Lin Yi came to the medicinal materials area again. When Lin Yi saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe his eyes. He saw that all the medicinal materials shops here sold medicinal materials with a breath of life. Lin Yi had to be shocked by this. You know, there was no such medicinal materials outside. Some Lin Yi couldn't even name their names. Lin Yi felt like he was in heaven.

When Lin Yi went to ask, he found that everything was not as simple as he thought, because a medicinal plant with a breath of life would cost 500 liang of gold. Lin Yi couldn't help taking a breath, because the most expensive of other ordinary medicinal materials was only 12 liang of gold. You can imagine how huge the gap is.

However, because Lin Yi helped Tang yuan, Tang yuan still gave Lin Yi a lot of benefits. In addition to the money he had given people to see a doctor, Lin Yi barely made up nearly two thousand Liang. Finally, Lin Yi had to buy only three herbs. After receiving the herbs, Lin Yi was very excited. Unlike other herbs, the herbs did not dry up or lose water, On the contrary, it is the same as growing in the land.

"Is this the grass of life?" Lin Yi looked at the three herbs in his hand and couldn't help jumping wildly. Just a few breaths, Lin Yi absorbed a lot of life breath from them. Suddenly, Lin Yi felt that the deficit of life breath had been filled up, and the space had been expanded, which made Lin Yi excited.

The border defense war began the next day, so when Lin Yi returned, he found that Tang Yuan was still teaching them tactics. Lin Yi ignored it, so he returned to the room and began to absorb the grass of life.

Even Xiao Hei, who is usually picky, ran over and looked at the grass of life in Lin Yi's hand. Lin Yi gave it a plant, and Xiao Hei swallowed it without thinking about it. Soon, Lin Yi saw that Xiao Hei's hair was much smoother, and it became no longer so rough and looked much more supple.

I was speechless all night.

The next day, Lin Yi's door was knocked open early. When Lin Yi went out, he found that since the whole Inn was empty, there was no one in the noisy street.

"What's going on? Where are the people?" Lin Yi couldn't help being curious.

"The frontier war is a grand event every five years, so people in the central city certainly won't miss it. They all ran to occupy their seats, because there's no place after going." Jiang Jie was very excited and seemed to have won.

Lin Yi realized that he didn't really study the frontier war, but he shouldn't let himself down when he saw the hot look of the central city.

When Lin Yi came to the arena in the central city, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. The arena was a circle. In the middle of the circle was a large venue, but at the periphery of the venue, there were all dense audiences, dark and shouting everywhere.

"So lively? It seems that you're right this time." Lin Yi did not sit in the audience because of Tang yuan, but sat next to the rostrum.

"Another five-year border defense war is coming. At this time, the grand event of Xiongguan is related to the safety of Xiongguan..." the host's voice is not very loud, but everyone can hear it clearly.

Lin Yi's eyes are everywhere, but when Lin Yi looks at a figure on the podium, he is excited. It's a very thin figure. It doesn't look very big. It's almost a teenager, but when he sees this figure, Lin Yi's eyes can't move away, because this person is Dan Chengzi who guided Lin Yi here.

Dan Chengzi seemed to find someone watching him. When he turned his eyes, he was stunned. He didn't expect that Lin Yi didn't know when he came to Xiongguan. Originally, he thought he would wait for a long time. Dan Chengzi nodded when he saw Lin Yi.


At this time, a scream cut through the sky. I didn't know when a huge basin appeared in the middle of the arena, but it was Xi general Yan unparalleled who was holding the long bow on the stage. Because he was the first in the last session, he was the one who announced the beginning of the competition.

The faces of the other three generals were very bad. They didn't know when the last time was, but there was a flash in Tang Yuan's eyes, because he knew that he must be the next time.

The rules of border defense are very simple, that is, whoever can stand last on the stage is the first. This almost barbaric rule is respected by everyone. After all, it can see the choice and bravery of a team.

After the start of the game, the four teams occupied one side respectively, and all looked at the others with vigilance. When Tang Yuan was discussing countermeasures last night, Lin Yi came forward and only said a word, but it brightened everyone's eyes.

Last night, after finding Tang yuan, Lin Yi said, "don't be a head bird, show the enemy's weakness, and let them fight the disabled and then suppress it by thunder."

Tang Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard Lin Yi's words, but he knew that it was impossible to protect himself in the arena, so he ordered Jiang Jie and others to try to do as little as possible.

So there was a strange scene on the court at the moment. I saw the most fierce subordinate Tang Yuan standing there and watching the other three people fighting there.

The three generals saw Tang Yuan's subordinates watching the excitement. It's certainly not going to work like this. If it goes like this, won't Tang Yuan win without a battle?

"Tang yuan, you are so brazen to stand here. Do you want to take advantage of it?" Yan Wushuang is now fighting with Jinghe and Kuang Yi. Jinghe and Kuang Yi are not fools. Of course, they will not be like Tang yuan.

Then they shot at Tang yuan. Tang Yuan's face sank. Of course, he knew he couldn't sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but he still remembered Lin Yi's words, that is to show the enemy to be weak.

"Hum! Unparalleled children, you three wait. I'll make you regret later, Hei hei..." Tang Yuan sneered in his heart. Then he took the initiative to meet them and fought with them.

Jiang Jie also knew what Tang Yuan meant and immediately led several others to rush into the crowd for a disorderly war.


Suddenly, the people in the audience burst into a pot, as if they were all incarnated into the people above, shouting loudly and cheering for their favorite team.

When Lin Yi saw the battle above, he knew that he had experienced something that seemed childish. He saw that the battle above was divided into two areas, the four generals were one battle group, and the others were one battle group.

Among the four generals, their attacks were very black, and they were dead. It seemed that they didn't care about the injury at all. Gradually, Kuang Yi and Jinghe were more and more seriously injured.

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