After Lin Yi left, the medicine city gradually stabilized. The three aristocratic families began to cultivate students and recuperate. For this battle, almost all of the three families did not get well, and all had losses.

"Go and see Ke'er. It's time to go back later. I don't know how they are now, as well as Nangong family and Jinwu. I'll redouble what you've done to me."

When Lin Yi got outside the thatched hut, he didn't go in. He just hid outside and looked at Ke'er. He saw Ke'er playing with those small animals. He didn't want to disturb, but he was found by Ke'er with sharp eyes.

"Ah Dai, is that you? Are you coming back?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't move any more. He had to turn around and smile, and then slowly walked in. He didn't expect that he was finally found by Ke'er.

"Ah Dai, why did you leave quietly? Are you afraid of Ke'er's sadness?" Ke'er's two big eyes seemed to be able to speak and stared at Lin Yi tightly.

"Er..." Lin Yi didn't know how to answer.

Seeing Lin Yi's difficult appearance, Ke'er smiled and said, "ah Dai, wait, I have something for you."

Ke'er then ran into the room, and then there was another book in his hand. Lin Yi didn't know what it was, but he felt that it should not be a simple thing.

"Here, Grandpa asked me to give it to you when he left." Lin Yi frowned and took over. When he saw a few big words on the paper, he was shocked. He saw that the animal training method was written on it.

Seeing these words, Lin Yi realized why the animals captured by Sima Huangtian were extremely obedient and not even wild. It turned out that everything was due to this animal training method.

"Ke'er, isn't your grandpa at home?" Lin Yi suddenly reflected what Ke'er had just said.

Ke'er nodded and said, "grandpa left and said he was going to do something important, so let me wait for you here, wait for you to come, and then give this thing to you. Grandpa said he would let me follow you for a while, and then he would come to me."

This made Lin Yi raise his eyebrows. Sima Huangtian left in such a hurry. What would make him so anxious that Ke'er waited for him and let her follow him for some time?

"Ke'er, did your grandfather specifically say where he went? Or what he did?"

For Lin Yi's words, Ke'er just shook his head to show that he didn't know.

Seeing that he didn't get the information he wanted, Lin Yi didn't ask much. Then he asked, "aren't you afraid of being alone? What if I didn't come, or you didn't find me?"

"Well, no, grandpa told me you would come back, so I'll wait for you here." Ke'er shook his head and smiled.

Then Lin Yi simply cleaned up Ke'er's things and found the direction to go back. After asking Ke'er where he had floated down, Lin Yi went on his way along the river.

After walking for two consecutive days, Lin Yi found that he still couldn't find the waterfall he fell. Lin Yi was also very distressed. There was hardly a person in a few hundred miles. The only thing he could say was Ke'er.

At night, Lin Yi rests on the tree trunk, while Ke'er lies on the bed prepared by Lin Yi for her and looks at the fire in front of her. Lin Yi still has the roast meat in his hand, but it's a little cold.

Lin Yi put the meat away easily, but after a while, Lin Yi found that there was no barbecue on the ground. Lin Yi thought his senses had reached a high level, but he still didn't find anything around, which made Lin Yi seem a little nervous.

Then Lin Yi goes to Ke'er's bed. He doesn't know the situation, so he wants to determine Ke'er's safety at the first time. After seeing that Ke'er is all right, Lin Yi is relieved. Then he throws a piece of meat around him to the ground, and then stares at it tightly, trying to see what it is.

As time went by, the meat was still in place and nothing came up and took it away. Gradually, Lin Yi felt sleepy and his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

"Hoo ~" just as Lin Yi closed his eyes, the meat on the ground disappeared. Lin Yi woke up and saw only a dark shadow. The leaves on the ground were flying around by the dark shadow. When Lin Yi stood up and wanted to find something, peace had been restored around.

Gradually, fine beads of sweat appeared on Lin Yi's forehead. It was the first time he found something so fast. Lin Yi couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Then Lin Yi threw a piece of meat on the ground again. This time, he knew that the thing didn't appear until dawn, which made Lin Yi depressed. He could only think that the thing should be full, so it didn't appear.

Lin Yi hurried all day again. When night came, Lin Yi specially roasted more meat to see if that thing would appear today. Lin Yi is also gambling. After all, he hurried so long during the day.

After coaxing Ke'er to sleep, Lin Yi set up a trap around him, then threw the meat into the middle of the trap, and then sat not far away and waited quietly. After waiting for a long time, there was still no abnormal situation. Just when Lin Yi thought it should be impossible to take things, Lin Yi suddenly found that there was a dark shadow in his vision.

Because Lin Yi arranged many traps, it seemed that it could not be stolen quickly, so he had to jump over the traps one by one, so the speed was much slower, and Lin Yi also saw the shadow clearly.

The black shadow looks like a wolf, but it looks much more cunning than a wolf. It's the size of an ordinary dog. Lin Yi immediately wondered what the hell this guy is. It doesn't look like this or that.

That thing was very smart. He hid all the traps arranged by Lin Yi and came to the barbecue in the twinkling of an eye. He was ready to retreat with the barbecue in his mouth. However, when he noticed the trap, Lin Yi stretched out his hands behind him.

When he was about to escape, suddenly a pair of strong hands seized him.

"Ah ah!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Yi was stunned. Isn't it a fucking dog barking? What the hell is this?

The thing wanted to struggle, but Lin Yi's hand didn't shake at all. In this way, it suddenly lost its temper and its whole body drooped down. It looked like it was dead.

"Hmm? Pretending to be dead? Pretending to be dead?" Who is Lin Yi? Of course, he knows that this thing is not really dead. If Lin Yi could not feel its weak pulse, Lin Yi would almost believe it.

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