At the moment, Ma Wu is sitting on the sofa in the living room, drinking red wine and smoking cigars. There is a bearded man opposite him.

Lin Yi knows that the bearded man is ACC through Liang Wei. Ma Wu found ACC through Cheng ye before, but ACC doesn't look like a little gangster moving to Ma Wu, so it's nothing. But Ma Wu is unwilling. He wants to be close to the big fish of acc. in the future, he can walk sideways. No one dares to say that he is a little gangster.

So Ma Wu kept walking and was said to have really let him find it. This time he came to recruit Ma Wu. Ma Wu was happy at the moment. He even saw ronghuafugui waving to him. Excited, he kept rubbing his hands.

Lin Yi and Liang Wei hide in the corner. Liang Wei looks at Ma Wu and gets angry. He wants to tear him up. If Lin Yi hadn't stopped him, I'm afraid they'd all rushed out at the moment.

Looking at Ma Wu and ACC talking happily, Lin Yi had an idea in his heart. When ACC left, Lin Yi withdrew from the villa with Liang Wei.

Lin Yi wants ACC to carry a pot and a pot that can't be thrown off this time.

After watching the ACC people drive away, Lin Yi also drives the car and closely follows behind. Before Lin Yi is brainless and ready to enter ACC, Lin Yi stares at the car in front and doesn't fall a step. When the car in front is more and more remote, the speed is faster and faster. It seems that he has found Lin Yi following behind the car.

Lin Yi knows it's not too late. When he opens the window, a few silver needles fly out with his left hand.


After a loud noise, the car in front began to tilt. It turned out that Lin Yi shot a hole in the tire of the car in front. Liang Wei on one side was not good. He took out his pistol and began to shoot at the front.

The people in front are not easy to mess with. After knowing that Lin Yi followed them, he was ready. He saw several machine guns sticking out of the window. Liang Wei quickly retracted into the car. Lin Yi was also startled. ACC, as the largest arms dealer, really deserves its reputation.

Looking at the black mouth of the machine gun facing himself, Lin Yi felt numb. Without saying a word, he took out the silver needle bag and began to shoot the silver needle out. Looking at the machine gun opening, Lin Yi kept complaining.

Finally, after the rain of bullets, Lin Yi felt relieved, but before he could fight back, he dropped fist sized objects from the vehicle in front of him. Lin Yi fixed his eyes and saw that it was grenades. Now Liang Wei on the side was scared to pieces. He couldn't help thinking that he hadn't been stimulated like today for five years, It's really living with your head tied to your belt.

Lin Yi looked at the hand grenades one by one, but his heart was extremely calm. The corners of his mouth even aroused an evil arc. He saw that Lin Yi shot the silver needle out of his hand with the potential of covering his ears rather than stealing the bell at the moment when the hand grenade came out of the window.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A loud noise came from the front. Lin Yi stopped the car with a sudden brake. The car in front was suddenly pushed out by the explosion and fell down the mountain. Lin Yi and Liang Wei felt the mountain. Lin Yi picked up his silver needles one by one, while Liang Wei picked up all his weapons.

Lin Yi also dealt with the scene and pretended to be the scene of the accident. Liang Wei didn't do much and finished it in a short time. It was enough to confuse the fake with the real.

After all this, Lin Yi and Liang Wei rushed back to the villa and still walked into the villa.

"Wolf dog, you said that if we get close to ACC this time, we simply don't know how many benefits there are." At the moment, Ma Wuzheng, with a wine cup in one hand and a cigar in his mouth, said to a man who dyed his hair gray in front of him.

The man called wolf dog raised his head. Lin Yi saw through the light that there was a long scar on his face, which ran through the whole face. His eyes were green. He knew that he was cruel and cruel.

"Boss, I'm not interested in this kind of thing. You can do it yourself." The wolf dog said coldly.

"This is the man with Kung Fu and high skill I mentioned. He was picked up by Ma Wu from the outside after he left. He was sent by his enemy to more than 100 people, beat him up and threw him off the bridge. Ma Wu saw that this man was not easy, so he saved him. Later, because of his ruthlessness and ruthlessness, he soon became Ma Wu's confidant. Because he was as cruel as a wolf and as crazy as a dog, everyone knew him Call him wolf dog. " Liang Wei hid in the corner and whispered to Lin Yi that the wolf dog had done the injury to Liang Wei before.

"Who? Come out!" Just then, the man named wolf dog suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Yi, with a green light in his eyes.

When Ma Wu heard that someone came in, he immediately took out a pistol from his pocket, stared at this side, and then quietly hid behind the wolf dog.

Seeing that he was found, Lin Yi did not continue to hide, but came out of the darkness, and Liang Wei also came out from one side.

"Lin Yi! Liang Wei?" Ma Wu was surprised, as if he couldn't believe what his eyes saw.

"Liang Wei, you're not..." Ma Wuhua just talked about it. He suddenly had an idea in his heart, so he said to Liang Wei, "great, Xiao Wei, I didn't expect you to attract Lin Yi so soon. I really didn't see the wrong person. What are you still doing standing there? Come here soon. Lin Yi is dead today."

Ma Wu's provocation made Lin Yi frown. At the moment, Lin Yi was thinking about how credible Ma Wu's words were. Ma Wu was always cunning. It was not impossible to do such a thing, so he looked at Liang Wei with vigilance.

Liang Wei knew by looking at Lin Yi's appearance that he must have doubted himself, so he looked at his mouth and said, "Dr. Lin, you should believe me. I'm at odds with Ma Wu."

Ma Wu saw this and knew that his counter plan had worked, so he came forward and pretended to be painstaking, "Xiao Wei, at this time, you don't have to pretend. I know you want to kill Lin Yi, but don't worry, he can't run away today. Come here. Who are we afraid of together?"

"You..." Liang Wei was so angry with Ma Wu that he couldn't say anything.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, Lin Yi shook his hand and shot out silver needles. Suddenly, all the people in the whole room couldn't move. Of course, in addition to the man called wolf dog, there was Liang Wei.

Liang Wei is confused by Lin Yi's practice. Ma Wu is also confused. They are all thinking that Lin Yi suspects Liang Wei. Why would he do this?

"Why? Why?" Ma Wu asked reluctantly, which also asked Liang Wei's voice.

Lin Yi laughed at Ma Wu's unwilling expression.

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