"Hey, hey, master Ming, don't worry. I'll let you go." Nangong Yan grinned.

When Nangong Ming heard that Nangong Yan was still calling himself a young master, he knew that he didn't dare to kill himself and looked complacent.

"Nangong Ming, get away!" Nangong Ming was very dissatisfied with the sudden cry. When he looked at Nangong Yan, he found that Nangong Yan stabbed himself with a dagger in his hand. At this time, Nangong Ming wanted to avoid, but it was still too late.

Nangong Ming watched the tip of the knife stab into his chest. Then Nangong Ming felt cold and the blood at the corners of his mouth could not stop flowing out. Nangong Ming looked at Nangong Yan with puzzled eyes.

"Young master Ming, go all the way." Hearing this, Nangong Ming knew that Nangong Yan meant to send him on the road. Then Nangong Ming tilted his head and fell to the ground.

Nangong Ming's eyes were still wide open after she died. Nangong Yan saw that Nangong Ming was still looking at herself after she died. She raised her foot and kicked Nangong Ming's body out a few meters away.

"Nangong Yan, you killed the grandson of the elder. You're dead. You did such a treacherous thing." Nangong Yu, who is also a Nangong aristocratic family, immediately shouted when he saw Nangong Ming killed.

When they heard Nangong Yu shouting, they couldn't help feeling a little disdainful. They were all thinking, are all the people of Nangong aristocratic family fools? Why do you want to die one by one.

"Hee hee, don't worry, Miss Yu. They can't do anything about me now." Nangong Yan smiled.

"Nangong Yan, aren't you afraid of being attacked by the crowd?" In the aristocratic family on the stage, Qin Feng of the Qin family came out and said coldly.

"Hey, hey, they won't come in now. It's surrounded by poison gas. They can't break in. Now you have only two ways. The first is to die and the second is to surrender to me. In this way, you can not only not die, but also enjoy prosperity with me. How about?" Nangong Yan put forward her own conditions.

Under the threat of death, several people began to waver. They didn't want to die.

"I choose the second one and I'll follow you." After struggling for a long time, one of them still compromised under Nangong Yan's hand.

After having the first person, the other waverers all compromised one by one. What Lin Yi didn't expect most was that the Qin Feng of the Qin family actually compromised. With his past, the rest of the Qin family followed, and then several people walked past.

Finally, there are Lin Yi, ou Mingfan, Nangong Yu, Li Yuetong, Xiang shuotan and Lei Tao of Yanyu Pavilion, and finally the little doll.

"Hee hee, good. You will know what a wise decision you have made in the future, and they will report to the king of hell immediately." Seeing that most people choose to follow themselves, Nangong Yan is very happy.

"Hum! It's not that easy to kill us." Lin Yi grinned.

Looking at Lin Yi's confident appearance, Nangong Yan suddenly changed her face and said with a sneer, "really? It seems that you are very confident. What about now?"

As Nangong Yan's voice just fell, half of the dozen strong men suddenly turned into thick water, which evaporated continuously, and the concentration of poisonous gas in the air suddenly became much stronger.

"Brother Lin, I'm afraid we can't hold on." At this time, ou Mingfan on one side said helplessly.

"What's going on?" Lin Yi turns around and finds that several people are struggling to support him. Some parts of his body have been burned by poison gas, but Lin Yi doesn't have anything, just like usual.

Lin Yi immediately took out his silver needle and sealed everyone's acupoints first. However, when Lin Yi came to the little doll, Lin Yi was shocked to find that he had nothing at all.

Watching Lin Yi block the acupoints of several people, Nangong Yan didn't stop it. Now he just wants to see Lin Yi's hurried feet. The worse Lin Yi is, the happier he is: "hee hee, how about Lin Yi, please, otherwise your silver needle won't last long."


Lin Yi just snorted coldly and ignored Nangong Yan's words.

"Nangong Yan, can we go now? We really can't stand the poisonous gas." Just when Nangong Yan wanted to continue to ridicule Lin Yi, a group of people who had just chosen to surrender said one after another. Nangong Yan turned back and found that each one was pale and ugly.

Nangong Yan doesn't want these people to be poisoned as soon as they surrender. It won't pay. You know, these are the elites of several aristocratic families. Although they are only a few people, they still have a great effect on themselves.

"I tell you, call me master later, or you will die miserably." Nangong Yan is very unhappy that others call her by name. Nangong Yan was bullied a lot before. Now she is very happy to step on the elite of several aristocratic families.

Although Nangong Yan was happy, the faces of the people behind him looked a little ugly. They were all the best in the family. Now they would be so humiliated, which made their faces uncertain.

"Although you choose to submit to me, I don't believe it." Nangong Yan looked at the people beside him and said.

Nangong Yan's words suddenly changed everyone's face. It seems that there is a bad feeling.

"So, in order to test your loyalty to me, take this pill." Nangong Yanbian said and took out several dark pills from his pocket.

"This pill has a nice name, called ant bite. As the name suggests, every seven days you will feel like your body is bitten by thousands of ants. If there is no antidote at that time, you will slowly die in this feeling and taste the extraordinary torture. Don't worry. If you are obedient, I will send you the antidote on time. ”

The group of people immediately looked tangled, because if they didn't eat, they must be waiting for death here. If they ate, it would be terrible to think of it.

Just then, Qin Feng of the Qin family came forward, picked up a pill in Nangong Yan's hand, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

"If you don't want to die, do it. Those who know current affairs are heroes. Am I right, master?" Qin Feng looked at the crowd and said coldly. Then he flattered Nangong Yan.

Seeing Qin Feng as a representative, Nangong Yan was overjoyed and said, "what you said is very right and very good for my appetite. From now on, you are my staff and my military division."

After hearing this, Qin Feng said happily, "thank you for your love."

They saw Qin Feng swallow the pills without hesitation. Under the choice of life and death, they came forward one after another, picked up the pills in Nangong Yan's hand and swallowed them all.

Strange to say, after taking the pills, they felt that the poisonous gas in the air was not so burning.

"I put some antidote in the pill for you, so you won't feel any signs of poisoning." Nangong Yan looked at the crowd and said.

"Hee hee, Lin Yi wants you to live well." Nangong Yan didn't forget to look at Lin Yi when she left and smiled.

"Let's go." Nangong Yan then said, and then those who chose to surrender followed him out. Those people looked at Lin Yi and didn't forget to show a sneer.

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