"What did you say ACC? ACC? Are you sure you're right?" Lin Yi was as excited as if he had grasped the straw.

"At that time, I was not very conscious. I might have heard wrong. Brother, I'm really sorry." Wang Qiang scolded himself.

"If it's ACC, does it have anything to do with the Cheng family? But the Cheng family doesn't have such a crazy person. Cheng Feng is a soft egg. He sold his father-in-law clean. Is it Cheng ye? But Cheng Ye was abandoned by me and became a eunuch. He is also a kind of person who bullies soft and fears hard. He certainly can't do such a thing. Is it Zhou Wen? But Bai The masked man is a man. What am I thinking? " Lin Yi could not help shaking his head and said with a wry smile.

"It seems that he is really frightened by white faced people. Otherwise, why can even women think of it." Lin Yi smiled.

"ACC is the largest international gun trafficking organization. Last time I stopped them from entering China and destroyed one of their dens. They must have a grudge against me and will find a way to kill me." Lin Yi recalled that he had destroyed the ACC transaction. At that time, he knew there would be today, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Since the last incident, no white faced people have appeared for two months. They seem to have disappeared out of thin air, and Lin Yi can have a few days of leisure.

"Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin." It was late that day. Lin Yi was about to close the door. Suddenly, a car stopped at the door of Xuanfeng hall. A man came down. Because the light was too dark, Lin Yi couldn't see clearly. When the man approached, Lin Yi found that it was Zheng Qing.

"Zheng Qing? It's so late. Why are you here?" Lin Yi and Zheng Qing started this Xuanfeng hall together at the beginning. Originally, Lin Yi would not let Zheng Qing give a share of money, but Zheng Qing insisted on sticking in. As a result, Zheng Qing took a small share in Xuanfeng hall, but he was happy.

"Dr. Lin, I'm really sorry to disturb you so late, but my brother is ill and seriously ill. I didn't intend to trouble you at first, but the doctors asked said no, I couldn't help it. Finally, I thought of you, so..." that's how people are. They have to try all the things they think are formal before they can consider others.

"Then go." Lin Yi didn't care so much. At the beginning, he took his whole family to country F. Zheng Qing took him in and took the initiative to find a face for himself. This kindness has to be paid back.

Lin Yi has been in F country for more than half a year, "well... Dr. Lin, for the sake of your friendship with me, can you help me save him? After all, he is no longer ignorant and incompetent. It's all my brother." Zheng Qing is not an unreasonable person. You molested his wife, but he had to come back to save you. I can't think about it, so Zheng Qing had to pay back with his own favor. After all, the man lying in bed is his own brother.

"I can save him, but if I save him, Xuanfeng hall and I have nothing to do with you from now on. If you agree, I will save him immediately." Lin Yi is not a kind person. For those who can't get along with themselves, there's no need to give each other face.

"OK! As long as you save him, I don't want the shares of Xuanfeng hall, but Dr. Lin is between us..." Zheng Qing is a businessman after all. He can treat everything as a business. After weighing the pros and cons, he looks like he reluctantly gives up his love. He still doesn't want to have this friendship with Lin Yi, but others say it, We can only go one step at a time.

"This is my bottom line. I hope you can understand." Lin Yi sighed and said.

"I see. You save him." When Zheng Qing heard Lin Yi's words, he also knew that it was impossible to have anything to do with Lin Yi. Who told him to have a brother who didn't earn gas, so he bit his teeth and said.

"You have a good brother." Lin Yi walked up to Zheng Zhang and said that Zheng Zhang was in a coma. He didn't know if he heard what Lin Yi said.

"You all go out. I'll call you when it's over." Lin Yi said to the crowd.

Finally, under Zheng Qing's words, they walked out of the room one after another.

"Although you are impolite to my wife, I can't be unjust. I will do what I promised your brother. You should also be glad that you have a good brother." Lin Yi, regardless of whether Zheng Zhang heard it or not, said these words to him, then opened his cloth bag, took out the silver needle and began to treat Zheng Zhang.

"It's you? How could it be you?" When Lin Yi was treating Zheng Zhang, Zheng Zhang suddenly woke up and watched Lin Yi prick a needle in his body. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't lift a trace of strength.

"I advise you to lie down. If you move around and stab the wrong one later, you'll be useless." Lin Yi said coldly.

"Why did you save me?" Zheng Zhang said somewhat puzzled.

"It's thanks to your good brother. Your brother is kind to me, so he begged me. I can't ignore it. That's why I saved you." Lin Yi said slowly.

"What? My brother? He asked you to save me?" Zheng Zhang was a little incredulous and asked, because his parents only loved his brother when they were young and had been laissez faire to his little son, which led to Zheng Zhang's extreme personality.

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