After that day, there was a figure in Xuanfeng hall. A man with gray hair and a pretty young face. He was always used to wearing a long shirt and followed Lin Yi every day.

The day after Zhong Tianqing became a teacher, he came to Xuanfeng hall and followed Lin Yi behind him. When he saw that Lin Yi's needlework was unknown and confusing, he ordered him to be happy with his decision to become a teacher. It would be a pity if he didn't learn it under coercion and inducement or lost it.

Because of Lin Yi's return, most patients in Xuanfeng hall will choose to come to Xuanfeng hall. This also gives Lin Yi an excuse to let Zhong Tianqing watch behind him every day, but he doesn't teach him. Once Zhong Tianqing asks, he says he's too busy and doesn't have time. Let him have a look and don't understand.

After a week, Zhong Tianqing is also a little impatient, because he hasn't understood anything useful after staying behind Lin Yi for such a long time. Lin Yi's technique is too fast, and it's over before he can see it clearly, which makes Zhong Tianqing feel frustrated. He is also a Wulin expert. He doesn't know anything when he comes here like a waste.

Seeing that Zhong Tianqing was a little impatient, Lin Yi knew that the old guy might not be able to stand it, so he found some of the simplest needlework to teach him. Not to mention that the old guy seemed very talented for these, and he was not inferior to anyone at such an old age. The needlework taught by Lin Yi was well understood in just a few days, You know, it took a whole month to practice in the Qin Dynasty.

Seeing the more and more skilled Zhong Tianqing, Lin Yi knows that time is becoming more and more urgent, so in the evening, Lin Yi practices his newly studied acupuncture in the yard alone. Lin Yi also gives this acupuncture a name, called dimly.

The meaning of "ethereal needle technique" is that it is unpredictable. You don't know where and when it will fly out, and then it will do the greatest damage to the enemy in an instant.

Every day during the day, Zhong Tianqing will appear at the door of Xuanfeng hall on time. He is to learn acupuncture early. He doesn't want to stay for a day when he succumbs to others. He wants to kill Lin Yi after learning early, and then travel freely around the world.

That day, Lin Yi finally practiced his "ethereal needlework" skillfully and at will. The corners of Lin Yi's mouth curled up in high radians. Everything will be revealed tomorrow.

The next day, it was just dawn. Lin Yi just opened the door of Xuanfeng hall. As Lin Yi expected, Zhong Tianqing was waiting at the door. After this time, Lin Yi also knew that as long as the sound of opening the door reached Zhong Tianqing, Zhong Tianqing would appear at the door of Xuanfeng Hall at the first time. He was very punctual. Lin Yi sometimes even thought that Zhong Tianqing was not pregnant, I may really give the "shadowless needle technique" to him, because Zhong Tianqing is really a genius.

"Good morning, Lin Xiaoyou!" Zhong Tianqing looks at Lin Yi and says with a smile that Zhong Tianqing agreed with Lin Yi not to call himself master Lin Yi.

Lin Yi nodded slightly, then took out a basket from behind the door and carried it on his shoulder. He held a small hoe in his hand. He looked like a hard-working farmer.

Seeing Lin Yi's dress, Zhong Tianqing was stunned and asked, "what does Lin Xiaoyou want?"

"Because there are no herbs, I can't buy them in other pharmacies, so I'm going to look for herbs in the depths of the mountains not far from here to see if I can take a chance and try to get back before the patient comes." Lin Yi said slowly.

After knowing Lin Yi's thoughts, Zhong Tianqing also plans to follow him. He has had enough of this period of time. He can't afford to wait. He decides to follow Lin Yi's past to intimidate and lure Lin Yi, so that Lin Yi can hand over all his techniques of "shadowless acupuncture".

In this way, two people, one big and one small, went on the road with evil intentions.

Lin Yi didn't go far from the city, and it didn't take much time to drive. After more than an hour of turbulence, they finally came to the foot of the mountain.

Lin Yi got off the bus and walked ahead on foot, while Zhong Tianqing closely followed behind without falling. Seeing that the old man was on his way, he was very relaxed. He didn't try to make more concessions to himself. Lin Yi immediately came to strength. Since he wanted to kill, choose a good place.

So Lin Yi went faster and faster in front. He went five or six meters away in one step. He left deep footprints on the way, and some tree trunks were directly trampled off on the spot.

On the contrary, Zhong Tianqing can still follow Lin Yi's footsteps, which is very relaxed. The place where his footsteps fall is as light as no trace, and there is no sign of damage.

When Lin Yi looked back in front, he was worried. It seemed that he underestimated the immortal. As soon as silver teeth bit, he got a lot faster. Soon, there were beads of sweat on Lin Yi's forehead. From time to time, Lin Yi looked back and saw Zhong Tianqing's relaxed appearance.

After running wildly for an hour, Lin Yi came to a waterfall. It can be seen that there are few people here all year round and there are big trees everywhere. Except for a section of open grassland in front of the waterfall, Lin Yi fell on the grassland and gasped.

On the other hand, Zhong Tianqing looks light, but Lin Yi still sees the fine sweat on both sides of his cheeks, which makes Lin Yi feel a little relieved. He thought Zhong Tianqing was a machine and didn't know he was tired.

"Lin Xiaoyou, why? I'm so tired?" Zhong Tianqing suddenly came forward and said with a smile.

Seeing this size, Kong Linyi knew that the old guy might start to get into trouble. Lin Yi also began to be vigilant and ready to fight back at any time, but he still lay on the ground pretending to be very tired and still gasping. Now Lin Yi wants to take the opportunity to have a rest to face the old guy.

"Yes, I didn't expect Zhong Lao to be old and strong. It's more disappointing than my young man's physical strength." Lin Yi joked.

After hearing this, Zhong Tianqing sneered. He thought that if he could not compare with you as a suckling boy, wouldn't he live to be a dog at his age?

Looking at Lin Yi's appearance, Zhong Tianqing also decided to stop talking to him, so he asked, "Lin Xiaoyou, I've been learning shadowless acupuncture with you for some time. You haven't had time to push it off all the time, and I didn't say anything. Now there's no one around. Can you teach me all the shadowless acupuncture?"

When Zhong Tianqing said this, he also deliberately said "nobody around" ruthlessly. One trace is to let Lin Yi know that if he doesn't teach all the "shadowless acupuncture", no one will know if he kills him.

Lin Yi smiled to himself. The wolf finally showed his fangs.

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