"Sister, let's go. I don't want to see these vulgar people. I can't appreciate our sister at all." The elder sister then took his younger sister and left.

When they saw the two sisters leave, they were relieved. At the same time, they also respected Lin Yi's master. When a person does something you think incredible, you will feel that it is not what ordinary people can do. You will not have the slightest jealousy and dissatisfaction with him, but only deep admiration and full respect.

"Master, I thought of it, I thought of it." A voice suddenly remembered behind Lin Zhengfeng. Who is Lin Yi?

Looking at Lin Yi's joyful appearance, Lin Zhengfeng is also very happy. Another advantage of Lin Yi over others is that he can understand it at a glance. What is said here is that he fully understands what Lin Zhengfeng says, not a half understanding.

"Master, you said we should understand the patient's condition as well as our own body. Does that mean that we should imagine the patient as ourselves and that the disease is on ourselves, and all we have to do is find out the principle of the disease and fundamentally solve the root cause of the disease?" Lin Yi spoke out his understanding in one breath. When he said it, his face was flushed, which showed the excitement in his heart.

After hearing this, Lin Zhengfeng nodded with satisfaction. Although there is still some gap with his understanding, Lin Yi can think of these, which has proved that he is a really qualified doctor. "Your understanding is very good. We just want to understand the patient's condition like our own body. This will not only enable us to find the root cause of the disease faster, but also be responsible for the patient. If the disease is on you, will you treat it irresponsibly?"

Lin Yi knows that what Lin Zhengfeng is talking about is an attitude problem. Indeed, as Lin Zhengfeng said, if this can be done, there will be another doctor who will be irresponsible to the patient.

Seeing that Lin Yi understood his words, Lin Zhengfeng turned around and went back to the inner hall to find Feng Yixu for tea. Since Lin Zhengfeng came, Feng Yixu also had company. After all, everyone knows ancient medicine, so they also have a common topic.

After thinking through what Lin Zhengfeng said, Lin Yi's eyes at each patient are no longer lazy, but give people the feeling of relatives. Patients can see from Lin Yi's eyes that Lin Yi is sincere to others. They are like Lin Yi's brothers, sisters, uncles and uncles.

This morning, Lin Yi sat at the clinic and looked at the people with a smiling face. Under the influence of Lin Yi, they all became happy and no longer looked like dusk.

At noon, several women came back from the outside. Lin Yi could hear from their words that they were all discussing which school was good and which school was good.

Several women's voices rose one after another. In the end, Lin Yi couldn't discuss any results. Looking at the appearance of several women, Lin Yi didn't dare to approach. He was deeply afraid that he would be dragged to discuss these miscellaneous things.

At lunch, several women also wanted to cook a big table dish for Lin Yi. Why do they say it's a big table dish for Lin Yi? Because the table is full of tonic things, including bullwhip, seahorse, pig liver and other kidney tonic foods.

Lin Yi's face turned green when he saw his big head. When Lin Zhengfeng and Feng Yixu saw it, they shook their heads and left. They also said that it was a dish for young people. They couldn't stand eating too much. Only the Qin Dynasty stayed there and ate more than anyone else.

Lin Yi also said fiercely: "good disciple, you eat so much. It depends on how you can stand it tonight."

The words fell into the ears of the Qin Dynasty, but it seemed to change its meaning. The Qin Dynasty thought that her master was afraid of eating all the delicious food, so she came out to scare herself. Therefore, the action of the Qin Dynasty was more fierce. This scene fell into Lin Xuewu's eyes and made her laugh.

There are not many patients in Xuanfeng hall in the afternoon. After all, it has entered late autumn. Although the sun is not so hot, it will still be uncomfortable. After seeing all the patients early, Lin Yi taught Xuanfeng hall to the Qin Dynasty. Then he drove to the countryside alone and walked alone on the path full of fallen leaves in the breeze.

This season seems to make people sad, but it also gives people new life. Fallen leaves always make people feel a little lonely, but where does life come from without death? Watching the leaves falling from the trees, Lin Yi was also filled with emotion. It was like a person's life. From birth to death, he didn't take away a trace of earthly things, but some were just deeply attached to him.

Lin Yi likes to walk alone in nature. More people have more benefits, but less people also have less fun. This is why Lin Yi doesn't take several women with him.

Seeing the farmers working hard in the field, watching the children playing on the ridge, and seeing the golden fields, Lin Yi seemed to integrate into the air alone. This is life. There are many troubles, but there are also too many happiness.

A man walked to a big tree. Under the tree, there were several old people who were enjoying the cool. They all held Pu fans, talking and laughing, and there were several children playing darts.


A dart fell at Lin Yi's feet. As soon as Lin Yi bent down and took it in his hand, a voice came from afar, "you bastards, didn't I say don't play here? What should I do if I hurt people? Why don't you listen to me one by one."

"Hey, little brother over there, didn't he hurt you?" It was a middle-aged uncle with a straw hat on his head who was waving to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also responded, proving that he was all right, and then threw the dart out directly. The dart formed a beautiful arc in the air, and finally landed at the foot of one of the children accurately.

He saw the dart fall in front of a child with mud all over his face. When he saw the dart flying, he didn't mean to avoid it at all. He didn't bend down until the dart landed and pick it up.

Seeing the child's calm appearance, Lin Yi was curious, so he quickly walked forward, "aren't you afraid?"

"Not afraid." The child said with certainty.

Seeing that the child was so sure, Lin Yi found that he couldn't understand the child more and more, so he asked, "why?"

"Because it told me." The child raised the dart in his hand and said confidently.

This makes Lin Yi more and more interested in the child. Can a dart tell him? Lin Yi couldn't help asking curiously, "it told me that it won't hurt me."

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