Remember Yao'er still doesn't care about Lin Yi's words. Lin Yi turns around and is relieved. This Jing poison is the painstaking work of remember Yao'er. No one wants to let it go, but Lin Yi really loves talents.

Just when Lin Yi was sorry, Ji Yaoer saw that Lin Yi was distracted, and immediately rushed up to Lin Yifei with his hands and claws. Lin Yi had been paying attention to Ji Yaoer's trend. When he saw Ji Yaoer rushing up, Lin Yi immediately flashed aside.

"Hum! Look where you're going." When Ji Yaoer saw Lin Yi dodging everywhere, he thought Lin Yi was afraid of himself, so he sneered in his heart.

"Remember medicine, are you really stubborn?" Lin Yi said while hiding from change.

"I think you are stubborn. Do you think you can win me? It's naive. Now you turn and leave immediately, and I will never pursue it." Remember medicine son also did not give in at all, that appearance looks very proud.

Seeing the medicine in mind, Lin Yi still had no intention of repentance. Lin Yi gradually became angry, so he said coldly, "in this case, let you see what it means to have someone outside people and there is a day outside the world."

As soon as Lin Yi's voice fell, he changed his hand shape. He pinched his hand into a fist, stretched out an index finger, and looked at Ji Yaoer with cold eyes.

"Hum, put on airs." Ji Yao'er despises Lin Yi's appearance. In his opinion, he can be invincible under his own Jingdu blessing. Lin Yi's appearance is just artificial.

Lin Yi knows that he doesn't care at all from the appearance of jiyao'er, so he grins and pours on jiyao'er. Jiyao'er sneers when he sees Lin Yi rushing up.

However, when Lin Yi's finger touched jiyao'er, jiyao'er felt severe pain, but there was no pain in the skin. The pain came from inside the body, which was deep into the bone marrow.

"Ah!!" The severe pain made Ji Yaoer shout, his face became distorted, and bean sized beads of sweat fell from his face.

"What did you do to me?" Ji Yaoer covered the palm of Lin Yi's hand and asked with a big change in his face.

"Nothing, aren't you immune to my attacks? But I found that your poison root is only on your skin, so I concluded that your muscles and bones have not changed at all, so I used all my strength to make your skin feel better, but your muscles and bones may not feel so good. Am I right? Remember the medicine? ”

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Ji Yaoer's face changed greatly. He looked full of panic. He looked at Lin Yi with hate. After looking at Lin Yi, Ji Yaoer turned and ran away.

"Where to go!" Lin Yi shouted loudly, then picked up the stones on the ground and shot at Ji Yao'er with 100% strength.

"Plop!" With a dull sound, the medicine fell to the ground, and the utensils in his arms rolled out. A pool of green liquid flowed out on the ground. Lin Yi rushed up immediately.

Seeing that Lin Yi was coming to take his poison, Ji Yaoer immediately panicked. Holding the pain, he flew towards the container on the ground, but he was still a step late and was copied in his arms by Lin Yi.

Ji Yaoer jumped into the air and was stunned. He looked up slowly and stared at Lin Yi. His eyes were wide and looked very penetrating.

"Give me back my cyanine poison!" When Ji Yaoer came back, he grabbed Lin Yi's clothes and was about to seize the utensil containing Jing poison, but how could Lin Yi let him succeed? He dodged Ji Yaoer's hand with an arrow.

"This thing does great harm to people. I'll destroy it for you." Lin Yi then walked towards the depths of the stone chamber.

"No!!! You can't do that." Looking at Lin Yi's direction, Yao Er panicked. This can be said to be the most perfect work he has made. If it is destroyed, it may not be able to be made again.

Lin Yi walked in one direction at will. He didn't know how to destroy the Jing poison, but he felt that he was right in this direction, because it was getting hotter and hotter here. Before long, Lin Yi was soaked with sweat, but Lin Yi still insisted.

"Huh?" Lin Yi kept moving forward towards the front, but at this time, he found that Yao Er always followed behind him, staggering.

Lin Yi ignored it and continued to move forward. After a while, Lin Yi suddenly felt his mouth was dry, his clothes had already been dried, the sweat from his body evaporated immediately, and his feet even burned. Lin Yi looked at the medicine still behind him, so he had to move on.

At the moment, Lin Yi finds that the temperature in front is getting higher and higher, and the whole hole is illuminated red. Lin Yi doesn't know what's in front of him, but he knows it must be extremely dangerous. In order to destroy the Jing poison, or put it in a place where no one can get it, so that it may not harm people any more.

After walking for some time, Lin Yi finally came to the end of the cave. Lin Yi looked at the scene in front of him and was shocked and speechless. Originally, Lin Yi was still wondering what could make the temperature in the cave so high. Now Lin Yi knows.

Lin Yi saw a piece of red magma in front of him. At the moment, it was beating rapidly, just like boiling water, and the hole where Lin Yi was located was in the center of the volcano.

Looking at the medicine recorder getting closer and closer behind him, Lin Yi glanced at the Jing poison in his arms and said, "I hope you can put it down."

As soon as Lin Yi's voice fell, he threw the utensils in his arms into the magma. When the medicine recorder behind him saw Lin Yi throw Jingdu into the magma, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

After Lin Yi threw the utensil containing cyanine poison into the magma, he splashed in the magma for a few times and then disappeared into the magma. Lin Yi was relieved when he saw this scene, but before Lin Yi completely relaxed, he saw a wisp of green liquid in the magma drilling out of the magma.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi couldn't help taking a breath: "I didn't expect that the Jing poison was so domineering. All the utensils were destroyed by the magma, but it came out."

The cyanine poison is constantly churning in the magma. Due to the high temperature of the magma, the cyanine poison is constantly evaporating, but the evaporated poison gas is ignited before it rises into the air. The cyanine poison is constantly struggling and its volume is getting smaller and smaller.

Watching the Jing poison gradually disappear, Ji Yaoer was so sad that there was no expression on his face and looked numb. Then Ji Yaoer looked at the Jing poison the size of a baby's fist and walked forward step by step.

Lin Yi had been staring at Jingdu and wanted to see him disappear completely, but at this time he noticed that jiyao'er jumped over him and walked forward.

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