For this wedding, several women's relatives also came here, so it was quite lively in the morning, especially a group of little guys, which made everyone more happy.

At noon, everyone was ready to go back, and Lin Yi hadn't come to country f for a long time, so he didn't plan to go for the time being. Naturally, several women wouldn't go back if Lin Yi didn't go. In this way, the family stabilized in country f for the time being.

It's been a year or two since Wang Qiang was sent undercover to settle accounts with ACC, but Lin Yi's heart is also worried because there is no news for so long.


Thinking that Lin Yi's mobile phone received a message, when he opened it and saw the contents, Lin Yi smiled knowingly and said that Cao Cao would arrive. This message was sent by Wang Qiang.

It is said that he has now reached a small head position, and has understood some basic information of acc. he also asked Lin Yi when to start, and finally blamed Lin Yi for not finding him when he got married, which made him regret.

Seeing these, Lin Yi was also very happy. He felt a little guilty about not calling Wang Qiang for marriage. However, Wang Qiang was really capable. Unexpectedly, he made a name for himself.

Remembering the aggressive appearance of ACC in the past, Lin Yi was angry. Now the time is almost ripe. In that case, these miscellaneous fish have to experience the consequences of irritating themselves.

So Lin Yi informed Wang Qiang that he would take action soon, and Wang Qiang over there also said he understood.

Since we have to do it, we must ensure the safety of our family. ACC is a group of arms dealers. After angering them, the consequences are hard to imagine. Thinking of this, Lin Yi's heart is a little urgent.

The next day, Lin Yi came to Yamada to talk to him.

"So you want me to protect them, and you go out to fight them?" Yamada frowned and said.

Um! Lin Yi nodded and replied.

Looking at Lin Yi's sincere appearance, Yamada Xin sighed helplessly, and then said, "boy, I don't care what you want to do, but if you let my daughter marry you and become a widow, then I'll make you die restlessly."

Hearing Yamada's words, Lin Yi was speechless. Before he started, he cursed himself to die. Lin Yi looked at Yamada angrily.

Looking at Lin Yi's shriveled appearance, Yamada Xincai reluctantly said, "don't worry. Although ACC is the largest arms dealer in the world, he doesn't have the ability to touch me."

Yamada has great confidence when he speaks. This confidence also brings Lin Yi great courage. As long as the safety of his wife and children can be guaranteed, what else does it mean?

Then Lin Yi asked several women to return to China one after another. The military power of China is particularly terrible. Moreover, Lu Yiran's grandfather is still an old leader. With the secret protection of Xintian group, Lin Yi doesn't believe ACC dare to die.

After dealing with everything, Lin Yicai contacted Wang Qiang again. After choosing a meeting place, Lin Yi went straight over.

On the night of early spring, the air is still unusually cold, but Lin Yi is waiting here quietly.

After a while, a luxury car came in the distance. The car drove straight in front of Lin Yi and stopped. A man came out of the car. The man was a little taller than Lin Yi and one size bigger than Lin Yi. The man stopped in front of Lin Yi.

"How's it going? Is the boss pulling enough?" At this time, the man's painting style changed suddenly. Without the look of the cold storage, he immediately came up to Lin Yi and said.

As it was late at night, Lin Yi thought it was someone who dared to pretend to be so forced in front of him. Unexpectedly, it was Wang Qiang. This painting style suddenly became unacceptable to Lin Yi.

Seeing Wang Qiang coming up, Lin Yi smiled knowingly. It seems that the boy has been doing well in recent years. Unexpectedly, he has driven a luxury car.

Then Lin Yi followed Lin Yi into the car. In the car, Lin Yi briefly learned some common sense of ACC and important senior management. After all, he knew that he would win every battle.

Lin Yi is curious about why no one has come to trouble him for so many years. It is reasonable that they should understand the ACC last time, but why has there been no movement for so many years? This puzzled Lin Yi. Then Lin Yi asked Wang Qiang about it.

Wang Qiang's answer surprised Lin Yi at the same time. Unexpectedly, ACC has been looking for Lin Yi these years. However, due to Wang Qiang's deliberate concealment and cover for Lin Yi, Lin Yi is still very safe. However, recently, those looking for Lin Yi seem to know Lin Yi's whereabouts.

This time, after knowing Lin Yi's whereabouts, those people immediately set out to settle accounts with Lin Yi. After all, Lin Yi destroyed their forehead, Zhou Jinlong, which led to the failure of arms to buy China, which made ACC lose a huge market, and their investigation of Lin Yi never stopped.

Wang Qiang also told Lin Yi that he couldn't hide Lin Yi's Affairs recently, and ACC would send someone to assassinate Lin Yi immediately after knowing it. Lin Yi immediately broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he arranged it early. Otherwise, if it was arranged later, the safety of several women could not be guaranteed at all.

Wang Qiang took Lin Yi to his residence, which surprised you. If it was really like what Wang Qiang said, wouldn't his appearance drag him down?

Wang Qiang's answer to this is that these people in his residence are his confidants, and they have not seen Lin Yi, so they also advise Lin Yi not to worry.

Knowing that it was this, Lin Yi also put away his doubts, and then settled down with Wang Qiang to live in his mansion.

Then Wang Qiang explained to Lin Yi what he had experienced in recent years and told Lin Yi what he saw, which gave Lin Yi a general understanding of ACC.

Just four days after Lin Yi followed Wang Qiang, Lin Yi was angry with the fire in the Xuanfeng Hall of state F, and everything inside was burned down, but there were no casualties, because the day after Lin Yi left, he asked sun buyue to leave the Xuanfeng hall and told them to hide first and call them back later.

Sun buyue is not a wordy person. After Lin Yi said it, he immediately transferred with sun Tingting with more important things, but no one knows where he moved.

When Wang Qiang learned that Xuanfeng hall was on fire, Lin Yi's face suddenly changed. He knew that ACC began to take action. If they don't appear again, they will certainly target their wives and children, which Lin Yi doesn't allow.

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