Lin Yi and Lu Yiran have finished their meal very late. There is no way that the couple have to have a family affair with Lu Yiran, or Lin Yi finds a chance to slip out with Lu Yiran.

"Lin Yi, I'm so happy today, because I don't have any friends. All people who approach me come to me with colored glasses. You're different. I see purity without any purpose in your eyes."

Hearing Lu Yiran said so, Lin Yi suddenly had a red face. He approached her not because she looked like a goblin.

Lin Yi returns Lu Yiran and returns to Xuanfeng hall. He sees that it is quiet inside. Han Ying and Feng Yixu sleep, so he tiptoes in like a thief.


With the sound of opening the door.

"Brother Yi, you're back." Han Ying said dimly.

"Ying'er, haven't you slept yet?" Lin Yi said softly.

"Well, you're not here. You always feel something missing."

"Don't I come back now? Go to bed quickly!"

This night, Lin Yi fell asleep with Han Ying in his arms. He slept very safely.

"Dong Dong Dong... Dong Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

"Who? Early in the morning, still let people sleep well." Lin Yi had to leave the gentle village.

"Lin Yi, Lin Yi, I feel uncomfortable in my stomach. It hurts." Lin Yi opens the door and finds that it's su ruoyao. At the moment, she's covering her stomach and complaining.

"Come on, sit here." Lin Yi casually pulled a chair.

"Put your hand out." Lin Yi looked very anxious.

"Are you making fun of me, ah?" After a while, Lin Yi smiled.

"This is your normal periodic response."

Seeing Lin Yi see through himself, Su ruoyao spit out his tongue. It looks very playful.

The girl must want to come to me, but she can't save face. That's why she thought of such a bad excuse. It's really difficult for her. Lin Yi couldn't help laughing.

"Lin Yi, you don't come to me these days. I have to... Have to..." Su ruoyao said, rubbing his clothes. Like a child who did something wrong.

"Well, there have been too many things recently. I can't leave." Lin Yi explained.

"Then why did you go to Lu Yiran's house yesterday?" All right! The girl watched her every move secretly.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi has a big head. Although he has good luck, how to deal with it has become a big problem.

As the saying goes, two tigers are not allowed in one mountain, not to mention more than one tiger. It seems that you have to learn the art of royal women well, otherwise you will be finished if you have more wives in the future.

At the thought of several women making noise at home every day, Lin Yi strengthened his idea.

"Lin Yi?" Su ruoyao shook his hand in front of Lin Yi.


"What's the matter? What are you thinking?

"No, nothing."

"It's nothing. It's nothing. What are you guilty of?"

Lin Yi feels very headache. Women are curious about what you are thinking. This is not the key. The key is that they can guess your inner thoughts.

"Lin Yi, shall we go out to play?"

"What about the hospital?" Lin Yi is a little embarrassed because he has gone out these days and left Han Ying to look after him alone. He is very sorry.

"Brother Yi, I'm fine. Go." Han Ying is always so considerate.

"Lin Yi, have you figured out what I asked you last time?"

"Alas, it's Lu Yiran's business."

"Ruo Yao, since I talked about her, I want to ask you why you don't like her so much. Has she ever done too much to you? It's unreasonable to blame her if she didn't make achievements last time."

"Hum! You haven't figured it out yet. I don't know what ecstasy she gave you, but I just don't like her."

"Have you ever thought that I like you and how much harm Yinger has suffered? She keeps letting me out to like you, so why can you accept her?"

"I..." Su ruoyao thought in his heart that how can I manage the people you like in front of you? If they don't embarrass me, I'll be fine, but Lu Yiran and she are together, so there is a competitive relationship and a rival in love.

"You know, ran Er didn't say anything that she couldn't want you, because she knew I loved her and I could love all the people who loved me, so she didn't care about my other women."

"Why can't you look a little more open?" Lin Yi asked.

"Lin Yi, I don't dislike you, and I don't care who you like. I just think if you love others, I'll get another point less. I hope you can understand that since you like Lu Yiran so much, I don't object. As long as you treat me well."

Su ruoyao thought for a long time before he said.

"Don't worry! I have the responsibility to protect all those who love me and those I love."




Lin Yi is so happy when he returns to Xuanfeng hall. Lu Yiran and Su ruoyao have finally come to an end. Although the two Nizi still quarrel as before, they don't have a lot of cigarette sales.

Lin Yi finally saw the dawn of peace.

