Seeing this, the ghost King ignored them, but went straight to the cell to see who were locked up. There were also many ferocious people here, and it was impossible to let them all out.

"Please let me out. I've had enough. I won't do bad things again after I go out. I swear."

"Let me go. I really don't want to stay here anymore."

As the ghost Dynasty walked to the depths of the cell, Lin Yi heard the people in the cells on both sides pleading. When Lin Yi walked forward, he found that these people had become no people, no ghosts, and the chains on their faces had been rusted. It can be seen how long these people had been detained.

"Brother Yi, who are these people?" Mu Huizi looked at these people and was extremely puzzled, but Lin Yi couldn't know. Mu Huizi said and walked to a cell where the old man was held.

"Miss, have mercy on me. Please help me out. I've been here for 30 years. I've really had enough." Looking at muhuizi coming towards him, the old man holding an old man pleaded bitterly.

Muhuizi looked at the poor looking old man and seemed to be moved with compassion, so she came forward to touch the rusty cell.

"Be careful!"

At this time, a loud drink came. Lin Yi was always beside Mu Huizi. He heard someone drink and pulled Mu Huizi without saying a word. However, when Lin Yi pulled Mu Huizi over, Lin Yi was surprised to find that the place just touched by Mu Huizi had changed shape.

Looking at a scene, Mu Huizi's body couldn't help sweating. At the same time, he looked at Lin Yi with gratitude. Lin Yi was also afraid of this. If the ghost king in front hadn't shouted, he wouldn't pull Mu Huizi back. If he reacted more slowly, Mu Huizi's hand might no longer exist.


"Dare to move, miss. It's really trying to die." The ghost king who ran back from the front looked at the man in the cell and said coldly. Then he took out his cross dart and shot it at the old man in the cell. Lin Yi found that the old man didn't dodge and forced the cross dart to shoot at himself. Then the old man smiled and then swallowed his anger.

Looking at this puzzling scene, Lin Yi and Mu Huizi raised questions at the same time.

The ghost king on one side immediately said, "these people have been imprisoned here for most of their lives. They were imprisoned here because they did some evil things. All the people here are ferocious people. They know they can't get out, so they want to hurt people, and then be killed. Dying here has become an extravagant thing."

"That's why they try to achieve the goal of letting themselves die."

Hearing this, Lin Yi understood why the old man smiled when he died. It turned out that he was also happy to get rid of his pain.

Looking at the two frightened people, the ghost king said that he began to check again.

Seeing that the ghost king is far away, Lin Yi pulls Mu Huizi away.

Lin Yi and Mu Huizi didn't go far before they saw the ghost king in front of a cell. At the moment, he was staring blankly at the inside of the cell. Lin Yi and Mu Huizi didn't know what had happened, so they rushed to the ghost king in a few steps.

As soon as he came to the ghost king, he looked into the cell. He saw that there was also a man in prison. The man was ragged, but he could still see that he was dressed as a ninja. He also wore a mask on his face. His mask was golden. At the moment, he was looking at the ghost King beside Lin Yi with a shocked face.

"Golden ghost, I didn't expect you to be caught here." Looking at the people in the cell, the ghost king said hoarsely, but Lin Yi could hear some fluctuations in his mood.

"Teacher, what's impossible for me here? Those people betrayed one after another. I can't even come here if I don't want to." The golden ghost inside looked at the ghost king and said calmly.

Hearing this, the ghost King's voice was cold again. It sounded creepy: "I need you to help me."

"The teacher has something to do. How can a student stand idly by?" The sound line of the golden ghost inside was also cold.

Looking at these two people, Lin Yi's head is dizzy. He doesn't know where they are making trouble.

With the help of the ghost king, the golden ghost was soon released. Purple ghost was locked in with the golden ghost, and the rest were loyal subordinates of Yushan Tianxin in Xintian group.

After Lin Yi's rescue, these people were finally released. When he left, the ghost king saw that there were many prisoners in the cell. Now there was no one to guard here. If he went out, it would certainly bring serious consequences. Therefore, under the leadership of the ghost king, a fire burned the underground secret prison.

The ghost King took the people back to the previous accommodation, and Lin Yi began to treat these people again during this period. After Lin Yi's wonderful rejuvenation, these people's diseases were much better in a very short time. Now there are only some hidden injuries, but these have no impact.

During this period, Lin Yi learned the whole story of the Xintian group rebellion.

Chuanhu was picked up by Yamada. Yamada has no son, so he holds great hope for Chuanhu. He secretly trains him as the next leader of Xintian group.

However, with the gradual growth of Chuanhu, Yamada found that he was unable to deal with the affairs of Xintian group, so he planned to pass his position to Chuanhu.

However, with Yamada's body getting worse day by day, Chuanhu's heart became more and more anxious. He was afraid that the cooked duck would fly, so he secretly formed gangs. At first, Yamada didn't believe it, but when he found that his men were getting farther and farther away from himself, he noticed a trace of bad.

Chuanhu's affection for muhuizi changed from brother to sister. Chuanhu had to marry muhuizi, but Yamada Xin, who had always spoiled muhuizi, didn't like Chuanhu's attitude, so Chuanhu refused coldly. This time, Chuanhu's hidden fangs exposed and forced Yamada Xin to agree. Of course, Yamada Xin refused, so a quarrel broke out.

In this quarrel, Sun Yat Sen Tianxin found that his subordinates didn't speak for him. In a hurry, Sun Yat Sen would stretch out his hand to subdue Chuanhu, but after all, Sun Yat Sen was old. He soon lost in front of the young man who the Xintian group claimed to be the best at fighting. Finally, Chuanhu thought of some kindness, so he let go of Shantian Xin, Finally, Kawamura shincai had to promise to go down with the threat of muhuizi's life in Kawamura.

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