"Poof!" Chen Wei's old blood almost didn't come out.

"Hey, hey." Lin Yi grinned foolishly when he saw that Chen Wei was amused by herself.

"Is Lin Yi really well this time? There are no sequelae or other diseases?" Chen Wei was worried and asked.

"Don't worry, it won't be a problem for me." Lin Yi confidently said to Chen Wei.

"Well, that's good. Thank you, Lin Yi. I've had enough of the pain over the years. It's suddenly better. It seems that I'm not used to listening." Chen Wei felt that she was healthy, light and comfortable.

"Alas! I don't know how you've come over these years. This disease usually doesn't last until you're 18. You've been suffering by yourself for so many years. It's really hard for you." Lin Yi also admired such a woman.

"What's the matter? I didn't have real friends from childhood. My family searched for famous doctors for me at the beginning, and then ignored them. I don't know whether I was lucky to live in such a family, but from the beginning to the end, I ignored a lot of human and worldly sophistication." Chen Wei said sadly.

"By the way, Lin Yi, thank you this time. Thank you for letting me see the hope of living." Chen Wei looked at Lin Yi and said sincerely.

"Don't be polite to me. We're friends, aren't we?" Lin Yi also said softly.

"Lin Yi, thank you really. You don't know that my disease has followed me since I was a child. I've had enough. I even gave up myself many times. You saved me from death, so how can I not thank you?" When Chen Wei said this, tears twinkled in Lin Yi's eyes.

"Well, isn't it all right?" Lin Yi looks at Chen Wei with pity.

"Lin Yi, wait. I'll make you a cup of coffee." Chen Wei got up and went to make coffee for Lin Yi.

"Lin Yi, you are so excellent and refuse to accept me. Since you deliberately keep a distance from me, you must be afraid that you can't control yourself, but you don't want me to be your woman, so I have to take the initiative and let me help us. Hei hei." When Chen Wei made coffee for Lin Yi again, she flashed such an idea, and then put the prepared aphrodisiac into her and Lin Yi's coffee.

"Come on, Lin Yi, the coffee is ready." Soon Chen Wei wrapped her apron and brought Lin Yi a cup of coffee.

"The girl looks good in this way." Lin Yi looks at Chen Wei and thinks.

"Gulu" just as Chen Wei put down her coffee, Lin Yi suddenly saw a piece of white flowers and kept shaking, which made Lin Yi dizzy.

"Lin Yi? Lin Yi? What's the matter with you? Why are you staring at me?" Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Chen Wei knew that her first step was a success.

"Ah? No? Nothing, ha ha!" Lin Yi scratched his head in embarrassment and said to Chen Wei with a red face.

"If you don't drink coffee again, it will be cold." Seeing Lin Yi patronizing and looking at herself, Chen Wei reminds Lin Yi.

"Gulu Gulu." As soon as Lin Yi heard this, he knew he was making a fool of himself. In order to cover up himself, he took two mouthfuls of coffee in front of him. Lin Yi didn't know whether it was sweet or bitter.

"Hey, Lin Yi, you can't escape my palm." When Chen Wei saw Lin Yi drink his own coffee, she felt a burst of pride. She also opened her jade lips and took a sip.

"Eh ~? What's wrong? Why do I feel so hot?" Lin Yi suddenly felt hot all over.

"Dr. Lin..." when Lin Yi was looking for the reason why he suddenly got hot, he suddenly heard Chen Wei shout.

As soon as Lin Yi looked up, he saw Chen Wei soft spread on the sofa. At this time, Chen Wei's lips were purple, her head was cold sweat, and her whole body was trembling.

"Chen Wei, what's the matter with you?" When Lin Yi sees Chen Wei like this, he knows that she is poisoned. Just when Lin Yi wants to feel Chen Wei's pulse, he suddenly feels that he is also soft and sweating.

"Is there a problem with this coffee?" Lin Yi knows the problem at once. He and Chen Wei have the same symptoms. It must be because he has done the same thing. So far, he has had a cup of coffee with Chen Wei. The problem must be in the coffee.

Lin Yi stirred the silver needle in the coffee bowl. He picked up the silver needle and put it in front of his eyes. He saw that the silver needle had blackened.

Knowing that it was food poisoning, Lin Yi also had countermeasures. Generally, food poisoning only needs to expel the toxin from the body, and the more serious one just needs to clean up the intestines.

Seeing Chen Wei in pain, Lin Yi quickly took out the silver needle and stabbed it at the acupoint on Chen Wei. However, in the process, Lin Yi's action did not have the speed of the past, because the poisoning made him unable to exert his whole body strength.

"Vomit" after a while, Chen Wei reacted. Suddenly she stood up and ran to the toilet to vomit, and Lin Yi also pricked two needles in her body.

Chen Wei's complexion also improved after she vomited toxic substances. When she came out, she found Lin Yizheng paralyzed on the sofa. Chen Wei knew that she had a chance.

Now that she has decided that her man is Lin Yi, Chen Wei has put down all her reserve. She goes to the edge of the sofa and pours on Lin Yi.

"Chen Wei! What do you want to do?" Lin Yi is suddenly frightened by Chen Wei's attack.

"Hey, Lin Yi, I like you. I want you to be my man. You saved my life. I'll give you money, and you don't want it. Since you're such a little girl, there's nothing to repay you. You can only promise me by example." Chen Wei felt funny when she saw Lin Yi frightened, so she joked to Lin Yi.

"Lin Yi, you can't be a man. Why are you indifferent to a beautiful woman like me? I have hinted at you so many times." Chen Wei further stimulated Lin Yidao.

"Hum!" Lin Yi's body was extremely sour and soft at this time, so he had to look at Chen Wei hard.

Chen Wei suddenly grabs Lin Yi's trouser head, which completely stimulates Lin Yi. Lin Yi is not good at stubble. All the beauties are sent to the door. She can't justify her indifference. Moreover, Chen Wei looks like she will never stop until she reaches her goal. It's better to be crisp.

After a lot of ups and downs, Lin Yi and Chen Wei lay sweating on the sofa.

"Brother Yi, I'm your woman now. You have to be responsible for me!" Chen Wei said rudely to Lin Yi.

"Vera, I've never seen a woman you take the initiative to push a man to!" Lin Yi joked.

"Hee hee, that's what brother Yi hasn't met before."

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