This made Lin Yi puzzled. He didn't know what the mysterious intention was, but soon Lin Yi felt something wrong, because he always felt that someone was following him behind him, but this feeling was not too strong. Lin Yi thought he thought he thought too much, so he ignored it and still followed the figure in front.

The more Lin Yi walked, the more he felt something was wrong. At this time, Lin Yi had determined that someone was really following behind him, but Lin Yi didn't know who it was. If he had to guess, except those who offended himself, they were the people of Nangong family.

"Who is it? The people in front don't seem to know that someone will follow behind them. It seems that they are not together. What are the intentions of these two groups?" Lin Yi gradually felt a little uneasy.

"No, I can't wait to die. I have to take the initiative. Otherwise, if there is any trap in the back, there is no room for reversal." Lin Yi thought about it and finally made up his mind. Then he accelerated his speed and flew towards the figure in front of him.

Just as Lin Yi accelerated, the tracker behind him seemed to know that he had been found, so he also accelerated his pace.

Lin Yi is getting closer and closer to the figure in front of him. Looking at the figure a few meters away from him, Lin Yi immediately makes a force under his feet, suddenly kicks and jumps up, throws the figure in front to the ground, and then rolls into the grass on one side.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Lin Yi covers his mouth, but the next moment Lin Yi suddenly changes his face, because he touches a soft object on the person in front of him, which makes Lin Yi immediately understand that it is actually a woman.

Knowing that it was a woman, Lin Yi immediately took away his hand, but the hand on his mouth was still pressed. "I'll let you go. Don't talk, or we'll both die."

After hearing Lin Yi's words, the woman quickly blinked her eyes. Lin Yi saw it and slowly moved her hand away. Because she was masked, Lin Yi didn't know who the woman was or what she was trying to do, so she was always secretly on guard.

Then Lin Yi and the woman lay quietly in the grass.

After a while, noisy footsteps came from the position of Lin Yi and the woman just now. Lin Yi slowly put his head out and saw that there were all black night clothes outside, holding bright knives in each hand. When they saw that Lin Yi was gone, they looked around.

"Where's the man? Why did he disappear? Did you see it?" The voices of those people were very small, but they still couldn't escape Lin Yi's ears. Lin Yi listened to them word by word.

"You go there and have a look. You guys come here with me." When the voice fell, those people looked in their respective directions.

Seeing that everyone was gone, the woman next to Lin Yi had to stand up and go out, but Lin Yi immediately pulled her down.

"What are you doing?" The woman seemed a little angry, but she couldn't hear the angry mood in her tone.

Lin Yi was curious. The woman had no hostility to herself, but Lin Yi didn't know why she wanted to bring herself out. When he pulled the woman back, he said coldly, "don't move if you don't want to die. Stay here strangely."

Strange to say, after Lin Yi said this, the woman actually lay there without moving, which made Lin Yi more confused.

Just when Lin Yi was thinking about how to find out what the woman's intention was, suddenly all the people who had just left returned. They grew up one by one. Their eyes looked around as if they wanted to see through everything.

When they glanced at Lin Yi, Lin Yi immediately took his breath away. The woman on the side immediately took his breath away and closed her breath. After their eyes stopped at Lin Yi, she turned her eyes away.

Because it was night, his sight was not very good, and Lin Yi could not be found.

Just after the group didn't find out, they all rushed away in one direction. This time, the woman next to Lin Yi learned well. Lin Yi didn't move, nor did she. She just lay there quietly and waited.

Lin Yi knew that this group of people must have come to kill themselves and didn't stop until they reached their goal. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the group to return. When they returned to their original place, they still didn't find it, so they left.

When the group left again, Lin Yi was relieved. When he looked at the woman aside, Lin Yi suddenly found that the woman had been staring at herself with her eyes open.

Let Lin Yi's face be thicker than the city wall, but it can't withstand such blazing eyes.

It seemed that she knew it was impolite to look at people like this. The woman immediately took her eyes back and lowered her head. Lin Yi was embarrassed and immediately stood up: "get up, they won't come back."

Saying this, the woman stood up clumsily, covered with grass scraps and leaves.

"How do you know they won't come back?" The mysterious woman patted the leaves on her body and asked Lin Yi.

"Wouldn't it be boring if they came back?" Lin Yi smiled.

The woman ignored Lin Yi's half joking and half serious words, and then turned away.

"Hey, stop. Although they are gone, the matter between me and you is not over. Why did you lead me out? What's your purpose?" Lin Yi suddenly said in a cold voice.

"Er... Well! Hehe, I just want you to come out and breathe." The woman's answer was obviously absent-minded.

"Do you think I will believe your words? It's almost the same to cheat a three-year-old baby. Who are you?" Lin Yi frowned, and suddenly his aura opened. The woman opposite couldn't help but step back.

Seeing that the woman still didn't answer, Lin Yi was helpless, so he turned back. When he knew that the woman had no malice, he didn't have a trace of killing heart. He didn't know what the woman was for, but as long as she had no malice, Lin Yi wouldn't pursue anything.

Seeing that Lin Yi was about to turn and leave, the woman immediately shouted, "Alas, stop, you can't go back."

Hearing this, Lin Yi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Why did he deliberately lead himself out, but he didn't want to go back by himself? What's so fishy about this?

The more Lin Yi thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, so he grabbed the woman's shoulder and asked, "why can't I go back? Why did you lead it out?"

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