Under the "hostage" of the women, Lin Yi finally came to the place where the medical conference was held.

Bruce medical school academic hall.

As soon as Lin Yi arrived at the entrance of the academic hall, he saw an acquaintance. The man came running with a gust of fragrance. Lin Yi found that it was Lucy when someone approached.

Lucy is wearing a sky blue dress with her blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks like a princess. She is sacred and inviolable.

When she got closer, she slowed down. When she saw the four women around Lin Yi, she was really amazed. Looking at the four women's bad eyes, Lucy could only be embarrassed there.

Lin Yi was very embarrassed in the middle, but he couldn't say anything. He watched the atmosphere between the women get more and more uncontrollable.

Lin Yi looked at the time and found that the time was coming, so he had to harden his head and come forward with a weak voice and said, "the time is coming."

"Shut up!"

After hearing Lin Yi's words, several women said in unison, including Lucy.

Lin Yi had to give up, so he had to withdraw from the battlefield slowly.

Lin Yi just quit the battlefield. When several women saw that the center of the battlefield was gone, they had to stop and follow Lin Yishen behind.

"Hi, ladies, it's really nice to meet you. It's fate to meet you. Since you are so lucky, can you give us a light and have dinner together in the evening?"

Just as Lin Yi was about to enter the hall, he heard a voice coming from behind. Lin Yi turned back to his hair and found several women. I don't know when a young man in a suit and shoes appeared. At the moment, he was standing straight in front of several women, talking gracefully and generous. It seemed that he knew it was a big family.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you my name. I'm really sorry. My name is Jess. Here's my business card."

The young man named Jess gracefully took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Han Ying, because Han Ying was in front of several women. At a glance, he knew it was the eldest sister.

Han Ying looked at the contents printed on the business card and exclaimed, "Jess, vice president of the Medical Association of F country?"

Jess was very satisfied when he saw Han Ying's performance. He thought he was going to have good luck this time. Looking at the enchanting bodies of several women, Jess splashed light in his eyes and turned up a evil smile at the corners of his mouth.

Lin Yi is not far away. Looking back, he sees Jess talking to several women. Lin Yi doesn't care. After all, one more friend and one more way out, so Lin Yi doesn't stop it.

However, when he saw Jess's evil smile inadvertently, Lin Yi's heart "clattered" and immediately knew that things were not so simple.

Lin Yi quickly stepped forward, stood in front of Jess, and then said to several women, "wives, it's too late. Let's go in quickly."

Jess looked at the figure suddenly appeared in front of him and thought it was the suitor of these women. He frowned slightly, and then remained elegant and smiled.

But when he heard Lin Yi's words, he was no longer so calm. The sunny smile disappeared and replaced by a gloomy face.

"What are you talking about, boy?" Jess said this sentence almost gnashing his teeth.

Lin Yi just turned around and looked at Jess as if he hadn't noticed such a person here at all.

Lin Yi's move completely angered Jess. His expression changed again and again, but he resisted his impulse in order to have a good image in front of several women.

Lin Yi looked at Jess and said, "I said they are all my wives!"

"Ha ha! I, Jess, have never seen such a brazen man before. I'm really laughing to death. I'm afraid it's just your wishful thinking."

Lin Yi's sentence completely made Jess calm. He had never seen such a thick skinned person. He said that these beautiful women were his wives. He really didn't know heaven and earth.

Jess seems to have seen Lin Yi rejected by several women. Compared with himself, he knows which is higher or lower. He is as elegant as a prince. He can't match these beautiful women any more. On the contrary, Lin Yi is just a hick in addition to being good-looking.

Lin Yi looked at Jess and didn't speak. He went straight to Han Ying and was going to pull Han Ying's hand. Jess's heart almost jumped to his throat when he saw this scene, and then the ending made him relieved.

It turned out that when Lin Yi was going to pull Han Ying's hand, Han Ying was unhappy because of the school storm. Seeing Lin Yi begging for nothing, she had to pull her hand. She thought that she didn't pull herself just now. Now there's no way to pull her hand.

So Jess saw the next scene. Lin Yi went to pull Han Ying's hand. As a result, he withdrew his hand directly, and then looked at Lin Yi proudly.

When Jess saw this scene, he was so happy that his heart almost flew out. He thought that the toad really wanted to eat swan meat. He would stage a hero to save the United States today. Maybe it would be possible for these beautiful women to make a living at that time.

So Jess seemed to have enough reason. He stepped forward a few steps, stretched out his hand, pointed to Lin Yi and said, "boy, don't be too thick skinned. If others don't like you, don't force you any more. Don't have the idea that toads eat swan meat." After that, I was still wondering if several women would give him extra points in my heart.

Lin Yi looks at Han Ying's proud expression and knows that he is really guilty and can't live. Lin Yi reluctantly shakes his head, and then suddenly looks up at Jess's expression. Jess is also startled by Lin Yi's sudden change.

Jess found himself startled by Lin Yi and lost face, so he cheered himself up and came forward to find Lin Yi's theory.

"Boy, what are you looking at? It's clear that other girls don't know you. You have the cheek to pull other people's hands. A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water." Jess always felt a little bad after he finished at one breath.

Lin Yi's eyes became worse and worse after hearing Jess's words. Jess couldn't help swallowing.

Kaka, Kaka

Lin Yi pinches his fingers and clicks, and then walks slowly to Jess. Jess looks at Lin Yi and retreats unconsciously.

"You... What do you want to do?"

Hey, hey

Lin Yi smiled, but the smile seemed more terrible than anything in Jess's eyes.

"What do I want to do? What do you say? What do you say I want to do?" Jess could not bear to molest his wife in public.

Lin Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense. Without saying a word, he directly punched Jess in the eye. Suddenly Jess had a panda eye mixed with some blood and looked miserable.

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