The next day when Chu Jian went to worship the master again, Lin Yi didn't refuse, which made Chu Jian and his son very happy. Then he held a worship ceremony in Xuanfeng hall.

"Master, please accept my worship." Chu Jian immediately saluted Lin Yi.

"Good, good." Lin Yi's three good deeds in a row are enough to prove Lin Yi's high hopes for Chu Jian.

Later, Chu Jian gradually saluted his ancestors, teachers' wives and other elders.

"Chu Jian, you are my third disciple. I hope you will live up to the expectations of your elders after you have made achievements, and remember not to do anything to harm the school, otherwise I will do justice for heaven. Finally, as a medical technician, we should always remember our purpose, that is, saving the dead and healing the wounded, and not live up to the sex entrusted to you by others for various reasons Life. "

"I remember that I will live up to the expectations of my elders and will keep master's teachings in mind. If I break this oath, heaven will kill me." Chu Jian raised his right hand and stretched out three fingers.

Lin Yi didn't expect Chu Jian to swear, which shows his heart for Shimen. Lin Yi said with a sigh of relief, "get up."

In this way, Lin Yi accepted a third disciple. Lin Yi's disciples studied by themselves. In addition to some things he had to say, Lin Yi never took the initiative to explain some situations. Generally, they would not explain them until they found a problem and asked for advice.

Just after the teacher worship ceremony, Lin Yi ordered the three disciples to open the door to do business. Although few people have come now, Lin Yi still opens the door of Xuanfeng hall every day on time. This is Lin Yi's home and Lin Yi's faith.

Just when Lin Yi thought that there would be no one today as usual, at this time, several figures suddenly appeared at the door. Lin Yi could see that their faces were all cyan from a distance. It seemed that they had been deeply poisoned.

"Dr. Lin, help us, help us."

A total of three people came in. They all had a common feature, that is, they were iron green and skinny. After they came in and said a word, they fell to the ground.

Lin Yi immediately put his medical skills aside and rushed up. Lin Yi came to one person and saw that they not only turned iron blue on their faces, but also on their bodies. This discovery shocked Lin Yi.

"Qin Dynasty, Lin Shu, Chu Jian, come and help." Lin Yi is not sure if this is a dangerous poison, so he called several people to send the three people to the isolation room of Xuanfeng hall. The isolation room was specially built by Lin Yi to send some highly toxic diseases here, and others in Xuanfeng hall were infected.

"Master, what's the matter with them?" Qin Dynasty said with a scarf on his face.

Lin Yi frowned and looked at the three lying people. Lin Yi was puzzled, and then put his hand on the withered wrist.

"No pulse?" Lin Yi was shocked by his judgment. Lin Yi was deeply shocked by this scene.

Why is there no pulse? Several people are clearly alive, and there is a sound of breathing, but the beating of the heart is a little weak, but since the heart beats, the blood should also be flowing, but now there is no sign.

Lin Yi couldn't figure it out. Then he stretched out his hand again, but this time the result was the same as the initial diagnosis. There was still no pulse.

Then Lin Yi took out a silver needle from himself and stabbed it into the skin of one of them.


As soon as Lin Yi stabbed the silver needle into his skin, a green smoke came out. Suddenly, there was a stench all over the house. Several people were suffocated by the ancient smell, but they couldn't open the doors and windows for fear of spreading it outside.

Lin Yi immediately pulled out the silver needle. After a while, the stench was not so strong, but there was still a little stench in the air.



"What's the matter with you?" Lin Yi hears the sound and looks back. He finds that Lin Shu and the Qin Dynasty are sick there, but he and Chu Jian have nothing to do.

"Master, we feel so sick." Lin Shu said weakly.

When Lin Yi saw the two men's precarious appearance, he immediately doubted that there was him. He immediately opened the door and Chu Jian took them out. When he took them out, Lin Yi found that they seemed to be poisoned and their blood vessels were gradually turning black.


Lin Yi took a breath of cool air. He didn't expect that the toxicity was so huge, and the spread speed was incomparable. However, Lin Yi was also glad that if he didn't get those people to the isolation room, if he was in Xuanfeng hall, Lin Yi couldn't imagine the result.

"Xiao Jian laid them flat on the ground." Seeing that they were getting more and more uncomfortable, Lin Yi knew it was not too late, so he immediately laid them flat on the ground with Chu Jian.

Then Lin Yi took out his silver needles and stabbed them into their acupoints in Chu Jian's shock. Just after Lin Yi's silver needles were stabbed in, a magical scene appeared. I saw that the propagation speed visible to the naked eye before that was shrinking sharply now.

After a while, the black venom stopped in their blood vessels and did not circulate. At this time, Lin Yi's clothes had been soaked, and the Qin Dynasty and Lin Shu were also covered with fine sweat, and the eyes of their lips turned black.

Knowing that his silver needle tube would not last long, Lin Yi shouted to Chu Jian: "go and call your master and your uncle, hurry up."

Chu Jian heard Lin Yi say this and knew that things must not be as simple as he thought, so he ran out quickly to find Lin Zhengfeng and Li Mingyang.

Lin Yi was there to suppress the two people's toxic flow. Seeing that his silver needles were slowly turning black, Lin Yi was very nervous. He had never encountered such strong poison since he studied medicine.

"Shit, I don't believe it. I can't cure you a little poison." Lin Yi then stabbed silver needles into their bodies. At this time, they were already unconscious.

Lin Yi was panting, sweating, and his lips turned pale.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

At this time, Lin Yi heard a child's cry. Lin Yi was shocked. He immediately turned his body and shouted, "don't come here, Xiao Feng, just stand there. Don't come here. Wait a minute. When his father is busy, he will take you to eat delicious food."

It turned out to be Lin Feng, the child of Chen Wei and Lin Yi. Now I don't know how he came here. He stood there with a lollipop in his hand and didn't know what to do.

"Xiao Feng is good. You go to find your mother. Dad is very dangerous here. After a while, dad will take you to buy something to eat." Lin Yi's voice seemed powerless, and his "energy and spirit" were greatly consumed in such a short time.

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