Lin Yi knows that something must have happened, otherwise Li Yuetong won't be so flustered, but now Li Yuetong's appearance can't say anything. Lin Yi helps her to her chair, takes out two silver needles and plunges them into Li Yuetong's acupoints. The purpose of Lin Yi's acupuncture is to calm her mood and emotion.

Before long, Li Yuetong's mood calmed down and his breathing calmed down a lot. Then he immediately did it and said to Lin Yi, "brother Lin, Grandpa asked me to tell you that Nangong Miao's injury is well. Moreover, Jin Wu, who chased us before, came to Nangong family. Grandpa was afraid that they would be bad for you soon, so let me tell you to be prepared."

"Finally come?" Lin Yi looked outside Xuanfeng hall and murmured.

Lin Yi took back his eyes and said to Li Yuetong, "I know. Go back."

Hearing that she wanted to go back, Li Yuetong was in a hurry, so he hurriedly said, "no, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here with you."

Lin Yi, who had just walked out a few steps, suddenly stopped, turned around, looked at Li Yuetong with a tangled face, and slowly said, "I can't guarantee your safety here. You'd better go home."

Lin Yi, the keeper of the house, was so determined not to let himself be here. Li Yuetong immediately burst into tears in his eyes. It looked very wronged. Lin Yi took a few steps and heard the choking sound behind him. He would turn his head again. Seeing that Li Yuetong was crying, Lin Yi immediately panicked and hurried up.

"Why do you bother? I'm not worth it." Lin Yi frowned, looked at Li Yuetong's big eyes and said.

Li Yuetong also stared at Lin Yi closely. Her big eyes looked very divine. She opened her jade lips and said, "is it so important whether it is worth it or not? The important thing is that I like you."

Lin Yi was stunned by what Li Yuetong said. He just didn't understand why so many people would be willing to be desperate for themselves. Lin Yi couldn't help thinking of Nangong Yu, so he said, "I've received your love. I just hope you can think more about yourself."

When Lin Yi finished, he stood up and turned away. Seeing that Lin Yi was going to leave, Li Yuetong shouted, "you know, I don't want you to lead my love."

Although hearing this, Lin Yi was very unhappy, he still asked the Qin Dynasty to send Li Yuetong out, and then slowly closed the door.

Lin Yi knows that time waits for no one. Last time there was Lin Zhengfeng and the ghost king. This time? Lin Yi didn't know, so he quickly called the crowd.

Looking at the people in front of him, Lin Yi is very tangled. Every time something happens, he can only let them hide and face it alone. He has never stood up to protect everyone. Lin Yi's heart is full of guilt.

"Dad, are you unhappy?" At this time, Lin Ruoxi, who was held by Qin Ling, said with milk.

Lin Yi and Wei Wei smiled, went over to hold her in her arms and said, "Dad met a bad man, but Dad can't protect so many of you, so dad wants you to hide with your mother and pick you up when Dad beat away the bad man, okay?"

"Dad, what kind of bad guy is he? Ruoxi will help you beat him." Lin Ruoxi said cleverly.

"Yes, my sister is right. Dad, let's help you drive away the bad guys." At this time, Lin Feng and Lin Yu stood up and said like a little man.

Lin Yi looked at the little guy in front of him, squatted down slowly, held them in his arms, and then said, "dad knows you are all good children, but you are still too young. Will you help dad when you grow up?"

They didn't know much at a young age. Seeing Lin Yi's words, they nodded one by one. Lin Yi coaxed the small one, but the big one hasn't coaxed yet, so they stood up and looked at the women.

"What reason do you want to deceive us to leave?" Han Ying looks at Lin Yi with melancholy in her eyes.

Lin Yi looked at several women with soft eyes. He never wanted to cheat several women, but he had to do so for their safety.

"You know, I do this for you, but I can't protect you now. I'm constantly trying to protect you. Until that day, we don't have to hide. We can be here openly. No one can threaten us. Our family can be together safely."

"I promise you that this day will not be too far away, but now you must listen to me, that is, protect the children well, take them back to the hut before master, wait for me there, and I will return safely." Lin Yi said with a reluctant face.

When several women saw Lin Yi's appearance, they knew that Lin Yi was struggling, but it was hope to live. Therefore, Han Ying, as the eldest sister, immediately agreed to Lin Yi's request. It was not Han Ying's greed for life and fear of death. She hoped to accompany Lin Yi, even if it was death? But as an elder sister, she must endure what ordinary people can't bear, so she agreed so soon.

Seeing that Han Ying agrees with Lin Yi, Lin Yi looks happy. He never wants to abandon his wife and run away. All he does is for everyone to survive.

After that, several women and the Qin Dynasty simply packed their bags, and then quietly left from the tunnel. Lin Yi was the only one left in such a big Xuanfeng hall.

Looking at the quiet yard and house, Lin Yi's heart is mixed. This has happened several times. Each time he has to let his family hide. Lin Yi has had enough of this kind of day.

Lin Yi doesn't know if he can live this time, but he knows that if the Nangong family really comes to the door, he will have to break off some of his teeth.

The next day, Lin Yi opened the door of Xuanfeng hall as usual, but as soon as he opened the door, a figure fell in.


Lin Yi looks like who Li Yuetong is. He kicked her out yesterday. Unexpectedly, she was still here. Looking at Li Yuetong falling to the ground, Lin Yi quickly stretched out his hand to help her.

"Are you okay?"

"It's all right!" Li Yuetong got up carelessly, patted the dust on his body and said.

"You were here last night?" Lin Yi asked curiously.

As soon as Lin Yi's voice fell, Li Yuetong was stunned there. He didn't know what to say. He thought for a long time before he choked out a few words: "how can I be here all night? I just came here today and was ready to knock on the door, and then you just opened the door, so that's it, hehe!" Li Yuetong stood there laughing.

Although Li Yuetong said so, Lin Yi saw at a glance that she was lying.

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