Several women looked at Lin Yi's black line, covered their mouths and snickered.

In Lin Yi's heart, such a person is indeed a great evil. He has hands and feet and even does such immoral things.

A man should be diligent, not lazy.

Lin Yi is secretly proud in his heart. He shows off in front of his wives, and suddenly thinks of Han Ying's voice.

"Brother Yi, you don't know that many vendors nearby have been hurt by these three people."

"As soon as I opened the door this morning, I carried it in. I thought it was something! Then I cried in the lobby."

Lin Yi knows that these people have fully mastered people's fear of things, so they can succeed many times.

"Excuse me, is Lin Yi from Xuanfeng hall there?"

Lin Yi was chatting with several women when a timid voice suddenly appeared outside the door.

Lin Yi looked at the door and saw a blonde girl, about 20 years old, wearing a broken flower dress, with a big ponytail on her head and a handbag in her hand. At the moment, she was lowering her head and dared not look up.

When Lin Yi saw the girl, he felt that the girl was as lovely as a doll.

Looking at the girl with her head down, Lin Yi felt funny. Lin Yi stepped forward and whispered. "I'm Lin Yi. What can I do for you?"

Lin Yi's appearance fell into the eyes of several women. The women were immediately jealous, and Chen Wei said bitterly. "Sister Ying, brother Yi can't walk when he sees a beautiful girl, and his voice is very sweet."

"Yes, brother Yi met a beautiful girl. He didn't even look at us."

Although the women were jealous and spoke softly, the voice was obviously aimed at Lin Yi, and it was just enough for Lin Yi to hear.

Lin Yi's face turned green when he heard it. He didn't know when he offended several women.

After hearing Lin Yi's words, the girl looked up shyly. When Lin Yi saw the girl's face, she was surprised and speechless. The girl had a very delicate face, like a ceramic doll.

"I, I am a student of medical school. I heard that your medical skills are very good and represent the ancient Chinese medical skills. I need to make a medical report this time. I don't understand many problems, so

”The girl's voice was as clear as the cry of Oriole Birds. It sounded very good.

"Oh! By the way! My name is Lucy. Nice to meet you." The girl named Lucy stretched out a hand and looked at Lin Yi with a smile. Her eyes looked like a crescent moon.

Lin Yi was stunned when he heard Lucy's words. Looking at the white hand, he still stretched out his hand. "Nice to meet you. Just ask me if you have any questions."

Lucy heard that Lin Yi promised herself. She jumped three feet with joy and ran over to hold Lin Yi. Lin Yi was startled.

"Can you let me go?" Lin Yi smelled the fragrance of Lucy and wanted to enjoy it more, but looking at the poor eyes of the women next to him, he had to say with pain.

When Lucy heard what Lin Yi said, she reacted and found herself holding Lin Yi. Her little face turned red and quickly released her hand.

Lucy looked at the poor eyes of the women next to her, retreated a few steps, put her hands on her chest, and her two fingers turned back and forth.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. I'm just too happy." Lucy said with a red face.

Lin Yi looked at Lucy's shy appearance and knew that the little girl had no heart.

Lin Yi looked at Lucy like a beautiful girl and said with her mouth tilted. "It's okay. Just tell me if you have any problems. I'll tell you everything I know."

Lucy felt warm when she saw Lin Yi's appearance as a big brother next door, and then took out her book and pen from her carry on bag. She was as serious as she could be.

Because it is summer and there are few patients at noon, Lucy can also ask Lin Yi questions. Every time she asks a question, Lucy will look at Lin Yi eagerly, just like a scholar eager for talents.

And Lin Yi will also explain Lucy's problems seriously. Some problems are very tricky. Lin Yi will tell Lucy after thinking about them, and Lucy is also like getting something.

Until later, Lucy kept calling master Lin Yi. According to her, Lin Yi told her so much, just like master.

In the afternoon, there were more and more patients. Lucy watched quietly. At noon, Lin Yi just understood something and couldn't understand deeply.

In the afternoon, when Lin Yi performed "shadowless needling" in front of Lucy, she was really stunned. Looking at Lin Yi's speed and success, she couldn't see clearly. Lucy's small mouth was wide enough to plug the next egg.

"Master, what kind of needle is this?"

Lucy reacted and asked curiously. She had never seen such a magical acupuncture method. Just a few silver needles could make these patients live one by one,

Instead of turning his head away, Lin Yi seriously treated the patient, then opened his mouth to Lucy and said, "I use the ancient Chinese medicine, which is the top of acupuncture and moxibustion and can cure all kinds of diseases."

Lucy's eyes lit up when she heard Lin Yi's words. Lin Yi was very angry at the hot eyes.

"Master, so powerful? Can you teach me?" Lucy looked at Lin Yi pitifully.

Lin Yi looked at Lucy's pathetic appearance and felt funny.

"It's not that I don't teach you, but that the school has training and passes on men rather than women." Lin Zhengfeng told Lin Yi many times that "shadowless needling" can only be passed on to Chinese people, and that he should have a pure mind, because after all, it is a Chinese medical treasure, so Lin Yi thought about it, half joking and half seriously.

When Lucy heard Lin Yi's words, she knew that it was impossible to learn shadowless needling. Suddenly, she was lost and hung her head.

Lin Yi is seeing a patient and doesn't notice the change of Lucy. Lucy came out of her loss for a long time.

Shifu looked good when he saw a doctor. How serious he looked. His eyes were full of softness, like looking at a lover.

Lucy looked up and saw Lin Yi's treatment. She was crazy. She stayed aside without saying a word and looked at Lin Yi quietly.

Han Ying's women also noticed something wrong with Lucy at this time. Looking at another woman staring at her man, no one would be happy.

"Sister Ying, this girl doesn't like brother Yi, does she?" Ling Qian suddenly said.

Han Ying looks at Lin Yi thoughtfully and Lucy stares at Lin Yi. She also has some dissatisfaction. Although she can accept that Lin Yi has many women, she is dissatisfied with the girls who have no definite relationship with Lin Yi.

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