"Hum! I think highly of you. Shit, you haven't given up even after you've been with me for so long. Is it because of the pith?" Lin Yi looked at Qianmian and said coldly.

Qianmian knew that he was caught by Lin Yi now, and to his surprise, the silver needle on his body couldn't break free. He didn't know what was going on.

"If you want to kill or cut, do as you please!" After leaving this sentence, Qianmian stopped talking. Instead, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Lin Yi sneered and said, "I'm curious. When you were in the forest of life, you seemed like an old man? But now you have changed. Did you change your appearance at that time?"

Lin Yi said that he still refused to speak when he saw Qianmian, so he came up to Qianmian and said, "since you don't speak, I naturally have my way to let you speak. I haven't used this method for a long time. I hope you can bear it."

Then Lin Yi took out a silver needle from his waist, Then he looked at the front and said, "if my silver needle pierces into you, your body will itch very much, but when you can't stand it, I'm letting you go, so you will grab your body at the first time, and you will scratch your body to pieces at that time. I think you will be happy to accept this way of death."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Qianmian immediately opened his eyes. He didn't expect Lin Yi to be so vicious. He wanted to use this torture method to deal with himself. He immediately shouted: "Lin Yi, you can't do this. You're insulting me. You can kill me, but you can't insult me. Kill me."

Seeing Qianmian's panic, Lin Yi feels much better. It's not that Lin Yi's heart is abnormal, but Qianmian has been hiding in the dark these days, which makes Lin Yi very uncomfortable. Now he can't be happy to see Qianmian eat flat?

"I said, I said, I'll tell you everything you want to know!" Qianmian panicked when he saw that Lin Yi's silver needle was about to pierce into his body. Of course, he knew that what Lin Yi said was not lying to himself. After all, he had never been cured, and he still couldn't move.

Seeing Qianmian's panic, Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I thought you were a hard bone, but you disappointed me a little, but now I don't want to know, so you..."

At this time, Qianmian suddenly saw Lin Yi stabbing the silver needle into his body. Qianmian only felt that his body trembled for no reason. Then he felt that his body gradually became very itchy from the place where the silver needle was. When Qianmian was about to roar out, Lin Yi immediately stabbed another silver needle into Qianmian's neck, and he couldn't even speak in front of him.

Qianmian fell to the ground with fear in his eyes. He regretted that if he gave himself a chance, he would not let Lin Yi find himself so easily, and regretted that he shouldn't have provoked Lin Yi, but it was too late.

Qianmian felt that his body was crawling on his body by thousands of ants, which was extremely itchy, but he couldn't roar to release the pressure in his heart, and his body couldn't move. That kind of suffocation made Qianmian sweat all over before long.

When he saw that Qianmian was almost the same, Lin Yi would stretch out his hand to get the silver needle, but Qianmian was even more flustered. If his body was released from control, he would certainly grab his body into flesh and blood.

Qianmian's almost begging eyes were naturally seen by Lin Yi. Then Lin Yi said, "if you like..."

Before Lin Yi's voice fell, he saw Qianmian blinking constantly there, as if everything agreed with Lin Yi. Lin Yi sneered, and then pulled out the silver needle on Qianmian's neck. When the silver needle was pulled out, Qianmian was like a loud roar to vent his anger, but when he saw Lin Yi's murderous eyes, he immediately put it away.

"You used to look like an old man, but now you have become a young man. Why?" Lin Yi couldn't help being curious. After all, he thought he almost caught the wrong person.

"My name is Qianmian. Naturally, I have a thousand faces, so it's just my simplest trick." Qianmian dare not hide Lin Yi. After all, he has had enough of this suffering.

Lin Yi didn't expect that Qianmian still had this skill. He immediately ran up to observe. When he saw that there was no sign of face change, Lin Yi was surprised. Then he asked, "are you like yourself now?"

Lin Yi rubbed Qianmian's face and seemed to want to find traces of Yi Rong from it. Qianmian immediately said, "yes, this is my original appearance." Although Qianmian said so, what he thought in his heart was, how can I easily show my face? When I escape, I'll change another face. Lin Yi will definitely not find himself at that time.

After hearing Qianmian's words, Lin Yi immediately showed a suspicious appearance. Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Qianmian thought, "click" for a moment, and thought, does he doubt me? Looking at his appearance, I don't think there's any sign of my changing face.

"Brother Lin, if you want to learn Yi Rong, I can teach you. Do you think you can let me go first?" Thousand faces asked with a look of expectation.

"The second question is, how did you know it was pith?" Lin Yi took out a baby fist sized green crystal on his body.

The moment I saw the pith, my eyes in front were bright. It was something I loved. I wanted to try my luck in the forest of life before, but I didn't expect him to find it, but he couldn't get it. When I approached, the light of the pith disappeared, and he couldn't get it after a few days.

Qianmian naturally could not tell Lin Yi, so he turned his eyes and said, "I saw it in an ancient book. It has so many functions, so I..."

"You lie." Lin Yi looked at Qianmian and said, "you not only know the function of the pith, but if I guessed correctly, you must have found it before, but you can't get it. I'm afraid you are not what you are now?"

Qian Mian could calm down, but when Lin Yi saw through his easy face, there was an unknown fear in Qian Mian's eyes, and then he covered it up. He thought Lin Yi didn't find it, but Lin Yi kept watching him. How could he not find it?

"Don't want to admit it? Unless you want to bear the taste of being covered with insects." The corners of Lin Yi's mouth turned up. In the eyes of thousands of faces, it was a complete devil.

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