"Alas! The girl doesn't know what she thinks. She turned down the marriage I asked her for. Does she think I will hurt him?"

"My father must have considered each other's family and whether others treat her well, but she likes a boy from a remote place." It was Chen Wei's father, Chen Hua, who spoke. Standing next to her was her mother, Sun Yan.

"Well, brother Hua, don't be angry. It hurts you!" Sun Yan comforted Chen Huashun on one side.

"Oh! Forget it. Since she doesn't want to, I can't force her. She'll know later. Now we have to see Dr. Lin, who is full of praise from Wei'er." Chen Hua's tone of voice was a little gloomy.

He didn't expect that the marriage he had worked hard to arrange for his daughter was rejected by his daughter, but she found a wild boy who didn't know where he came from, which made him very angry. He took Lin Yi over to show off his skills to Lin Yi and let the Hick see if he could match the Chen family.

"Go away quickly. This is not a place for Hicks like you. Do you think you want to go in?" After Lin Yi shouted a few times, the housekeeper still wouldn't let him in and still stopped him outside the door.

"Don't look down on others. I'll tell you." Lin Yi is also a little angry. He has been waiting here for a long time, or he will enter by himself. If he doesn't let himself in, he can't even report.

"Boy, who are you scolding?" The housekeeper said he was going to roll up his sleeves and ask Lin Yi for trouble.

"Brother Yi, you finally came. You made me wait so hard!" At this time, Chen Wei trotted all the way.

"Uncle Cai, why didn't you tell me when brother Yi came? Didn't I tell you?" Chen Wei said to the housekeeper with a reproachful tone.

"Sure enough, sure enough, Weiwei said hello to everyone. Unexpectedly, she pretended to be crazy and stopped me at the door for so long." Lin Yi affirmed in his heart.

"Ah? Miss, did you tell me? Why don't I remember? Alas! I remember. Miss really said, I'm so confused. I blame me. I have a bad memory when I'm old. I'm really sorry! Dr. Lin." The uncle looked at Lin Yi with an apologetic face and said.

"Since it's not intentional, it's all right." Lin Yi said so, but he thought to himself that he was really an old fox. He left everything behind. He was so middle spirited with himself just now. Is he old now? Lin Yi couldn't help sneering.

"Alas ~, since uncle Cai forgot, forget it." Chen Wei is not a fool and guessed nine times out of ten, but Uncle CAI has admitted his mistake. Although he didn't say it clearly, he can blame him, can't he?

"Lin Yi, come on, let's go in!" Chen Wei said and took Lin Yi's hand into the Chen house.

"Lin Yi, I'll take you to see my parents. They are very well. At the beginning, my illness cost my family a lot of money, and others gave me up. Only my parents have never abandoned me." Chen Wei said that her parents were particularly happy and proud.

"That's for sure. Their children and parents certainly want their children to grow up healthily." Lin Yi also sighed.

He hasn't seen his parents since childhood. Master said he picked them up on his way home from the doctor. He saw the weather in the University and heard the child crying, so he found Lin Yi. Therefore, Lin Yi's concept of parents is very vague. If you really want to describe it, it's him and master!

Master doesn't have a son. He treats himself like a pro. He pulls himself up with a handful of excrement and urine, which also makes up for Lin Yi's lack of father and mother's love when he was young. Therefore, for Lin Yi, master is more a father.

The Chen family said it was big or small. Lin Yi followed Chen Wei and soon came to the living room. As soon as Lin Yi entered the door, he saw a pair of men and women sitting on the sofa. The men were wearing white shirts and inch heads, showing special spirit, while the women were wearing short skirts and white T-shirts, dressed in fashion.

"Lin Yi, this is my parents." Chen Wei happily pulls Lin Yi to the couple, but Chen Wei's father keeps looking down at the newspaper as if she can't see Lin Yi, while Chen Wei's mother is playing with her mobile phone as if she can't see Lin Yi.

"Mom and Dad, what's wrong with you? I'm talking to you." Seeing that her parents ignored her and looked at Lin Yi's embarrassed appearance, Chen Wei immediately knew a lot. They must be dissatisfied with the man they were looking for, so she put on airs.

"Ah? Vivi? What's up?" Said Sun Yan, Chen Wei's mother.

"Mom, have you forgotten? I told you I found a boyfriend myself. Here, it's him." Chen Wei then points to Lin Yi.

"He's awesome. My disease that hasn't been cured for many years was cured by him, and he's good at Kung Fu!" Chen Wei's eyebrows soared when she talked about Lin Yi, but Sun Yan didn't seem to hear it at all. She just looked down and played with her mobile phone.

"Listen to me!" Chen Wei was very embarrassed when she saw Lin Yi, and her parents ignored her, which made her angry.

"Ah! Weiwei, don't worry. Just say it. I'll listen to your father." Sun Yan comforted Chen Wei when she saw that Chen Wei was angry. Chen Hua also put down the newspaper.

"Hum! I know you are angry that I pushed off that marriage, but I have someone I like. I don't want to be forced. Can I be happy?" Chen Wei said with red eyes.

"Weiwei, don't cry. We didn't force you. If your father doesn't agree, he won't invite Lin Yi, will he?" Sun Yan said in a roundabout way.

Chen Hua sat there all the time without talking, and looked at Lin Yi directly.

"Well, Weiwei, let's go and cook! Let them two big men chat here." Seeing that Chen Wei was a little sad, Sun Yan took her to cook.

"Do you think you deserve my vivi?" When Sun Yan pulled Chen Wei away, Chen Hua suddenly said.

"What do you mean? Tell me about being a good match?" Lin Yi heard too much saying that he was not worthy of Chen Wei, and gradually became angry.

"This is your own opinion. Besides, Weiwei of our family has rich clothes and food since childhood. If you follow you, can you give her the life she wants?" Chen Hua also said impolitely.

"What is the life you want? Do you know what kind of life Weiwei wants?" Lin Yi's tone gradually became heavier.

"She's my daughter. Of course I know." Chen Hua looks like he knows everything.

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