"The king asked me to patrol the mountain..." just as Lin Yi was waiting for it to get dark, the phone finally rang in anticipation.

"Dr. Lin, answer the phone so soon. Are you in a hurry? Hahaha..." a proud voice came from the other end of the phone. Lin Yi knew it was the voice of the man wearing a white mask.

"Come on, how can you let my wife go?" Lin Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with such people, so he asked directly.

"Dr. Lin, don't worry. What are you panicking about? The play last night was quite wonderful, but it disappointed me a little later, so I thought about today's script, and now I'm ready. I didn't expect you to be so anxious." Said the white masked man on the other end of the phone.

"I wonder how my wife is?" Lin Yi said in a cold voice.

"Oh! This, OK, bring it." The white masked man said jokingly.

There was a dull sound of "bang", and then Chen Wei's painful cry came from the other end of the phone.

"Stop it, you son of a bitch." Lin Yi hears Chen Wei's painful voice and yells at the phone.

"Ha ha... Dr. Lin, I don't know why. The more painful and sad I see you, the happier I am. I can't sleep when I'm happy!"

"Well, you also know whether you are dead or alive, so next, it's time for a good play." The words of the white mask man are like a machine without any emotion.

"Say, what should I do?" Lin Yi asked. In fact, in Lin Yi's heart, he wanted to break the man into pieces, but now he can't go too far. After all, Chen Wei is still in their hands.

"Well, it's still the old rule for us to play with excitement this time. After all, I don't want to end so early. Just one hour. In this hour, you need to climb 188 floors. I forgot to tell you an unfortunate news. The elevator has been suspended, so you have to climb with your feet."

"After climbing the top floor, there will be an ice room. Your wife is in this ice room. The cooling effect of the ice room will start ten minutes after you start climbing the floor. The time is only 50 minutes. That is to say, if you haven't arrived in an hour to save your wife, then the only thing to greet you is her frozen statue."

"From the time I sent you the address, Dr. Lin, don't let me down. It doesn't matter if I'm disappointed, but your wife can just... Ha ha..."

"Doodle doodle..."

The man in the white mask hung up. Soon Lin Yi received the message. As soon as he received the message, Lin Yi explained to Wang Qiang and drove to the place where the man in the white mask sent it.

"Come on! Come on!" Lin Yi drives the car halfway. Suddenly, there is a traffic jam on the road. Lin Yi is anxious in the car. Suddenly, he sees a motorcycle parked next to him. The man should be buying something. He walks to the small shop not far away without pulling out the key.

Lin Yi knows he can't drag any more, so he gets out of the car and closes the door. He gets on the motorcycle and runs away. There are bursts of shouting and swearing behind him. Lin Yi knows it must be the owner of the motorcycle without looking.

Lin Yi rode a motorcycle and soon arrived at the building. Lin Yi was so worried that he ran in. As soon as he saw that the elevator didn't work, Lin Yi found the stairs and climbed up crazily.

Since Lin Yi was soaked in medicine by his master since childhood, tasted all kinds of herbs and learned martial arts, he soon climbed to more than 30 floors. Lin Yi calculated the time and the delay on the road. It has been half an hour.

Lin Yi knows that he doesn't have much time for himself, and his life and death are all on him. Thinking of this, Lin Yi can't help but increase his pace.

When Lin Yi climbed to the 80th floor, his legs and feet were a little disobedient, but he still didn't slow down and still rushed up.

When we reached the 130th floor, our clothes were soaked with sweat, and we could squeeze water out. The water flowed on our face, and our eyes were almost unable to open.

"Hoo... Hoo..." when Lin Yi climbed to the 160th floor, he was weak, pale and cracked lips. He had no extra strength. At this time, there were eight minutes to go before an hour.

Lin Yi knows he can't give up. Even if he gives up his life, he wants to save Chen Wei. Lin Yi opens his silver needle package and takes out a larger silver needle from it. Lin Yi takes the silver needle and thinks about it, but he stabs it in his heart.

"Ah!!!" Lin Yi screamed in pain, so loud that the whole building could hear. Lin Yi was stimulating his remaining physical strength. The time could only last for ten minutes. After ten minutes, he would spread to the ground. After Lin Yi shouted, his eyes immediately turned red, and then rushed desperately.

Lin Yi finally climbs up when there is more than a minute left, but Lin Yi can't rest because Chen Wei is still locked in the ice room. Lin Yi must find Chen Wei before his physical strength is exhausted.

"Tiny, tiny, wait for me and I'll get you out right away." Lin Yi finds the ice room, but finds a lock outside.

Lin Yi looked around. There was nothing to break the lock, so he rushed to the stairwell, smashed the glass of the fire box with his hand, took out the axe from inside, and Lin Yi hurried to the door of the ice chamber and smashed it.

The lock was finally opened in Lin Yi's madness. Lin Yi dragged his tired body and opened the door of the ice room.

"Tiny, I'm coming." Lin Yi shouted after entering the ice room.

"Tiny, tiny, where are you? Tiny." Lin Yi doesn't find Chen Wei, so he gets flustered.

Looking around, Lin Yi finally finds something on the table in the middle of the ice room. Lin Yi walks in and looks at it. It's a laptop.

"Oh! Dr. Lin, it's on time." As soon as Lin Yi turned on the computer, the figure of the man wearing a white mask appeared in the picture.

"Where's Pico? Where's my wife?" Lin Yi said with wide eyes.

"Dr. Lin, I forgot to tell you that your wife is not there at all. Here she is!" The white masked man removes his figure. At this time, Lin Yi sees Chen Wei. Chen Wei is tied to a chair and her mouth is sealed by a belt. When she sees Lin Yi, she runs hard to the rope on her body and wants to say something to Lin Yi, but the least tape makes her unable to open her mouth.

"Weiwei, Weiwei, wait for me, I will save you." Lin Yi said to Chen Wei before throwing down the computer.

"Tut tut tut... It's really moving. Your wife and I just watched your performance. She was very satisfied. It was a surprise to cry."

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