he rang his car, Lin Yi jumped out in front of him again.

"It's good. It runs very fast." Lin Yi also gave a thumbs up to the suit man.

The suit man was surprised. He didn't see Lin Yi just now. He didn't know where Lin Yi came from. For such an opponent with great strength, the suit man couldn't help but step back and turn his mind quickly to think of a way.

"Don't think about it. You can't escape today. Just catch it and save trouble." Lin Yi shook his sleeves, raised his mouth and looked at the man in suit.

"Boy, who the hell are you? Why do you want to spoil our good deeds? Why do you want to help the old man?" The suit man's expression is distorted. Although he is wearing sunglasses, Lin Yi can feel that he must be staring at himself under his sunglasses.

"It doesn't matter. You just need to cooperate with me and tell me who sent you and why you killed the old chief?" Lin Yi did not answer the man in suit's question, but threw him a few questions.

"Boy, you may not be able to provoke the people behind me. I advise you to protect your life." The suit man threatened Lin Yi Road.

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