As Lin Yi's reputation spread, his wealth also rolled in. Every day, people trampled on the threshold of Xuanfeng hall. Lin Yi also felt that the current Xuanfeng hall was a little small and inconvenient for himself and his wives, so he bought two quadrangles in Shangdu.

"Hey! Ha! Hey!"

In the morning, the air is like dew among flowers. It is fragrant, sweet and intoxicating. Lin Yi followed his master since childhood and got up before dawn to practice martial arts every day.

During this period of time, he has been a lot lazy. He gets up very late every day. After attending the discussion conference on ancient medicine a few days ago, Lin Yi decided to get back to his original feeling and study and practice hard.

So when it was still dawn, he got up and poured a bucket of cold water from the top to the bottom, and then hit a wooden stake. Lin Yi knew that the body was the capital of the revolution, and he worked hard every time.

"Who? I've made soldiers jump so early." Qin chaoben thought he was tired recently. He should have a good rest. He had to lie in bed today. Unexpectedly, he was woken up early in the morning. He thought something might have fallen, but he didn't expect it to keep ringing.

The Qin Dynasty rubbed his eyes and looked at the place where the sound came from. "Hmm? No? Am I wrong? Hold grass, Shifu? Do you know martial arts?"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!..." Lin Yi was sweating in the courtyard, and every punch and palm hit the wooden man pile.

"Hmm? Is Shifu's fist technique like 'shadowless needling'?" The Qin Dynasty thought that his eyes were straight and almost didn't stare out. After a while, he immediately ran to Lin Yi and danced with Lin Yi. Because there was no foundation, the Qin Dynasty looked like a clumsy gorilla.

"Ah! Wow... Ha!"

The movements of the Qin Dynasty followed Lin Yi's example. When he heard Lin Yi's cry, he couldn't help shouting.

"Oh! Master, why did you kick me?" The Qin Dynasty looked at Lin Yi bitterly and frowned together.

"Kick you? It's still light to kick you. I'm practicing martial arts. What's your ghost calling?" Lin Yi's mood of practicing martial arts was completely destroyed by this guy.

"That, that master, I didn't learn from you! Ha ha..." the Qin Dynasty looked at Lin Yi with an embarrassed face.

"I......" Lin Yi also lost his language to this guy.

"Starting tomorrow, I will walk for an hour every morning."

"Master, please forgive me! I'm wrong."

"Do you still want to learn 'shadowless acupuncture'? Shut up if you want to learn it. I think that's how I practiced it." Seeing that the Qin Dynasty was still kicking his nose and face, Lin Yi said mercilessly to the Qin Dynasty.

"Learn, I learn, can't I learn? I will practice well, master." The Qin Dynasty heard what Lin Yi said was also reasonable, so he came forward and began to take a horse step now.

"Disciple, the body is the capital of revolution. The 'shadowless needling' is not as simple as you think. If it is so simple, it will not be reduced to the situation of being lost." A trace of loneliness flashed in Lin Yi's eyes.

"It seems that master is also a man with a story." When the Qin Dynasty saw Lin Yi's expression, it thought Lin Yi had a secret.

"Brother Yi! Why did you get up so early? Do you practice martial arts? It seems that brother Yi wants to find other sisters for me after practicing well? Hee hee!" At this time, Lin Yi was naked. The muscles on him were clearly defined and had a full sense of lines.

"Ying'er, don't make trouble! I'm not for the wives and adults at home. If you don't believe me, I'll let you experience the skills of being a husband." Lin Yi rushed forward with a bad smile and hugged Han Ying.

"Bah, bah, brother Yi, don't you see that the Qin Dynasty is still there? It's getting worse and worse." Han Ying looks at Lin Yi reproachfully.

"Hmm? Is anyone watching?" Lin Yi said and looked at the Qin Dynasty.

"Oh! My eyes hurt. Why can't I see anything? Master, master, where are you? Come and help me." When the Qin Dynasty saw Lin Yi winking at him, he immediately closed his eyes, pretended to be blind, and stumbled out of the yard all the way.

"Giggle! Brother Yi, you know how to bully the Qin Dynasty." Han Ying laughed at the appearance of the Qin Dynasty.

"Hey, hey, I'm not only bullying him, but also bullying you?" Lin Yi pounced on Han Ying like a hungry wolf.


"Tut tut Tut, really, Shifu is so awesome that he can do it anytime. But at least consider my feeling as an apprentice. No, I don't believe I can't find a wife with such an English face in the Qin Dynasty." When the Qin Dynasty came out of the yard, he complained about Lin Yi and finally became narcissistic. This is sometimes very similar to Lin Yi.

"Excuse me, miss, what's wrong?"

Qin Dynasty touched the hand of a 20-year-old girl and asked.

"Bah! You are a young lady. Your whole family are young ladies." The girl said she was a young lady when she saw the Qin Dynasty. Is that good?

"Well, well, I'm sorry, girl. The bad man is not sensible. Please forgive me. As an apology, there will be no charge for diagnosis and treatment this time." Seeing that the woman was really angry, Lin Yi came forward and said.

"Hum! That's about the same."

"I said, apprentice, what's the matter with you? Why have you been staring at those women these days?" Seeing that the Qin Dynasty was absent-minded all day, Lin Yi went forward and said.

The Qin Dynasty turned its head and looked at Lin Yi. "I want to find a wife."

Lin Yi was surprised at the answer of the Qin Dynasty. "Do you really want to find a wife quickly?"



"I don't want to be a light bulb in Xuanfeng hall. Master, it's good for you. It's often Shiniang who doesn't leave. What about me? Have you considered my feelings?" The Qin Dynasty looked at Lin Yi's eyes wet.

"You think you're just a light bulb in Xuanfeng hall? You're wrong. You're also a light bulb outside."

"Shifu, you... I'm really in trouble!" The Qin Dynasty was stimulated by Lin Yi to cry without tears.

"Brother Yi, isn't that good?" Han Ying came forward, grabbed Lin Yi's hand and said naively.

For Han Ying's question, Lin Yi only said six words, more stimulation and more progress.

"Vomit... Vomit, vomit..."

"What's the matter with you? Ying'er, what's wrong with you? Come on, give me your hand and I'll take a look for you." Lin Yi hurriedly pulled Han Ying's hand and began to diagnose.

"The pulse is as smooth as a bead, isn't it?" Lin Yi said and even smiled. He looked like a child.

"Ying'er, Ying'er, you're going to be a mother and I'm going to be a father." Lin Yi hugged Han Ying and couldn't hide his excitement in his eyes.

"What... What? I'm going to be a mother?" Han Ying stared at Lin Yi.

"Yes, you're going to be a mother, Ying'er. You're pregnant." Lin Yi said, his face flushed.

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