Several people rushed up, and then looked straight at the little black held in the arms of the woman in red, but they were at a loss because of a beautiful woman holding her.

"Girl, can you give me this little dog? He has stolen my meat many times. If this continues, I can't open a shop." At this time, a fat man with big ears came forward, looking at the woman in red eagerly.

The woman in red immediately frowned. Lin Yi on one side also saw the evil intention in the fat man's eyes. Seeing that the woman in red was about to attack, Lin Yi hurried forward to stop the fat man and hurriedly said, "boss, this is my dog. I'll pay you how much."

Seeing Lin Yi's sudden appearance and blocking the woman in red, the fat man immediately roared: "so you raised this beast? You have to pay for it? This beast has to come to me every day to take a large piece of meat. It must have at least fifty liang of gold."

The fat man's words made Lin Yi frown, because he didn't believe Xiao Hei had eaten so many things in just a few days. When Lin Yi saw that the fat man kept trying to see the woman in red, Lin Yi was relieved. It turned out that this guy didn't give up. Lin Yi wanted to save his life before, but he didn't expect him to be so ignorant.

"I can't get fifty Liang gold. Are there any patients in your family? I can help you with free treatment." Lin Yi suddenly said.

Lin Yi didn't say it was OK. When he said that he was already grumpy and fat, he immediately exploded. He ran to Lin Yi and shouted with an angry face: "your family is sick. Your family is sick. It doesn't matter if you can't take it out. I think the girl with you is handsome, so let her accompany me for two days. That's all."

The fat man's first words made Lin Yi very angry. Unexpectedly, in the end, he still wanted to fight the woman in red, which was tantamount to looking for death.

Sure enough, when the woman in red heard this, she frowned and looked at the fat man unhappily. The fat man pushed Lin Yi away in front of him, and then went to the woman in red and said with a smile: "little sister, go with me."

Lin Yi immediately turned around, because he knew that the fat man's Retribution would come next. Sure enough, not long after Lin Yi turned around, the woman in red stamped on the fat man. Suddenly, the fat on the fat man shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and everyone around him immediately dispersed.

Finally, the woman in red didn't kill the fat man. If she did, someone would come to the door soon. This is a scene that the woman in red doesn't want to see.

The woman in red and Lin Yi came to the city gate together. Because Lin Yi had the token of the city master, Lin Yi soon took the woman out of Mexico City. As soon as he got out of Mexico City, the woman in red ran ahead. Lin Yi had to follow him far behind. Lin Yi wanted to escape, but he knew that he had no possibility of escaping in front of the woman in red, So he gave up the idea.

One day after Lin Yi followed the woman in red, the woman in red seemed to know that Lin Yi was a little tired, so she stopped and found a clean place to wait for Lin Yi. It took Lin Yi a while to follow up.

"The speed is good and can barely keep up." The woman in red saw Lin Yi panting and said slowly.

Xiao Hei in the arms of the woman in red looks at Lin Yi with a disdain. He seems to say that a big man can't catch up with a woman. Lin Yi has the heart to kill Xiao Hei.

"Elder, where the hell are you taking me? How far is it?" Lin Yi seems to feel that such days are over.

For Lin Yi's words, the woman in red still said simply, "you will know when you arrive, boy. If you are lucky, you will get a great chance."

Looking at the enigmatic smile of the woman in red, Lin Yi felt a chill on his back for no reason.

Such days lasted for half a month. One day half a month later, Lin Yi found that the woman in red was not moving forward, but in situ, not knowing what she was looking for.

"Where is it? It's clearly here." The woman in red muttered to herself as she looked for it. Lin Yi could only follow behind and was at a loss.

"Hahaha! I'll tell you if I found it. How could it be missing? It's still here." Seeing this, Lin Yi hurried forward and found a large hole, which is the size of an adult's waist, just enough to accommodate a person to pass through.

"Come on, Lin boy, get in." When the woman in red found it, she immediately turned around and wanted to pull Lin Yi in.

"What's in it, master?" Lin Yi is still a little resistant to the unknown. After all, he doesn't know if there will be anything in it that can kill him.

Seeing Lin Yi's tangled appearance, the woman in red was immediately annoyed. She couldn't help saying that she pushed Lin Yi down when he didn't pay attention.

"Ah!!!" After Lin Yi was pushed down, he only felt that he had slipped into the hole for a long time. It was not until half an hour that Lin Yi fell to the ground.

It was dark all around, but fortunately, because Lin Yi often went out, he had to have a light in his pocket. After Lin Yi turned on the light, he found that he was at a large passage, and the hole he had just fallen down was at the top of the passage. Lin Yi looked up and could see the hole he had just fallen down.

"It's over. What the hell is this place? How can I get out? Will my descendants of shadowless acupuncture fall here? Although I have married my daughter-in-law and have a baby, that's why I can't die." Lin Yi looked up at the sky, but there was nothing but stone here. There was no sky there.

Suddenly, Lin Yi heard a slight noise, and it was getting louder and louder, and it seemed that the speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, Lin Yi knew where the sound came from. Lin Yi went to the hole where he fell and looked inside. There was nothing dark inside, but suddenly Lin Yi was knocked unconscious by a dark shadow.

When Lin Yi woke up, the light had already gone out. Lin Yi only felt that something on his body seemed to weigh him out of breath, so he used his big palm to open his things.

"Eh? What is so soft? It feels good, and there is a faint fragrance in the air."

"Ah!!! Hooligan!" Suddenly Lin Yi felt that his ears seemed to be deafened. Then he felt that his head was heavy and fainted.

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