Seeing that no one had come, Lin Yi found a corner that was not easy to be found and hid. Lin Yi waited for a long time. He was about to fall asleep. It was evening when he woke up. Lin Yi was hungry and shouted. Just when he suspected whether Wang Qiang had made a mistake, Lin Yi finally heard his long-awaited voice in the cabin.

"Brother, this time we're a big man. I didn't expect that the well-known ACC organization would become enemies with Lin Yi. God helps brother!"

"Hum! How could ACC get angry with Lin Yi? It's just the one who gets angry with Lin Yi. If ACC gets angry with Lin Yi, I believe Lin Yi can't see the sun tomorrow."

Lin Yi heard it clearly in the corner. The source of the sound was Ma Wu who was released by himself. At the same time, Lin Yi also thought that if he really became enemies with ACC, he believed that he would have to finish it. It's no better than China here. Foreign countries have no security of China at all.

"Ma Wu, and the white faced man, let's finish it together today." Lin Yi hid in the corner and sneered. In order to prevent emergencies, Lin Yi specially prepared many silver needles so that none of the people here today could escape.

"They'll be here in a minute. Go and prepare. Don't let others think we're neglecting." Ma Wu ordered the people in his hand to be busy.

Lin Yi was waiting impatiently when suddenly a voice came from outside: "big brother, they are here."

After hearing this, Lin Yi suddenly lost sleep and fatigue. The whole person felt very excited and quietly showed his two eyes and looked at it quietly.

Lin Yi stared at the door to see if it was a white mask.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!" There was a sound of footsteps outside. When Lin Yi heard it, he was as excited as stepping on his heart. Sure enough, he didn't disappoint Lin Yi. The white masked man who was hated by Lin Yi opened the door and came in.

Ma Wu saw the white faced man and went forward to compliment him. "Ah ah, white faced Yan Jun, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Yes!" The white masked man nodded slightly, then went straight to the upper seat and sat down.

"Listen to the people under your hand say you have a grudge against that Lin Yi?" The white masked man didn't talk nonsense. He asked as soon as he came.

"Yes! That man is my brother-in-law. After I told him that I had a feud with Lin Yi, he told me that Yan Jun, you have to deal with him, so I asked him... Ha ha!" Ma Wu said with a smile.

After a while, the white masked man slowly opened his mouth and said, "what hatred do you have with him?"

Ma Wu immediately put on a bitter gourd face, Pretending to be pathetic, he said: "Yan Jun, you know we do this. I went to collect the membership fee from him that day. Unexpectedly, he didn't give it, so I said to give it again when you had it. Unexpectedly, he said he wouldn't give it and told me to go away, so I asked my little brother to beat him. Unexpectedly, he could use concealed weapons. As a result, my poor little brothers were made miserable."

"To tell you the truth, I don't want to hear this add fuel and vinegar. I know who you are and who Lin Yi is. If you lie to me again, I don't mind chopping you and feeding you to the fish." Ma Wuben wanted to make it up, but he didn't expect to be seen through so soon. He also knew from his brother-in-law why this white faced man was called white faced Yan Jun, because he was moody, killed people and did some abnormal things.

Ma Wu didn't dare to hide any more. He told the white masked man everything. "Yan Jun, this is simply hitting you in the face!" Ma Wu thought that you wouldn't let me add fuel and vinegar, but didn't let me stop fanning the flames. Ma Wu was still happy when he finished. He was happy for his intelligence, so he could kill with a knife.

The white masked man listened to Ma Wu's words and despised Ma Wu in his heart. "Hum! It seems that you are not a good bird, but I admire you very much. One finger will be cut if you say it."

Ma Wu listened to the white faced man's words. He felt that the white masked man was praising himself. He was also happy.

"Yan Jun, look what you said. A finger is a fart compared with a life."

However, in the white masked man's mind, he really thinks that Ma Wu is a wall grass and a mad dog. Although I'm crazy, I'm not as cheap as him. If I can make good use of it, I'm also a capable assistant, but I can't trust him too much. I'll give it to you when such people are not sure, Thinking of the white mask, he said, "Ma Wu, you are a talent, and I admire you very much. Since you have a grudge against Lin Yi, there is a saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. From today on, you are my man. Let's kill Lin Yi together."

"Yan Jun flattered me. If you have anything to do, I'll take care of it." Ma Wu held his fist at the white masked man. The white masked man laughed at Ma Wu's happy appearance. He was really thinking, this fool, wait to be shot by me.

Ma Wu is not a good stubble. He is really thinking about whether it is right or wrong to cooperate with the so-called Yan Jun in front of him. According to his moody character, it will be difficult for the brothers in the future, but he feels uneasy in his heart. This uneasiness has saved himself many times. He silently chooses to stay away from Yan Jun.

"In that case, Ma Wu, you will be my brother in the future. As for Lin Yi's business is not urgent, don't do it without authorization. I have my plan. I'll give it to you to take revenge after I kill him." The white masked man said that it was extremely cold at last. Ma Wu on one side could feel the murderous spirit when the white masked man said Lin Yi. He was also secretly glad to have such a partner.

Lin Yi hides in the corner and doesn't move. The white masked man and Ma Wu don't find Lin Yi hiding nearby at all. Lin Yi is trying to find an opportunity. There are too many people here. If Lin Yi can't solve it at one time, it will be a big trouble. Therefore, Lin Yi doesn't act rashly. Everything is waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to deal with everyone.

"Yan Jun, why do you hate Lin Yi so much and want to play with him at all costs?" Ma Wu looked at the white mask and seemed to hate Lin Yi as much as he did, so he asked.

"Hum! Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, or you will die." The white masked man changed his face when he heard Ma Wu's words, and said in a cold voice.

When Ma Wu heard this, he was in a cold sweat and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, Yan Jun, I just can't control my mouth. I should fight, I should fight." Then he began to slap himself in the face.

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