"Dr. Lin, I've been thinking about this game for more than a week. You can't disappoint me. If you disappoint me, I'll make you despair. Ha ha......" the white masked man doesn't know what grudges he has with Lin Yi. He tries to think about how to get rid of Lin Yi.

"Dr. Lin, I didn't know how to play this time, but your stupid brother came to the door and I immediately had an idea."

"I thought of a script. I'll lock your brother and your wife together. This time, the task is a little difficult. I'll give you three hours. How about I'm very generous?"

"In three hours, I'll give your brother aphrodisiac. Think about it. What would you do if your brother slept your wife? Ha ha... Cough." The white masked man was so sad and crazy that he came up with such an inhuman practice that he coughed with laughter.

"Isn't it wonderful? Do you think this game is fun? Oh! By the way, I haven't told you how to play the game!"

"You are an animal, and only you can think of a way that is inferior to an animal." Lin Yi's eyes turned red when he heard the white faced man's words. He said gnashing his teeth.

"Ha ha... Thank you, Dr. Lin. it's not easy to get Dr. Lin's praise." The white masked man took Lin Yi's scolding him as a compliment.

"This time, I'll lock up your waste wood brother and your wife by the sea. If you haven't arrived there at the high tide, your wife and your waste wood brother will be drowned, and the foreplay was to give your waste wood brother aphrodisiac."

"I'll calculate the time for you. If you're fast enough, you should be able to arrive in four hours. In three hours, that is, when you fill the waste material, the tide will rise in three and a half hours. Therefore, Dr. Lin, you have to hurry up. At the same time, you have to pray that your waste material brother can stand it. I'm still very compassionate. The measurement is not much, just 100 ml."

"How do I know if you locked my wife and brother there?" Lin Yi knows that he can't ask others, otherwise Chen Wei and Wang Qiang will suffer more. Lin Yi is still terrified at the thought of being corrected last time.

"Now what can you do except trust me? Do you have any other choice?" The white masked man laughed.

"How can I find them?" Lin Yi asked.

"This? HMM... I'll give you the address. You have to speed up, because time doesn't wait. Let me see if Dr. Lin can pass the time this time. I'm really looking forward to it! The good play is about to begin, ha ha..."

"Doodle doodle..." the white masked man said and hung up the phone.

"Florence beach? Where is this? Do you know, Mr. Sun?" After a while, Lin Yi received a message from a white faced man on his mobile phone, so he asked sun buyue.

"I don't know. Ask someone else!" Sun buyue looked worried.

"And you? You know what?" Lin Yi turns around and asks Han Yingling Qian.

"We don't know. Just now we checked the map. There's nothing on the map." Ling Qian replied.

"What should I do? It's too late?" As time went by, Lin Yi could only worry.

"Are you going to Florence beach?" When Lin Yi was in a hurry, a dark man appeared at the door of Xuanfeng hall.

"How do you know? Do you know where firens beach is?" Lin Yi is curious about the man who suddenly appears.

"You don't have to worry. I know where firens beach is. I've been there before. Someone gave me a sum of money to take you there." Said the man.

"It must be the white masked man who was afraid that I couldn't find the way, so he didn't have to play, so he asked someone to be my guide." Lin Yi immediately thought that this must have something to do with white faced people.

"OK, let's start now. Ying'er should remember what I told you. If I'm not here, I'll temporarily close Xuanfeng hall and take care of myself. I'll go." Lin Yi looked back at Han Ying and said.

"I know. Brother Yi, don't worry. It's all right. We must bring sister Weiwei back this time." Han Ying looked at Lin Yi and said painfully that her man was in danger, but she couldn't help even a little. Han Ying was not happy.

"I'm leaving." Lin Yi then took the guide out of the gate of Xuanfeng hall without looking back, leaving several women with a worried face to watch Lin Yi go away.

"Do you know the nearest way to the firens beach? I'm afraid it's too late." As soon as Lin Yi got on the bus, he said to the guide.

"I know, but it may be troublesome." The guide said anxiously.

"I can't care so much. Just show me the way and leave the rest to me." Lin Yi then started the car.

"Can you slow down, sir? I can't stand it." The guide was startled by Lin Yi's driving speed. At first, Lin Yi's speed was not very fast, but Lin Yi saw that more than an hour had passed. He was afraid that there was not enough time, so he stepped up the accelerator.

"It's all right. Throw up if you want!" Lin Yi can't care so much anymore. He just speeds up desperately.

"Sir, I think we'll be in trouble soon." Then the guide suddenly said.

"Trouble? What trouble?" Lin Yi didn't understand.

"When we passed by the police station just now, we were seriously speeding. Maybe there will be a lot of police cars behind us in a while." Just now Lin Yi just drove and didn't pay so much attention, but he didn't want him to seriously overspeed from the door of the police station. This behavior was a provocative police station. Sure enough, he followed several police cars after a while.

"It's troublesome." Lin Yi said.

"Sir, look, there's a police car ahead. Why don't we pull over?" The guide was also frightened.

"No, Weiwei and Wang Qiang are still waiting for me to save them!" Lin Yi stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the police car.

"You know, you won't take this business." The guide grabbed the seat tightly and said.

"How far is it from here to Florence beach?" Lin Yi asked.

"I figured it out. It's about two hours away from Phelans beach." The guide pulled the wrench and said.

"No, it's too late. Think again. Is there any other way?" Lin Yi asked.

"Oh! Yes, if we walk on the railway track, it will be much closer, but if a train comes, it will be very dangerous because the railway track is too narrow." The guide thought for a long time and said.

"Well, let's go there." Lin Yi said without thinking.

"Ah? Why should I tell you this?" The guide just talked casually. Unexpectedly, Lin Yi agreed and immediately regretted slapping himself.

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