The three brothers of the Li family saw that Lin Yi only took a little, and the rest had to be distributed. Suddenly, several people looked at Lin Yigao a lot. With so many natural and earth treasures, Lin Yi only took some of what he needed, and those were not the most precious among them.

"Well, brothers, you treat me as your brother, so your brother can't go too far, can't he? Isn't that freezing the hearts of several brothers?" Lin Yi smiled.

Several people heard Lin Yi say so and looked at Lin Yi's eyes full of appreciation. Since Lin Yi said so, he was no longer a mother, so several people came forward to choose what they needed first. Pieces of medicinal materials were divided by several people in a short time.

There was a flush on the faces of several people holding a lot of things. They never thought they would take so many Tiancai and Dibao as their own, and the most incredible thing was Lin Yi. Lin Yi had never seen so many medicinal materials before, let alone these medicinal materials are his own?

Tomorrow is the medical conference. Lin Yi wanted to try the effect of natural wood before dawn, but time was not allowed, so he had to give it up. Now that he has this thing, Lin Yi believes he will be able to force out the poison in Lin Zhengfeng's body soon.

"I don't know what interesting things will happen tomorrow." Lin Yi stood in front of the window and looked at the full moon in the sky.

A lot of people have got up just after dawn. Today seems to be an unusual day. There are shouts everywhere early in the morning. It's still the kind of heart rending.

"Who is it? Who stole my fish scale grass? Who is it?"

"Ah!!! My Chiba is gone. Who took my Chiba?"

"My light grass is gone. Who is it?"

The voices from everywhere surprised the people who heard it. They never thought that these people were holding such precious medicinal materials, some of which they had never heard of, but they were all taken away silently. Everyone was wondering who it was? Who has the courage and boldness to take so much in one breath?

Of course, as the initiator, Lin Yi and the three brothers of the Li family certainly regarded nothing as happening, but all this was seen by one person, Zhang Lipeng.

As soon as Zhang Lipeng heard these news, he immediately suspected Lin Yi. No one else knew that these people had so many natural materials and earth treasures. Only after Lin Yi blackmailed himself yesterday, he inferred that these people would also have them, so he went out to rob them at night.

"It must be Lin Yi, it must be him." Zhang Lipeng said gnashing his teeth.

"Zhang Lipeng, when will our medicinal materials be returned to us?" Yangquan on one side was dissatisfied when he saw that his medicinal materials had not been found yet.

"What are you panicking about? I've sent a letter to Shifu. Shifu will definitely ask Lin Yi to get all the herbs back when he leaves the mountain." Zhang Lipeng said discontentedly.

Since these people refused to exchange their lives with Lin Yi because of a medicinal herb yesterday, Zhang Lipeng's attitude towards them gradually became bad, and they had to swallow their anger and follow behind him for their medicinal herbs.

"I hope so, Zhang Lipeng. You need to know the importance of that medicine to us." Shi Tian said angrily.

When people outside heard that their things were taken away, they checked whether their things were still there. However, when they saw the medicine boxes that were still there when they slept yesterday, they are all gone now, which makes people feel as uncomfortable as eating flies.

Later, those who didn't carry Tiancai and Dibao were numb one by one. They spent the morning in a group of high voices, and these people also hated the man who took the medicine.


Lin Yi sneezed for no reason, rubbed his nose and said discontentedly, "who is thinking of me? Is it a little too much?"

It turned out that Lin Yi kept sneezing when he woke up in the morning, which made Lin Yi extremely unhappy, but he checked his body and there was no problem, so Lin Yi had to give up.

Several women are always a scenic spot around Lin Yi. After washing, several women and Lin Yi put on very decent clothes. Lin Yi knows that they can't stay at home all day. Sometimes it's excellent to take them out and swear sovereignty, so Lin Yi took several women out of the door.

"Good morning, Dr. Lin." As soon as Lin Yi went out, he met several previous patients. Lin Yi is no longer surprised, because it is also common for Lin Yi.

"Ouch! Ladies are very smart today! GA is beautiful."

"Oh, so is Dr. Lin Nong. It's a good gimmick!"

Lin Yi was a little embarrassed at the end. Then he took several women to the center of the city.

When Lin Yi drove to the venue of the medical conference, many people had gathered outside the Expo Hall. People from all countries and regions attended as representatives.

"Come on, look, why is that woman so beautiful?"


"That's where."

Several people talked one after another, and finally turned their eyes to Lin Yi's parking position. Because several women were wearing dresses, they got off the car one by one. The first to bear the brunt was the eldest sister, Han Ying. Although Han Ying had children, it did not affect her beauty. On the contrary, it added a trace of mature charm to her.

One stone aroused thousands of waves. Immediately, people at the gate of the Expo Hall gathered their eyes on Han Ying, and all this seemed not to be over. Just after Han Ying got off the bus, an extremely beautiful woman came down from the heavy car, and the people were also surprised.

Everyone's heart seemed to feel a stop, but all this was just the beginning. When people in the Expo Hall heard that so many beautiful women appeared outside, they ran out one after another for fear of missing the event.

Lin Yi, who was sitting in the car, smiled bitterly. He was a little regretful. It wouldn't make sense if he was a golden house, but after this incident, he would certainly be jealous of many men, right? Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing bitterly.

After a while, several women got out of the car and stood in a row. Each one was gorgeous, which brightened everyone's eyes. There was no room for anyone else in their eyes.

However, some people who made them feel that they were in the eye appeared. After getting off the bus, Lin Yi stood among several women, and then hugged them left and right. This is tantamount to destroying the image of the goddesses in the eyes of everyone.

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