But now the night has fallen down, and they still don't see Lin Yi's silver needle. They can't help being angry. Even Nangong Miao is dissatisfied.

"Nangong Cheng, did the Falcon report the wrong position? Why didn't you see Lin Yi?"

Hearing the dissatisfaction in Nangong Miao's tone, Nangong Cheng immediately came forward and said, "this Falcon was trained by the elder. It has been used many times before and has never made a mistake."

Nangong Miao can't blame him for this. In fact, Nangong Miao wanted to catch up with him alone at first, but then he thought, Lin Yi must be unable to run away. It's better to follow him so far, which makes him feel desperate. But now Nangong Miao can't help feeling childish about his ideas and immediately thinks about it in his heart, I'll catch up with you early tomorrow morning.

Nangong Miao sat on a chair and was carried by four disciples of Nangong aristocratic family, while Nangong Cheng walked in front and constantly judged the direction according to the call of falcons.

At the moment, Lin Yi finally lies on the ground exhausted. He feels that his body is like cracking, and his heart is beating rapidly. His clothes have long been scratched by branches, and there are holes everywhere.

Unknowingly, Lin Yi finally fell asleep. Not long after Lin Yi fell asleep, the sky suddenly flashed and thundered and the wind was strong. Finally, it rained heavily. Lin Yi lying on the ground was covered by the leaves blown down by the wind. The falcons in the sky had to hide in this weather.

When Lin Yi woke up the next day, he found himself sleeping in a pair of dead leaves. When he saw the scene around him, he couldn't help taking a breath. He saw footprints everywhere. Because it rained, he looked particularly clear, while Lin Yi just lay in a gully and was not found.

After waking up, Lin Yi's back was numb, and he had no time to wipe the mud off his body, so he ran in one direction.

At this time, Nangong Miao and others were under a big tree not far from Lin Yi, and the Falcon was standing on the big tree.

"Where's Lin Yi? Where is he?" Nangong Miao was particularly angry, either because of something else or because he chased Lin Yi all night and finally didn't come. This made Nangong Miao feel cheated, so he thundered at the people's Congress.

"The owner may be that the heavy rain last night made the Falcon lose Lin Yi's trace. I'm sure I can find Lin Yi as long as I have another chance." Nangong Cheng wiped the sweat on his forehead, from which we can see how afraid he is of the house owner.

"Hum! Better so." Nangong Miao knew that he could not blame too much, otherwise his heart would be unstable, so he snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Nangong Cheng was pardoned and immediately called down the Falcon. At this time, the Falcon was soaked in water. Nangong Cheng took out a cloth to wipe the water on the Falcon and said softly, "falcon, my life is in your hands." Then he threw the Falcon into the air.

Lin Yi ran away in a hurry, but what he didn't expect was that he ran into two disciples of the Nangong family before he went far. The disciples of the Nangong family sounded the signal at the first sight of Lin Yi. Lin Yi said in secret, "it's terrible." After that, he shot and killed two people with a silver needle.

At this time, Nangong Miao, who saw the signal, immediately flew out of his chair and stepped a few meters away, but there were others faster than him, that is Jinwu. Jinwu was nervous all the time, so he accelerated the speed at the first time when he saw the signal.

"Where does Lin Yi run?" Just before Lin Yi went far, a voice suddenly came from behind. Lin Yi didn't have to look back to know that Jin Wu was catching up.

Lin Yi ignored it and just accelerated his pace, but after a while, Lin Yi heard another voice: "little bastard, where else do you want to run? Don't stop and die."

Being chased by the two masters, Lin Yi can't tell. He can't stop. Once he stops, he will be caught immediately. Therefore, Lin Yi doesn't even have time to look back for the two masters, let alone use the silver needle.

Lin Yi felt that the two people behind him were getting closer and closer to him. Lin Yi couldn't help being anxious, but now there was no way: "is heaven going to kill me?" Lin Yi could not help feeling a little sad.

Seeing Lin Yi getting closer and closer, nangongmiao and Jinwu can't help but be overjoyed. They were fooled by Lin Yi all day yesterday, and now they can finally take revenge.


The sound of cutting through the air came. Lin Yi said it was bad, but it was still too late. He saw a silver needle stabbing Lin Yi's body immediately.

Seeing that the attack succeeded, Nangong Miao was overjoyed. He immediately took out his silver needle and shot at Lin Yi with the unique "fallen leaf needle technique" of Nangong aristocratic family.

Lin Yi has no time to deal with these. He feels that silver needles continue to pierce his body. Lin Yi is also deeply helpless, but he knows he can't stop. Once he stops, it's turtle in urn and meat on chopping board.

Lin Yi's back has been soaked with blood at the moment. He feels the tingling pain from his back. Lin Yi can't help but turn pale and slow down gradually.

"Bang!" With a dull noise, Lin Yi was finally caught up. Jin Wu slapped Lin Yi on the back.

"Poof!" Lin Yi vomited a big mouthful of blood and then fell to the ground.

"Little bastard, don't you run very well? Run! Run one and let me see?" Nangong Miao looked at Lin Yi on the ground and sneered.

"Lin Yi, today I can finally avenge my poor city." When Jin Wu said this, he burst into tears and said he was going to kill Lin Yi with a knife.

"Am I going to die like this? What will they do if I die? The master is still waiting for me to provide for his old age, and the children haven't grown up yet. No! I can't die like this. I'm not willing, I'm not willing." Lin Yi felt Jin Wu's closer and closer steps, and gradually propped up his tired body with his bloody hands.

"Little bastard, I don't see you have backbone, but even if you have backbone again, you can't save you." Nangong Miao slapped Lin Yi when he saw him stand up.

"Poof!" Lin Yi was hit by the power of this palm and flew out directly.

Lin Yi, who fell to the ground, still grabbed the branch on one side and stood up slowly. Jin Wu and Nangong Miao frowned when they saw this scene.

"Don't offend people in your next life, especially those you can't afford." Nangong Miao looked at Lin Yi's miserable appearance and said coldly.

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