The old and young are excited to see each other. Li Taiyi has not returned to the family for a long time, and Li Yuetong has never seen the legendary ancestor.

"How are the Li family now? How's your grandpa?" Li Taiyi finally met someone from a family. He was very happy and kept pulling Li Yuetong there.

Seeing that they were chatting vigorously, Lin Yi took ou Mingfan and others aside, found a clean stone and sat down.

But what puzzled some of Lin Yi's father-in-law monks was that Li Taiyi and Li Yuetong pointed out to themselves from time to time, as if they were discussing something about themselves.

"Brother Lin, if you don't expect it, you will have another daughter-in-law. Alas, pity us who are still alone." Oumingfan said bitterly on one side. It looked like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Seeing ou Mingfan's appearance, everyone couldn't help laughing, "brother ou, now I find that you are a woman in front of brother Lin. look at your eyes and posture, it's like being jealous."

Xiang shuotan's words were exchanged for the white eyes of Lin Yi and Ou Mingfan. Ou Mingfan said angrily: "don't tarnish the pure friendship between brother Lin and me."

Lin Yi who heard this sentence was a black line at one end, and Xiang shuotan laughed louder this time. Chu Jian was the only one holding it there. He almost laughed. When he saw Lin Yi's gloomy face, he immediately put up with the smile.

Before long, Li Taiyi and Li Yuetong came over. Li Taiyi couldn't help nodding at Lin Yi. It looked like looking at his uncle, which made Lin Yi uncomfortable.

"I heard your boy made Nangong family suffer a great loss?" Li Taiyi suddenly asked. There was still a shallow smile on his face, but Lin Yi also heard an unusual smell.

Lin Yi nodded, and then Li Taiyi's words confirmed that Lin Yi felt something wrong. Seeing Lin Yi nodded, Li Taiyi frowned slightly, Then he said: "Lin boy, since this is the case, you should pay attention, because there is an old monster in the Nangong family, but the old monster can't live in seclusion because of his injury. If he gets well, I'm afraid he knows what you've done..."

Lin Yi understands what Li Taiyi means, but it has been done, and there is no room for regret. What we need to do now is to pay attention to the trend of Nangong family at any time, and the soldiers will cover up the water and earth at that time.

"Senior, is there anyone from Nangong aristocratic family who hasn't come out of the mountain? What's the name of Nangong north?" Lin Yi was shocked by the inside information of Nangong aristocratic family. Sure enough, a aristocratic family is not so simple. He can make Nangong aristocratic family suffer a great loss. His elders are inseparable. But now the ghost king has gone back, and Lin Zhengfeng has wandered. There is no one in Xuanfeng Hall who can resist.

"Oh! Nangong Bei is just a small role. The real monster of Nangong aristocratic family is Nangong Miao, Nangong Qing's father." Li Taiyi said slowly.

"Nangong Miao?"

"Yes, Nangong Miao is our age. Although he is the eldest brother of Nangong north, he is much better than Nangong north. In those years, our aristocratic families asked themselves that no one was his opponent, so you have to be careful. This is also my advice to you." Li Taiyi also said helplessly.

Lin Yi knows that time is pressing. Nangong aristocratic family is looking for medicine that can cure Nangong Miao. If Nangong Miao gets better, I'm afraid the first thing to come out at that time is to destroy Xuanfeng hall.

Nangong Qing will not retaliate against Xuanfeng hall now, but what about others? How can you not feel resentment when you see that your family has lost so many talents? At that time, he just needs to stir up the flames in front of Nangong Miao, so Lin Yi will definitely die.

Looking at Lin Yi's tangled appearance, Li Taiyi knew what Lin Yi was thinking, so he slowly opened his mouth and said, "boy, you have to think clearly about this matter. You know the stakes."

Weighing the pros and cons, of course Lin Yi knows, but now Lin Yi is worried that no one can stop Nangong Miao. Can he just walk through Xuanfeng hall? Lin Yi is unwilling.

"Is there any way to help the younger generation through this disaster?" Lin Yi knows that Li Taiyi must have a way, otherwise he won't say it to remind himself.

Seeing Lin Yi's question, Li Taiyi finally smiled. It looked like waiting for the fish that had been hooked: "Lin boy, I have a way, but you have to do something, otherwise it will be very difficult to do."

When Lin Yi heard this, he felt a "click" and knew that he had been fooled by Li Taiyi. However, it doesn't matter if he can save Xuanfeng hall. Moreover, it's not necessarily a bad thing to see Li Taiyi.

"Please point out the maze." Lin Yi said respectfully.

Seeing Lin Yi's respectful appearance, Mrs. Li nodded with satisfaction and said, "all I want you to do is marry my great granddaughter Li Yuetong."

Li Yuetong didn't expect that Li Taiyi should put forward such conditions. He was happy and shy at the same time.

"What? Want me to marry Yuetong?" Lin Yi was shocked. He thought that Mrs. Li would ask him to do something for him, but he didn't expect to marry Li Yuetong. Ou Mingfan and others behind Lin Yi were stunned.

"Why is it so difficult?" Li Taiyi was a little dissatisfied, and his tone was cold.

"Boy, what do you mean? Is our family Yuetong not worthy of you?" Li Taiyi said unhappily, and Li Yuetong looked a little lonely behind him.

Hearing this, Lin Yi suddenly turned into a bitter gourd face. What's the matter? So he said weakly, "no, no, no. No, Yuetong is so beautiful. Anyone who marries her will be happy, sir, but does my marrying Yuetong have anything to do with Xuanfeng hall?"

Lin Yi's words immediately made Li too angry. He looked at Lin Yi angrily and said, "are you stupid or pretending? Nangong Miao has been living in seclusion for many years and has been seriously injured. He hasn't made progress for so many years, but I haven't stopped. Do you always understand?"

Lin Yi immediately understood this, but marrying someone for his own interests is not only irresponsible to himself, but also irresponsible to the person being.

So Lin Yi said slowly after struggling again and again, "senior, there are already several wives in my family. Don't worry about giving her to me? Don't you ask Yuetong what he thinks?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Li scratched her head for a while.

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