"Miso!" Lin Yi took out his long sword and walked in front. He knew that it should be able to reveal why Nangong Yan suddenly had such a powerful poison skill.

"Hiss ~"

Just as Lin Yi was about to lift his feet into the cave, a voice suddenly remembered that Lin Yi immediately burst his hair and knew that it must be the blue and white python, so he immediately turned to the people and said, "don't move, don't talk."

Just as Lin Yi finished speaking, the people were terrified. Lin Yi didn't stop Yu Guang from holding back and found that the blue and white Python was behind him. Lin Yi couldn't help licking his cracked lips.

"Hiss ~" the Python's voice of spitting out Xinzi sounded in Lin Yi's ear. The two blood red lantern like eyes stared at the people, and their hearts couldn't help jumping wildly. Then the python crossed Lin Yi and came to the people, and Xinzi kept spitting out in front of the people.

The big mouth swayed around in front of the crowd, as if it would swallow anyone if he was dishonest.

"Click!" A green sound came from Lei Tao's feet. It turned out that the bones on the ground had been trampled off by Lei Tao. The Python's eyes suddenly turned red and suddenly opened his big mouth and bit at Lei Tao.

"Run!!! Run into the hole." Lin Yi immediately shoots out the silver needle in his hand. As soon as Lin Yi's voice falls, they suddenly run towards the cave.

The Python's big mouth deviated from the direction under Lin Yi's silver needle. Lei Tao also escaped from death, and then ran to the cave.

Lin Yi slashed at the Python's tail with a long sword, and immediately left a huge hole in the Python's tail. When the python felt pain, he immediately turned back and bit at Lin Yi. Looking at the big mouth that could wrap himself up, Lin Yi immediately shot out at the back, and the python bit empty.

Seeing that he didn't bite Lin Yi, the python immediately shouted and rushed towards Lin Yi. Where dare Lin Yi stay? So he immediately ran to the cave, and the python was chasing after him.

"Go!!!" Seeing that the people were still waiting for themselves, Lin Yi immediately shouted. Then the people kept going deep into the cave, while the python was chasing after them.

Just after Lin Yi didn't know how long they had run, Lin Yi found that there was no Python's voice behind him. He immediately stopped them and rested in place.

"Brother Lin, has the python gone?" Li Yuetong asked with shortness of breath.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "we should have gone, but now our situation is not optimistic. We are lost in the cave. We ran too fast just now and didn't have time to make a mark. Now we don't know how to get out."

Everyone present knew that Lin Yi was telling the truth, but there was no way back now.

"In this way, we'll start after a short rest. There's no clue." Lin Yi took a sip of water and said.

Now Lin Yi is the backbone of the people. According to Lin Yi, they are unconditional obedience. After a short time, the people get up again to find the cause of the poison gas in the cave and the way out.

There are no rules to follow in the cave. There are channels extending in all directions. Lin Yi and the people don't know how long they have been walking, but they still haven't found anything.

However, the people present were all with excellent mental strength, and there was no sign of discouragement. Lin Yi walked ahead wholeheartedly, looking for any clues.

Just as Lin Yi was exploring the way ahead, Lin Yi suddenly found a figure in front of him. Lin Yi immediately caught up with him, and the people behind him followed Lin Yi when they saw something.

The people were very confused. They should be the only people in the cave, but now there are other people. What does this mean? Lin Yi chases him closely. The people in front seem to know that Lin Yi is chasing him, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

The man took Lin Yi around the cave. Lin Yi was shocked. From his body method, he should be very familiar with here. As long as he caught him, he could go out safely. This is a hope.

After Lin Yi chased him for a while, the one in front seemed to have sprained his ankle. Suddenly, he stumbled and fell to the ground. Lin Yi was overjoyed and rushed forward immediately to catch the man.

"Hoo ~" just as Lin Yi caught the man, the man suddenly blew a mouthful of white powder at Lin Yi, and then he was about to escape. Lin Yi was fascinated by the white powder, but felt that the man wanted to break free from his own hands. Lin Yi immediately grabbed the man.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?" At this time, several talents behind him rushed to catch the man immediately. When Lin Yi saw that the people caught him, he released his hand.

"I don't know what he uses. What powder and water? Pour me some." Lin Yi said.

"Yes, yes!" At this time, Lei Tao on one side came forward with a kettle in his hand and poured water into Lin Yi's palm. Lin Yi washed his eyes with water, blinked a few times, and then gradually saw everything around him.

"Hey! Brother Lin, I'm here. Can you see me?" Ou Mingfan waved his hand in front of Lin Yi and asked.

Lin Yi couldn't help but be speechless. Ou Mingfan was the happiest, "see!" Lin Yi said angrily.

"This... How is it possible? Who the hell are you?" At this time, the man caught by Xiang shuotan was surprised to see that Lin Yi was not dead.

Lin Yi looked along the voice. When Lin Yi's eyes fell on the man's face, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. He saw that the man was unkempt and had many large scars on his face, which looked very penetrating. Just now, he heard the voice of a young man.

"Who are you?" Lin Yi asked.

"Tell me who you are first." The young silk showed no weakness and retorted.

Seeing that the young man was not afraid of himself at all, Lin Yi grinned and immediately said, "my name is Lin Yi. Come in and find out why there was poison gas here. What about you? Now you can say it?"

"Lin Yi? So you are Lin Yi?" Exclaimed the young man.

Lin Yi immediately grabbed his hand and asked, "do you know me? Or where did you know I was Lin Yi?"

Lin Yi's tone was very cold, which made the boy step back a few steps. Then he said tremblingly, "I heard a man say."

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, I don't know." The boy said in horror.

The young man's appearance obviously betrayed him. Lin Yi knew that the young man must know the secret that ordinary people don't know, so Lin Yi decided to cross examine him carefully.

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