While Lin Yi was practicing shadowless needling, a group of people suddenly appeared outside the door of Nangong family. They were dressed in ancient clothes, looking ragged and embarrassed, and their bodies were covered with mud.

These people are Jin Wu and others who have chased Lin Yi for many days. At the moment, Jin Wu looks at the Nangong family in front of him, walks forward and says, "call your master out and say I have something important to discuss."

Jin Wu thought he was the master of a city, so his tone sounded like ordering people. The two disciples of Nangong family standing at the door immediately took out their long swords, pointed to Jin Wu and said impolitely, "where are the beggars? Don't look where this is. It's Nangong family."

Jin Wu was pushed back by two disciples and almost didn't stop. Jin Wu didn't suffer from this kind of cowardice, and the bodyguard behind him immediately took out the long knife. It seems that if he doesn't agree, he will fight.

"Come on, someone is making trouble." Seeing that the other side was crowded, the two disciples shouted to the inside. Soon, many disciples of Nangong aristocratic family rushed out. Their faces were extremely bad.

"Who dares to make trouble in front of our Nangong aristocratic family?" At this time, an old man came out slowly. The old man was Fu Bo, the housekeeper of Nangong aristocratic family. At the moment, he also looked at Jin Wu with a gloomy face.

Jin Wu saw so many people coming out soon. He was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he was very happy. After all, he wanted to cooperate with the Nangong family. Since he cooperated, he certainly hoped that the object of cooperation could have a strong force.

"I'm Jin Wu, the leader of the city. I heard that you and Lin Yi are in conflict, so I came to cooperate with your Nangong family and hope to eradicate Lin Yi as soon as possible." Jin Wu said proudly.

Fubo is the one who has been watching Nangong Yu grow up. He heard what Nangong Yu said before he died and told him not to trouble Lin Yi, so Fubo said, "we don't know Lin Yi. You've got the wrong person."

Originally, Jin Wu thought that after he showed his identity, the people in front of him would welcome him in and entertain him well, but what he didn't expect was that he sent himself away with a word. He had to know that he came out of the forest. It was not easy for him to find out that Lin Yi had a feud with the Nangong family, but now what's the matter?

Jin Wu was like a cat with its tail trampled on. He immediately jumped three feet and scolded at the door of Nangong family: "you are a group of cowards. You have destroyed half of your family. Now you shrink inside and refuse to come out. You really shrink your head and can't even resist."

After scolding for a few words, Jin Wu was much more comfortable. Now Nangong family refused to cooperate with him. He had to find Lin Yi himself, but he was caught up before he went far.

"Who is your excellency? Why are you yelling at the door of my Nangong aristocratic family, and why are you leaving now?" It was Nangong Cheng, the second elder of Nangong family, who stopped Jin Wu. He was discussing things with the elders, but he rushed out when he heard someone abusing Nangong family.

Seeing Jin Wu, Nangong Cheng knew that he was an expert, so he was ready to ask about the situation first.

Jin Wu looked at Nangong Cheng and said everything angrily. Nangong Cheng realized that everything was a misunderstanding. Then Nangong Chengcheng told Jin Wu everything, and then solemnly welcomed Jin Wu and others to Nangong aristocratic family.

"This is your senior?" Jin Wu was disappointed when he saw the top level of Nangong family. After all, he was an expert, and Nangong family couldn't even get a decent person.

"Er... Well, our ancestors are in seclusion. The owner didn't come because he had something to do." Nangong's prejudice was despised by Jinwu, so he said with a dry smile.

Hearing this, Jin wucai nodded discontentedly. Nangong chenglai was talking about how to kill Lin Yi. As soon as he heard that he was discussing Lin Yi, Jin Wu immediately stopped to have a rest, and then turned to listen to their discussion.

At the moment, Lin Yi is constantly practicing. Lin Yi feels that the practice is more and more smooth and skilled. He hasn't practiced like this for a long time. His sweat has soaked his clothes, and Lin Yi doesn't feel at all.

"I seem to have a clue, but I still can't grasp it. What's the problem?" Lin Yi touched the back of his head and was puzzled.

Lin Shu beside Lin Yi, Qin Dynasty and Chu Jian stared at Lin Yi's hand tightly for fear of missing every link. Although Lin Yi didn't teach them, what he listened to here for a while was better than many good words.

Every time Lin Yi gives a needle, several people stare at each other. They have never been so focused, because Lin Yi used to give a needle very fast and couldn't see it at all, but now the speed is fast or slow, and all the details can be seen.

So one by one, they took out the silver needles in their hands and compared them there. Among them, Lin Shu made the fastest progress. Lin Shu has been in contact with the "shadowless needle technique" since he was eight years old. Lin Yi has also devoted a lot of effort to it, so Lin Shu's progress is the fastest.

Lin Yi was so absorbed that he didn't notice a few people at all. Now he is immersed in his own world. His eyes are only silver needles and puppets.

Just when Lin Yi was absorbed, a wind suddenly blew over. Lin Yi's sleeves were blown up. Lin Yi immediately thought of something and his eyes were full of joy.

Then Lin Yi shot several silver needles, but what shocked Lin Shu and others was that Lin Yi's silver needles were not only extremely fast, but also had no sound. They looked at each other and didn't know what was going on.

"Hahaha! So it is." The sudden laughter startled several people and looked at Lin Yi at a loss.

"So it is." Lin Yi said excitedly.

Just now he was awakened by the wind. When the wind blew over, Lin Yi found that the wind had no sound. After Lin Yi analyzed it, he suddenly woke up. The wind had no sound because it was light and integrated into the air, so there was no movement.

When Lin Yi tried to shoot the silver needle, he pushed out an air flow and surrounded the silver needle. The silver needle didn't make any sound until it stabbed into the puppet. This discovery excited Lin Yi.

After years of practice, Lin Yi finally grasped the most important point of "shadowless needling". How could he not be excited? After returning to God, I found that several disciples around me looked at me with strange eyes. They were stunned.

Lin Yi shook his hand in front of several people and said, "what's the matter with you?"

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