"Young man, thank you very much. Thank you for letting me survive this old bone again." The second chief said weakly.

"Chief, you are welcome. You have worked hard for the whole country for most of your life. This is what I should do." Lin Yi said quickly.

Because Lin Yi cured the No. 2 leader, everyone was respectful to him. Some even gave Lin Yi gifts. These people thought of people with excellent medical skills like Lin Yi. It's right to ask him for something in advance. But Lin Yi refused them one by one. He didn't want to have too much relationship with these people.

After Lin Yi returned to Chen's house, Chen Hua told Sun Yan and Chen Wei what happened today. Chen Hua talked about how he worked hard to persuade people to let Lin Yi try. After Lin Yi cured the No. 2 leader, he gave Lin Yi all the credit.

Chen Hua's saliva splashed at the lecture, and Sun Yan and Chen Wei listened carefully below. Lin Yi didn't say a word, but just looked at it with a smile. Sun Yan takes a look at Lin Yi from time to time. When she hears Chen Hua talk about Lin Yi's ability, she gradually recognizes him and her son-in-law. After another look, Chen Wei feels that they are husband and wife.

"Hey! Have you seen today's news? Lin Yi is really good, chief officer No. 2

They all thought... Unexpectedly, they were saved by him. "

"Yes! Lin Yi is really powerful. It is said that he uses the 'shadowless needle technique' which has been lost in the Jianghu for a long time. After practicing it to great success, even the dead can rob the king of hell."

As soon as Lin Yi went out, he heard people talking about yesterday. He didn't know who told the media about it. The more they said, the more mysterious and bizarre they said. After Lin Yi returned to Chen's house last night, Chen's house was ready to cancel the free clinic at the door, but Lin Yi stopped it immediately. He still treated people at the gate on time every day.

In this way, the fact that Lin Yi cured the No. 2 leader, coupled with the promotion of uninformed personnel, Lin Yi has now become a well-known person in the capital.

"Lin Yi? It's very interesting. I didn't expect that 'shadowless acupuncture' would still be handed down. Xiao Tang, didn't we have a discussion on ancient medicine recently? We can call him too." In a luxurious office building, a middle-aged man, wearing a pair of thick glasses, stood in front of the glass window and said.

"Isn't that good? And it doesn't conform to the rules. After all, he's just a hairy boy. It may be him to cure the second chief. If you call him, I'm afraid..." Xiao Tang hesitated.

"Xiao Tang, how many times have I said that the first is the first. We blindly focus on qualifications and literary standards. We have fallen into this impasse. We have to break it, so we should inject fresh blood." Said the middle-aged man.


"Nothing, but you just need to do what I tell you." Xiao Tang wanted to raise an objection, but he was interrupted by a middle-aged man before he finished speaking.

"What? Let me attend the Symposium on ancient medicine?" Lin Yi had a free clinic at the gate of the Chen family. Chen Wei called him in and said that Chen Hua had something to find him.

"Yes, this is a national conference on ancient medicine. If you can get their approval, it shows that you are really capable." Chen Hua said with a red face.

"Should my medical skills be recognized by them before they can be regarded as ancient medical skills?" Lin Yi frowned and said.

"Yes, they are the authority of the medical profession. They say your method is useful and you are successful." Chen Hua said.

"I don't care about these false names. If they like it, let them earn it." Lin Yi never cared about this, so he didn't care about Tao.

"How about that? This time, the most powerful ancient dietitian in ancient medicine invited you by name. He has also helped many national leaders, so he must give face." Seeing that Lin Yi didn't care, Chen Hua immediately hurried.

"Oh? Ancient dietitians? Are there any now?" Lin Yi asked in surprise.

"Yes, of course. Master Zhang Haoran is an ancient dietitian handed down by his ancestors. He can be traced back to previous generations. He has been the 138th generation of heirs here." Chen Hua said admiringly.

"Cut, what's great? It's far from my 'shadowless needle technique'." Lin Yi doesn't say so, but he thinks so in his heart.

"All right! I'll see it." Lin Yi also made up his mind to have a look. Although he knows a lot, in some aspects, their ancestral traditions must be more comprehensive and learn from each other to make up for their shortcomings in order to go further.

"Welcome to the discussion conference on ancient medicine. This way, please."

After Lin Yi agreed to participate in the discussion meeting of ancient medicine, someone came to pick Lin Yi up the next day to participate in the discussion meeting of ancient medicine.

"This must be Dr. Lin Yilin?" As soon as Lin Yi entered the door, someone greeted him warmly.

"Are you?" Lin Yi asked.

"Ho ho! I'm Zhang Haoran, the initiator of this conference."

"Are you Zhang Haoran, Doctor Zhang?" Lin Yi asked.

"Yes, yes, it's just me. It's great that Dr. Lin can come this time. We can further study ancient medicine." Like a full-fledged archaeologist, Zhang Haoran always does research.

"Ha ha." Lin Yi smiled twice. In Lin Yi's opinion, what he hates most is these rigid old pedants.

"Now, let's start this discussion conference on ancient medicine." Zhang Haoran, as a famous authority of ancient medicine, certainly presided over the discussion of ancient medicine.

"Ancient medicine is a heritage and the soul of China. I hope you will speak enthusiastically."

Zhang Haoran played the role of the beginning. Everyone discussed and communicated with each other one by one, but basically they were some elderly people or several middle-aged people. Lin Yi was the only one in the young generation.

"Dr. Lin, tell me about it!" Zhang Haoran saw Lin Yi sitting motionless. He also wanted to see how capable the person who cured the No. 2 chief's disease was.

"Well, let me talk about ancient medicine. What is ancient medicine? We should also have a concept about it. Ancient medicine is the most primitive, purest and natural governance method in traditional Chinese medicine."

"It is to treat patients according to the requirements of the unity of heaven and man. What is the unity of heaven and man? That is, when we treat people's body, we comply with the body structure and do not destroy any tissue. There are no side effects after treatment."

"As we all know, our current traditional Chinese medicine is not pure traditional Chinese medicine. They are more or less contaminated with some western medicine treatment methods."

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