"What are you talking about?" Lin Yi's words filled Qingsong's eyes with disbelief. Originally, he just asked Lin Yi to take care of Qingyuan. This is a great love, but now Lin Yi wants to help himself take revenge. Qingsong will inevitably feel that happiness comes too suddenly.

"Uncle, Lin Yi is also a layman. I still understand the truth that people who are dripping water should repay each other. Moreover, the Qin family has a grudge against me, so I'm not helping you."

When he learned that Lin Yi could help himself, Qingsong didn't care whether he had a feud with the Qin family. He didn't expect that his decision made him see hope.

The two talked very late. Later, Qingsong was sleepy, and Lin Yi stopped. The next day, when Lin Yi woke up, he found that Qingyuan didn't know where to go, and Qingsong was still the same as before, with his eyes closed.

"Uncle? Uncle?" Lin Yi shouted twice, and Qingsong didn't respond. Lin Yi was a little flustered at this time. Then he went to touch Qingsong's pulse, but when he touched it, Lin Yi knew that Qingsong had no pulse at all, which made Lin Yi difficult.

"The old man said he put medicine Silkworm in his brain, and his brain is alive. You can look here again." With that, Lin Yi put his hand on Qingsong's head, but after repeated inspection, Lin Yi still didn't find any vital signs.

"Uncle, don't look. Grandpa is gone." When Lin Yi was wondering about his childhood, suddenly a voice came from the door. It turned out to be Qingyuan.

"What's going on?" Lin Yi doesn't understand.

Qingyuan walked in slowly. The tears in his eyes were swirling. He tried his best not to let his tears fall. Then he said, "uncle, I heard everything you said to grandpa last night. After dawn, grandpa told me to listen to you, and then grandpa left."

Looking at Qingyuan holding back the tears in his eyes, Lin Yi's heart is not the taste. He didn't expect that he didn't find that Qingyuan didn't sleep at all last night, and Qingsong left too suddenly.

Lin Yi and Qingyuan find a place with good scenery and bury Qingsong. When they are buried, Lin Yi finds that many parts of Qingsong's body have rotted. Although he takes some drugs to prevent corruption, he still can't restrain it. When he wants to leave, the tears in Qingyuan's eyes fall off.

"Qing Yuan, you will follow me in the future. It's always nice to call uncle. Well, you can be my apprentice." Lin Yi has also seen Qingyuan's talent. There is no problem at all, so he has the idea of accepting disciples.

"Master, please accept the disciple's worship!" When Lin Yi finished, Qingyuan knelt on the ground without thinking about it and paid a big gift to the teacher, which made Lin Yi look a little embarrassed, but then he covered it up.

At this time, Qincheng has become a pot of porridge. After Nangong Miao's death, Nangong Qing immediately rushed over to find the murderer. As for the Qin family's claim that Lin Yi killed Nangong Miao, Nangong Qing doesn't believe it at all. He knows that although Lin Yi has made rapid progress, it's impossible to kill Nangong Miao.

In this way, the two people disagreed with each other's investigation. They thought there were two families who dared not commit crimes again, but what surprised people was that they would still die every night, not one or two, and they were all people from other aristocratic families who came to Qincheng.

The disciples of their own family died in an unknown way. Of course, it is impossible for the aristocratic family not to ask, so several other aristocratic families also sent people to investigate the cause of death of their disciples.

"Now Qincheng is more and more chaotic. I don't know what will happen later." Lin Yi hid in the corner and watched the street full of people from several aristocratic families, which made the whole city panic.

It has been some time since Qingsong died. During this time, Lin Yi will practice the "Tianchan knife" left by Qingsong every day. Whenever he has time, he will go out to see the wind and grass outside.

Lin Yi has disappeared from everyone's vision for some time. Many people think that Lin Yi did it. So now Lin Yi doesn't dare to appear at all. It's also easy to be tolerated when he appears in everyone's vision.

Qincheng is now only allowed in and not allowed out, and in order to catch Lin Yi, he also gave a huge bonus, so many people came to want a share. At this time, Lin Yi taught Qingyuan "shadowless needling" in that broken yard.

Qingyuan's progress is very fast. He is almost catching up with Lin Shu's talent. Now the "shadowless needle technique" has reached the key. Next, he only needs to practice hard. In his spare time, Lin Yi has also made significant progress in practicing Tianchan Dao. Now wherever Lin Yi goes, he has a small knife circling in his hand. The speed is so fast that he can't even see his fingers.

"How about Qingyuan? Do you have any questions?" Lin Yi watched Qingyuan stay there motionless, so he asked.

"Master, 'shadowless needling' stresses shadowless and accuracy, but why is my silver needle so inaccurate?" Qingyuan's face was full of sadness with a silver needle.

"Accuracy can't be practiced in a day or two. It depends on the accumulation of time and your proficiency in the silver needle in your hand." Lin Yi also experienced these problems, so he soon knew where the problem was. Hearing this, Qingyuan looked suddenly enlightened.

After more than ten days, Lin Yi knows that this is not the way to go on, but now he is allowed to leave the city. He can't escape at all, let alone escape from the joint blockade of several aristocratic families with Qingyuan.

Dozens of people have died in Qincheng these days, all young and strong men. Qing Yuan disturbed his plan last time, and there were obviously others behind him at that time, which showed that his approach was feasible, so Lin Yi planned to lead the snake out of the cave again tonight.

Due to the constant death these days, there are fewer and fewer people on the Tiangang black street in Qincheng. This is very different from when Lin Yicai came. Everyone closed the door early, and even the watchmen in the street were replaced by weak old men.

Lin Yi swaggers down the street. What he has to do now is to attract the murderer's attention and make him notice himself. Lin Yi has almost walked half the road of Qincheng. At this time, the night is very deep. Since a patrol team died a few days ago, even people of the aristocratic family dare not come out, let alone others.

"Why don't you show up? Am I not big enough?" Lin Yi looked at his figure. In order to look young and strong, Lin Yi specially dressed up his body as a strong man with bulging muscles.

Suddenly, Lin Yi feels that there seems to be a figure behind him, but when Lin Yi looks back, there is no figure. Lin Yi thinks he feels something wrong, so he looks back and goes on.

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