"Come on, medicine can cure the disease! Don't miss it when you pass by." There were shouts outside.

"Hum, I'm so angry." Han Ying said angrily as soon as she entered the door.

"What's the matter? Who made Yinger angry?"

"Brother Yi, he's not a Jianghu doctor from outside. He blocked the door and said that your medical skills and Xuanfeng hall are vulnerable. Can you get rid of him?" Han Ying.

"Oh! That's really interesting. Come on, Ying'er, let's go out and have a look." Then he pulled Han Ying out.

As soon as he went out, a man with a goatee on his face was holding a broken flag, which read "Hua Tuo is alive". When Lin Yi saw it, he felt that the Taoist was bragging and could boast better than himself.

"Sir, I'm polite." Lin Yi said to the goatee man.

"Hey, hey! I heard that you are good at medicine, especially the five shadow needle. Why don't you compete?" Goat man obviously wants to win Lin Yi's reputation by defeating Lin Yi.

"OK, how to compete?"

"Let's compare them with needles. Let's go to the central hospital and choose two people who are seriously ill or seriously injured." Without waiting for Lin Yi to answer, he went straight to the central hospital. Because Lin Yi knew the doctors in the Central Hospital, it was natural for him to go with the wind and the water.

Lin Yi and goatee man each found a quiet ward.

Lin Yi chose a patient with heart disease, and the goat man disdained to use any means when he saw Lin Yi, so he also chose a patient with heart disease.

Heart disease is still difficult for Lin Yi, but it's really difficult.

Lin Yi looked at the peaceful patient and stuck a needle around the patient's heart. You should know that the heart is the source of everyone's life. The patient in front of him is caused by the insufficient metabolism of the heart, resulting in a large amount of waste stored in the heart that can not be discharged.

Lin Yi sealed all the blood vessels outside the heart, then took out a silver needle and stirred the blood from time to time. Strangely, the blood without the squeeze of the heart was like alive.

The nurses around were stunned. They had never seen a way to make blood flow without a heart. Lin Yi's way was amazing.

After Lin Yi poked the blood, he gently pricked the heart with a silver needle again, and then kept squeezing the heart with his hand. After a while, black blood appeared at the place where the needle was just injected.

"This is the waste of metabolism. Find something quickly." Lin Yi told the nurse.

When Lin Yi squeezed the black blood almost, with a slight hook of his finger, he saw that what had been stuck on the patient's body came out little by little.

On the other side, the goat beard man found several silver needles from nowhere. His hands flashed. Soon the patient was full of needles, and his heart beat was not only slower and weaker.

But just then, the goatee man gave another needle. After the needle was pierced, it seemed to have a chain reaction. The patient was full of bags. The goatee man was startled. He didn't expect this to happen.

Lin Yi waited outside for a long time. Seeing that the goatee man had not come out yet, he pushed the door and entered. What Lin Yi had just entered was a patient covered with bags.

"What happened? How did it happen?"

After that, Lin Yi quickly took out his silver needle. Because he was afraid that another second later, the patient's life would be in danger.

Just the moment Lin Yi's silver needle went in, the patient's bag burst. Then it exploded like a firecracker. Looking at this scene, Lin Yi couldn't stop it, because his ancient medicine hasn't reached the last step.

"Come on! Kill!" With a howl. Broke the silence in the air.

"What? Where did you kill?"

"Dr. Lin killed someone!" It was here that Lin Yi finally reacted that he had been framed.

"Are you plotting against me?" Lin Yi said to the goatee man.

"How can you call it a plot? Dr. Lin, you killed someone yourself, but I'm to blame. Besides, your silver needle is still in your hand, and the blood on it is not dry!"

"Ignore human life." At this moment, Lin Yi thought of.

"In order to deal with me, you should play with your life. It's worse than animals." Lin Yi roared.

"Hey, hey, hey... Dr. Lin, you'd better worry about you. You're dead this time." The goatee man had a sly smile on his face.

"Oh? Really?" Suddenly, when the goatee heard this sentence, he seemed a little unsure.

"Do you have any cards?"

"Just when you appeared at the door of Xuanfeng hall and shouted, I knew you were not that simple."

"Then you provoked me and let me compete with you."

"For the sake of reputation, I compared with you."

"But after I cured the patient, you haven't moved. I knew that if you wanted to deal with me, you would show your tail right away."

"Sure enough, I missed this link once and again."

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