Lin Yi decided to "kill" after weighing again and again. Anyway, the Nangong family seems to have offended. It's better to be tough than this.

Lin Zhengfeng on one side saw that Lin Yi seemed to have made a decision. He didn't ask, but directly expressed his attitude to Lin Yi: "Yi'er, I know you have your plan. It's really difficult to make this decision, but no matter what decision you make, my teacher will support you. Don't worry, the family is not as terrible as you think, and master can still touch them."

Hearing what Lin Zhengfeng said, Lin Yi's heart is also warm. Lin Zhengfeng not only pulls himself up, but now he is his most solid backing. For this, Lin Yi can only silently put it in his heart and honor him bit by bit.

"Shifu, I've thought about it. I think I'd better kill him. Anyway, we have offended the Nangong family. Since we offended anyway, I might as well let them know my power." Lin Yi's tone was extremely cold. This fell in Nangong Heng's ear lying on the ground, but it burst into a pot.

"No! You can't kill me. I'm the five elders of Nangong family." Nangong Heng, who had been unable to speak clearly before, finally made a clear sentence under the shadow of death.

However, the people didn't pay attention to him at all. Under the attention of the people, Lin Yi took out the silver needle and directly stabbed it into Nangong Heng. Suddenly Nangong Heng couldn't speak. He could only see how frightened he was through his eyes. If he was given another chance, he would not come here. Everything was because of his greed.

Nangong Heng repents, but what's the use of repentance now? It will be too late.

After Lin Yi made the decision, everyone chose to support it. None of the people present were soft persimmons. Seeing that no one objected, Lin Yi knew that even if the Nangong family came, they could break off several big teeth by themselves.

Then Lin Yi goes out with Nangong Heng with a desperate face. Lin Yi drives alone to a mountain. It is deserted and often haunted by rich wolves, tigers and leopards. It is an extremely dangerous place. On his way, Lin Yi meets several wild wolves standing there, salivating constantly.

"I didn't have any intersection with you, and I didn't have any holidays, but you wanted to kill me and take my stitches. I wanted to save my life, but you should blame yourself. I won't leave any worries for myself." Lin Yi looked at Nangong Heng expressionless, like announcing the death penalty.

Nangong Heng, who was caught by Lin Yi, looked like a chicken, full of panic. At the moment, Nangong Heng's heart had been filled with fear, and his eyes were constantly begging.

Lin Yi ignored it, took out several silver needles from himself and shot them at Nangong Heng, sealed all his senses, then found a quiet place to dig a hole, and then buried him.

The five elders of the great Nangong aristocratic family finally died in such a oppressive way. I'm afraid all the heat would not believe what they said, but that's the truth.

After dealing with Nangong Heng, Lin Yi returns to Xuanfeng hall. As soon as he returns to Xuanfeng hall, Lin Yi sees a person who has been looking for a long time, Nangong Yan.

"Brother Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you recently?" Nangong Yan looks harmless to humans and animals. He looks like a friend he hasn't seen for many years. If Lin Yi didn't know who he is, he might really be moved by his appearance.

"Nangong Yan, you dare to appear in front of me. It seems that you are very confident." Lin Yi looked at Nangong Heng with ridicule. His eyes felt like looking at something unimportant.

Looking at Lin Yi's eyes, Nangong Yan was so disdainful that her silver teeth were urgent, and a few words jumped out of her mouth: "Lin Yi, I tell you, many aristocratic families are about to come out of the mountain. You are a lot of people in the world. You are nothing. What can you be proud of?"

"Oh? Since I am nothing, what are you? What are you?" Lin Yi sneered impolitely.

Lin Yi's words greatly stimulated Nangong Yan. He saw his hand holding several silver needles in his hand behind his back, ready to suddenly break up and subdue Lin Yi, but Lin Yi had seen through Nangong Yan's trick for a long time, and just stood there silently.

In order to cooperate with Nangong Yan, Lin Yi specially left his back to Nangong Yan. Seeing Lin Yi's flaw, Nangong Yan immediately shot the silver needle out quickly.

Ding Ding

How could Lin Yi, who had already prepared, give him such a chance? He saw that all the silver needles of Nangong Yan were shot down by Lin Yi, and even the extra silver needles flew towards Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan saw the silver needle flying and knew she had been deceived, so she immediately dodged and ran away.

Watching Nangong Yan escape, Lin Yi didn't chase him, but turned back to Xuanfeng hall.

"Mu Huizi, what did Nangong Yan do just now?" As soon as Lin Yi entered the door, he saw Mu Huizi who was busy there.

"He came to find Nangong Heng. He took a look and ran away. Maybe he was afraid of being beaten." Muhuizi said and looked at Lin Zhengfeng not far away.

The holding of the medical conference is getting closer and closer. Lin Yi finds that there are many strange faces in the city. Some of them are in groups or alone. They all come to attend the medical conference.

That evening, Lin Yi was reading an old medical book in Xuanfeng hall with interest. Suddenly, several figures appeared at the door.

Lin Yi thought he was coming to see a doctor, so he didn't raise his head, stared at the medical book and said, "if you want to see a doctor, sit here and stretch out your hand to let me number the pulse."

A figure sat down in front of Lin Yi and put his hand in front of him. He felt his hand stretched out. Lin Yi stretched his hand and put two fingers on it.

"Well... Old Sir, there's nothing wrong with your body. If you have to find something wrong, it's that your body is a little weak. Your body will get cold on the 15th of each month, but it's not a big deal." Lin Yi said slowly. At last, he seemed to have found something, "eh? It seems that you have met a good doctor, and the medicine you use is also very reasonable."

"Young man, you're right, but you know what? The doctor is myself." The old man said with a smile.

When Lin Yi heard this, he put down the book in his hand. He saw an old man with white hair and young face sitting in front of him. At the moment, he was looking at himself with a smile. Lin Yi could feel the cleanness in his eyes, even without a trace of superfluous impurities, which surprised Lin Yi.

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