When Lin Yi saw the object that muhuizi took out, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry. It turned out that muhuizi took out the mark of tolerance on the highest level of ninja in r country.

Lin Yi knows that Mu Huizi is telling Lin Yi that he will not be a drag. Lin Yi is helpless to see this.

"Brother Yi, my sisters all know you're out. Among the sisters, I can fight. All my sisters have children, so I volunteered to come. My sisters wanted to follow, but they knew they would be a drag on you, so they entrusted me to take care of you." Mu Huizi said slowly.

Hearing this, a warm current flowed through Lin Yi's heart. What Lin Yi didn't expect was that several women knew what they thought, but they had to take care of the children at home, and Mu Huizi was the only one who had no children and could also ninja.

Under the admiration of several women, Mu Huizi finally received this sacred mission, that is, to take care of Lin Yi. Although he can't help, he can stand up for a while when in danger. This is mu Huizi's idea.

After learning this, Lin Yi also knew that he couldn't persuade Mu Huizi at all, so he had to say, "follow me, but you should promise me some requirements. If you can't do it, I won't promise you."

Hearing this, Mu Huizi's eyes lit up and knew that things had changed, so he nodded desperately. He looked like a pecking chicken.

Seeing that Keiko Mu's head kept nodding, Lin Yi knew it was impossible to drive her back, so he just wanted to ask, "first, you must follow me at any time; second, you have to listen to me; third, don't put yourself in danger."

When Lin Yi finished, he found that Mu Huizi was nodding all the way. As for whether he listened or not, Lin Yi didn't know. I'm afraid even Mu Huizi didn't know.

Seeing this, Lin Yi had no choice but to say, "OK, let's go."

Then Lin Yi and Mu Huizi put on their masks and disappeared into the night.

When Li Mingyang left, he told Lin Yi where the people who came out of Nangong family lived, which also brought many convenience to Lin Yi's night detective. Lin Yi took advantage of the night and came to the residence of several people who came out of Nangong family.

"Shh." Lin Yi motioned to Mu Huizi to be gentle and not to talk.

This is a relatively large courtyard, which is located in the suburb of Shangdu. Because the environment here is good, there are few people, and it is also very quiet, several aristocratic families, except the Li family, basically set up camp here.

Lin Yi gently climbed over the courtyard wall and landed on the grass, while Mu Huizi behind him was unwilling to show weakness and landed quietly on the ground.

Then Lin Yi lightly touched the ground and rushed forward. Because the moonlight is brighter tonight, Lin Yi is also afraid that he will be easily found without a cover in the yard.

They came to the window gently, but Lin Yi didn't find any sign of anyone in the room. It was quiet inside.

Lin Yi slowly extends his head to the window and impressively finds that there is no one inside.

"Is there something wrong with my brother's information?" Lin Yi doesn't understand.

Just when Lin Yi wanted to push the guard door in to see if there were any clues about poison, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door. Lin Yi immediately withdrew his feet and ran away with Mu Huizi.

"Who?" A cry came from behind.

But it was still too late. When Lin Yi just pulled Mu Huizi away, several figures appeared in the position where Lin Yi was just now, and they saw Lin Yi's back.


So Lin Yi and Mu Huizi are closely followed by several figures, in which Lin Yi impressively finds Nangong Mie and Nangong Yun, and of course Nangong Yan like a dog leg.

Feeling the closer and closer steps of the three behind him, Lin Yi didn't panic, and then pulled Mu Huizi to run away.

"Who is in front of us and why do we sneak up in our house?" Nangong Mie's loud cry came from behind.

Followed by two old monsters and a fox like Nangong Yan, Lin Yi knows that if this continues, he and Mu Huizi must be a turtle in a jar, but Lin Yi can't leave Mu Huizi alone. In this way, if Mu Huizi becomes their target, the outcome will be unimaginable.

It seems that she knows that there is little hope for the two to escape together. Mu Huizi is pulled behind by Lin Yi. Looking at Lin Yi, she calmly says, "brother Yi, go and I'll stop them."

Lin Yi in front of him was shocked when he heard this. Then he turned around while running and said, "I'm not the kind of man who uses his woman as a substitute for the dead."

After saying that, she squeezed Mu Huizi's hand tighter. She felt the power of her hand, and a trace of helplessness rose in Mu Huizi's heart. The man she loves is so excellent. If she can die together, it's also a good choice.

Lin Yi in front didn't even have the idea of taking care of muhuizi. Now he was thinking about how to escape with muhuizi.

"The people in front stop. If you don't stop, don't blame me for being rude." Nangong Mie behind seems to have given an ultimatum.

Lin Yi knows it's going to be urgent. Although Lin Yi's speed is a bit slower than them, Lin Yi runs around on the way to escape. The people behind him have nothing to do with Lin Yi.

"Hmm? Yes." Lin Yi suddenly remembered a gourd he was holding when he came out. This gourd was used by Lin Zhengfeng to detoxify Lin Shu and the Qin Dynasty. There were two in total. Lin Yi took one of them just in case. He didn't expect to use it this time.

As long as he gets a little of this poison, he will quickly flee to all directions of his body. Although it is more vicious, Lin Yi's only worry is dispelled when he thinks that there are no good people in Nangong family.

"Hey, hey, let you taste the poison." Lin Yi's mouth evokes an evil angle.

Then Lin Yi put his silver needle into the gourd and stirred it for a while. After covering the gourd, he looked at the silver needle with venom on his hand. Lin Yi even showed a smile on his face. When Mu Huizi saw Lin Yi's smile, he always felt a chill on his back.

Shua Shua!

Lin Yi shot out the silver needle without a pause. Because the venom was black, he dyed the original bright silver needle black. Under the cover of the night, several people didn't notice it at all.

"Ah!!! Ah! What is this?"

"It's poison. Close all acupoints and meridians quickly."

Lin Yi has forgotten to run far before, but he still doesn't find the figure behind him, so he looks for another direction and runs over again. After detour, Lin Yi finds a grass and hides. He wants to see how they deal with it. If they are really related to this poison, they must go back to find an antidote.

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