"Are you Mr. Lin?"

Lin Yi was busy in Xuanfeng hall when a voice sounded behind him. Lin Yi turned around and saw a middle-aged man with glasses and bald head. At the moment, he was staring at Lin Yi.

Without doubt, Lin Yi nodded slowly and asked, "what's the matter with uncle?"

Hearing Lin Yi's voice was approachable, the middle-aged man was very happy. Then he came up to Lin Yi and said, "I have a small matter for you. Didn't you get the right to host the medical exchange conference? I want to ask for a job here. Don't worry, I won't get any money."

After that, he seemed to be afraid of Lin Yi's repentance. He looked at Lin Yi with his eyes straight. This warm look made Lin Yi feel very uncomfortable. If Lin Yi wanted to be a beauty here, he would be happy to look at himself like this, but now a bald uncle is looking at him, and his heart can't help getting angry.

Many middle-aged people have come to Lin Yi these days, basically for this matter. Although they ostensibly say they don't get a penny, they will actually make personal profits.

After figuring this out, Lin Yi looked at the middle-aged man and said slowly, "uncle, we don't need anyone here. I've arranged everything, so I can't promise you."

Hearing that Lin Yi would not promise himself, the middle-aged man's face immediately changed color, but Lin Yi could see loss from his face without any resentment, which made Lin Yi have a slight favor for the middle-aged man.

"Can't you do chores? I have great strength." The middle-aged man doesn't seem to know why he has to come to Lin Yi.

Looking at the lost expression of the middle-aged man, Lin Yi was also a little worried, so he opened his mouth and said, "can you tell me why you want to help me?"

Seeing Lin Yi's straightforward question, there was a trace of embarrassment on the middle-aged man's face. It seemed that he was hesitant to tell himself. After several tangles, the middle-aged man slowly said, "I have a son who also studies medicine. In order to help him study medicine, everyone at home is saving money for him so that he can go to a better school."

Mentioning the happiness of his son's middle-aged man's face, we can see his son's weight in his heart, "but not long ago, he had a dispute with his classmates over the study of a kind of bacteria. At that time, they overturned many things containing bacteria because they were in the laboratory. Later, they absorbed toxic gas. His classmate died on the spot, but he survived."

"Although my son survived, he also became unconscious and became a living dead man. I heard that Dr. Lin has excellent medical skills. I have spent all my money at home for my son these years, and there is nothing I can give you, so I want to do something to pay the medical expenses." The middle-aged man said that his eyes were wet.

Lin Yi looked at the middle-aged man and sighed in his heart. He really pity the parents all over the world. Then Lin Yi patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and said, "uncle, don't worry. You go and bring your son to me for treatment. I don't charge a penny."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, the middle-aged man was stunned. He didn't expect that Lin Yi would promise to see a doctor for his son, which made the middle-aged man overjoyed. He didn't know what to say. He was disturbed by his excitement when he wanted to say thanks to Lin Yi several times.

Looking at the excited appearance of the middle-aged man, Lin Yi was also a little happy. For doctors, being able to help others is their happiest thing.

After the mood calmed down a little, the middle-aged man immediately said, "Dr. Lin Yi, I know you are a good man, but I can't let you see a doctor for my son for nothing. Well, I'll do chores here. Don't drive me out. Just give me and my son a bite to eat."

Seeing the middle-aged people say so, Lin Yi has to nod. Lin Yi knows that they should have no place to go and no money. For this, Lin Yi can only help if he can help. Lin Yi also depends on the middle-aged people's strong body. Maybe when they can use it, they can also help at ordinary times, so Lin Yi should come down.

"Dr. Lin, my name is Chu Meng and my son's name is Chu Jian. I'll go back and get my son here." Chu Meng ran out after saying that. He had been looking for someone to treat his son for many years, but he was tired from disappointment again and again, but now he saw hope again, which made Chu Meng not excited.

After Chu Meng's incident, Lin Yi was always beautiful, because it was a happy thing to help people, and he was in a good mood all day.

Chu Meng carried his son to Xuanfeng hall in the afternoon. At first sight, Chu Meng's son looked like a young man in his early twenties, with a clean face and no stubble. Except for his poor face, others looked like normal people. If you don't say it, everyone might think he was sleeping.

According to Chu Jian's clothes, Chu Meng should often take care of him, which shows how much Chu Meng cares about his son.

Since Chu Jian has been doing this for more than a day or two, Lin Yi didn't rush to treat him immediately, but started after he was ready.

"How about Dr. Lin? Can my son be saved?" Lin Yi is giving Chu Jian a diagnosis. Chu Meng on the side sees Lin Yi's frown. He is worried. Lin Yi is his last straw. If Lin Yi can't help it, what should he do?

Hearing Chu Meng's words, Lin Yi didn't answer, but still frowned and diagnosed Chu Jian. After a while, Lin Zhengfeng came to know.

"How's it going? Yi'er?" Lin Zhengfeng asked as soon as he entered the door, which showed how interested he was in these difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

Seeing Lin Zhengfeng coming, Lin Yi immediately stood up and said, "master, Chu Jian's poison is strange. I could cure him smoothly earlier, but now the toxin has entered the bone marrow and the toxicity has taken root. It's difficult to remove it."

"Let me see." Hearing Lin Yi's words, Lin Zhengfeng stepped forward, grabbed Chu Jian's wrist and diagnosed his condition.

Chu Meng on the side heard Lin Yi say that it was difficult to remove his son. He thought his son was hopeless and was stunned. After a while, the strong man couldn't stop his tears and fell down. He was unwilling. He had suffered for so many years. Unexpectedly, he still couldn't save his son. His son was the basis for his survival in recent years, But now chumeng feels that his world is about to collapse.

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