Jess looked at Lin Yi's technique on the big screen, looked at Lin Yi jealously, and hated Lin Yi even more in his heart.

Ha ha ha

Dean Harry laughed after seeing Lin Yi's stitches, and his heart was more shocked. Such a young man had such amazing stitches, and Dean Harry also yearned for China.

"Lin Xiaoyou, do you have a name for this acupuncture?" Dean Harry asked excitedly, the voice lines trembling a little.

"Shadowless acupuncture!"

"'shadowless needling 'is almost shadowless. It really deserves its name!" Harry couldn't help admiring, and everyone nodded.

In the crowd's admiration, the little white mouse with a silver needle suddenly shook, and then slowly began to move. Lin Yi quickly pulled out the silver needle.

Before long, the mouse returned to its former appearance and no longer hit the glass plate.

The people were even more surprised. If they were surprised by Lin Yi's rapid technique before, this time they were surprised by the efficacy of Lin Yi's acupuncture.

Fast speed, accurate injection and high curative effect.

This is what everyone summed up for Lin Yi's acupuncture from their heart.

About two hours after Lin Yi's treatment, other contestants also completed the content of the competition. Finally, only 50 of the 200 contestants were promoted, which also shows the cruelty of the competition.

Most of the failed mice were killed before the treatment began. Some people died because of improper drug use. These are unqualified and not partial.

As the time has come to noon, the game has been suspended, and many people can adjust their mentality. In the face of the game in the afternoon, one person can't stop at all.

This man is Lin Yi.

After the competition in the morning, Lin Yi took the girls to the restaurant specially set up for the competition. Before Lin Yi entered the restaurant, he was followed by a large group of people, all of whom came to curry favor with or make friends with Lin Yi, because they couldn't rest for a long time.

Some people are from hospitals or clinics, and others have been practicing medicine for generations. They have a large family. Without exception, they tell their families or hospitals what happened in the morning. The answer is to win over this person at any cost, even if they can't win over.

In this way, Lin Yi seems to follow a large army behind him. Wherever Lin Yi goes, this group of people will follow him. Some people and even some celebrities choose to follow Lin Yi without exception.

Lin Yi was so worried about this that he had to take several women and try to hide away.

Finally, after a long wait, the competition arrived as scheduled in the afternoon. Lin Yi, as a participant, entered the competition early in order to keep his ears clean. Although Lin Yi was clean, several women outside did complain incessantly, because these people turned their goals to them one by one.

Lin Yi secretly laughs at this scene, but what he welcomes is the eyes of several women who can kill people.

"The second game will begin soon. Please get ready." The voice of the host rang out on the rostrum.

Looking at the orderly preparation of everyone under the stage, the host nodded with satisfaction, then cleared his throat and said. "According to the requirements of this competition, we have no limit on the number of games. As long as there is someone, we will set the test questions until there is only one person left in the end. Then this person is the first person in this medical conference competition."

"After winning the first place, I will have the opportunity to discuss the mystery of medicine with Dean Harry." The host's words shocked the audience, because everyone knew that Dean Harry was a famous medical scientist in the world. It would be a great honor to discuss with him.

After that, some people around were regretting why they didn't participate in the competition of the medical conference. Those who failed in the first competition were even more regretful and regretted why they didn't work harder at that time.

The people in the second game were eager to show their skills one by one.

Lin Yi also had a ripple in his heart about this reward. He thought that such a famous person naturally has his own excellence. If he can discuss it together, his research on ancient medicine can be further.

The afternoon competition is slightly different from the morning competition. The afternoon competition treats all living people. They all have a disease. The content of this competition is to treat patients to the greatest extent in the shortest time.

The result will judge whether it is effective according to the reaction of the patient.

"In this competition, we found patients with a disease from various places. They all have mild headache, numbness and weakness. They have told you their requirements and symptoms.

"We take every two hours as the boundary. Every two hours, we will have professional medical staff come forward to extract the patient's blood, and then carry out tests. We will assess the level of treatment according to the test sheet and the patient's symptoms. If you are cured in advance, please signal and start the competition next."

As soon as the host's voice fell, the remaining 50 contestants began to get busy. They were all understanding the patient's condition and the degree of infection.

The patient in front of Lin Yi is a lovely little girl, about ten years old. He looks at Lin Yi's eyes without the slightest fear. He seems to be used to being seen by others. She sits there quietly and answers whatever Lin Yi asks.

After understanding the situation from the little girl, Lin Yi basically determined what kind of disease it was, combined with the results of his observation and pulse diagnosis, so Lin Yi frantically calculated the method of treating the little girl in his brain.

"Shadowless acupuncture" can treat some common diseases at the beginning, because it is recorded that in the final stage, silver needles should be used according to the condition and disease, and it is required to achieve the state of doing whatever you want.

Therefore, there are many methods, which depends on whether you have mastered the most convenient and fast path.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi had the answer in his heart. After having the plan, Lin Yi was not stunned, and lined up the cloth bag with silver needles to reveal the silver needles inside.

"Little sister, are you afraid?" Lin Yi wanted to divert the little girl's attention, so he chatted with her.

The little girl shook her head and said softly, "uncle, I'm not afraid. My mother told me that if my disease is cured, everyone will like me and make friends with me."

Lin Yi frowned. "Don't you have any friends?"

"No." The little girl was very depressed.

Lin Yi looked at the little girl and said softly. "Well, how about uncle and you being friends?"

The little girl was very happy. "Yes, yes!"

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