Lin Yi opens the door and sees a thin figure appear in front of Lin Yi. He looks at the man from the city master's house. He doesn't know what he is doing so late.

"Miracle doctor, something's wrong. Lord Murphy asks you to go." Looking at the man's panic, Lin Yi followed out of the door without saying a word. Mo Fei had something to find him, and it seemed that it should be urgent.

When he came to the city Lord's house, Lin Yi saw several corpses covered with white cloth on the ground from a distance. Mo Fei frowned on one side. When he saw Lin Yi, he hurried to meet him.

"Doctor Lin, you're here at last." Mo Fei sees Lin Yi like a savior. After all, people admire Lin Yi's performance.

"What happened?" Lin Yi stepped forward and found that there were several soldiers lying on the ground. Their bodies were shriveled and looked like skin and bones.

"Dr. Lin, I didn't want to disturb you so late, but I really can't help it. Today is the patrol of this team. Everything was normal, but when the shift was over, I didn't find anyone back, so I sent someone out to find them. When I found them, they had become like this." It can be seen that Mo Fei is very angry, but now he has to bear it.

Lin Yi checked carefully, but was shocked to find that these people were not dead, but their physical functions had stopped working. Now their brains have not completely died, and the frequency of heart beat is very small.

After Lin Yi held back everyone, he looked at several people. He wanted to treat them with the breath of life in his body. He had never tried before and didn't know whether it would work.

Slowly mobilize the breath in his body, but still motionless. Lin Yi is a little anxious. The breath of life has been in his body for so many years, but he has never heard his words. Instead, he is waiting for Lin Yi to send food like a supreme emperor.

Just when Lin Yi was about to give up, suddenly the breath of life in Lin Yi's body moved. It slowly walked into Lin Yi's palm, and then followed Lin Yi's palm into several people's bodies.

After the breath of life entered several people's bodies, it gradually became full with the naked eye under Lin Yi's gaze. It didn't take long for several people to look like normal people. Then Lin Yi took back his breath of life, but Lin Yi was depressed to find that the breath of life had lost a big circle, which hurt Lin Yi. How many days will it take to make up for it.

Then Lin Yi checked the bodies of these people and found that they were no longer in any serious way. On the contrary, their bodies were better than others. Lin Yi was also shocked by their ability to breathe life.

Lin Yi found Mo Fei, because this matter is very serious, but Lin Yi knows the ability of death gas best. Now there must be dead people in this situation. If he continues to absorb it, it will be more difficult to deal with later. Therefore, it is the best thing to kill him before he grows up.

"The book that elder Dan Chengzi gave me records the way to find the Qi of death. I may be able to find out who it is with this method." Lin Yi thought silently.

The next day, Lin Yi began to practice the induction method. Gradually, Lin Yi found that the city didn't seem as simple as he thought. Because Lin Yi's induction method only started, he could only generally feel that more than one person was dead.

"What are these people doing here? Why are there so many people? If they all riot, I'm afraid Mexico City will be destroyed."

After learning this, Lin Yi told the people in the city Lord's house. The city Lord didn't say much after knowing this. He just sent an old man to Lin Yi's side and asked him to cooperate with him. However, Lin Yi was surprised to find that he couldn't see through the old man.

"Lin Xiaoyou, when can we act?" The old man beside Lin Yi said that this is Mo Lin sent by the city Lord's house to help Lin Yi.

"Master Merlin, my induction method should take a big step in these days, so I want to start taking action in a few days. At that time, we will catch all of them without missing anyone."

For Lin Yi's words, Merlin didn't say anything. He knew what his mission was and how much the city Lord attached importance to it.

Five days later, Lin Yi finally achieved a small success in his induction method. He sensed that the people were more and more clear. Lin Yi took Mo Lin to the nearest person.

After feeling it, Lin Yi's face changed slightly, which was very ugly, because Lin Yi found that the anger of death was on a child, and the first person gave Lin Yi a blow in the head, which made Lin Yi's heart very unhappy.

When the child found that Lin Yi's eyes were wrong, he knew that he was exposed. He immediately turned his head and ran away. At this time, Mo Lin on the side moved. He was very fast and took a few breaths. He caught the child back like an eagle catching a chicken.

The child knew that he was exposed, and now he was caught by Merlin, and immediately slapped Merlin.

As Merlin was carrying the child, he didn't see the child's action at all, but Elin Yi saw it, and immediately shouted, "be careful, senior."

After hearing Lin Yi's roar, Merlin immediately threw the child out and hit a big tree on one side. He suddenly fainted. At this time, Merlin found that there was a big hole in his clothes.

"So corrosive." Mo Lin was in a cold sweat. If Lin Yi hadn't reminded him, I'm afraid he would be dead now. He secretly called himself careless.

Then Merlin followed Lin Yi to many corners of Mexico City. To Merlin's surprise, some people had dealt with him before, but they had never found out. Some were still big people who often haunted, which made Merlin's heart difficult to accept. He didn't expect that the interior of Mexico City, which he had lived for so many years, had corroded into this shape.

The arrest lasted one day and one night. During this period, Mexico City was only allowed in and out, which was also to prevent people from escaping. The arrest was carried out secretly, which was also Lin Yi's purpose to keep those people from being vigilant.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world. Gradually, Lin Yi feels that it is more and more difficult to capture. Every time, they disappear after Lin Yi approaches. It seems that they can feel Lin Yi's existence.

"Since I can sense them, they must also have a way to know my position, so we may not be able to catch any of us." Lin Yi frowned and said to Mo Lin.

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