"Shut up!" Gao Shan roared at Gao Gao, "you have caused so much trouble to the family. Do you want the whole family to bury you? Get back to the wall."

No one noticed that Gao Shan's hand hidden in his sleeve was shaking constantly, and his arm was full of blood. Gao Shan turned and left after seeing everyone.

As Lin Yi walked along the road, he thought that Gao Shan was indeed a figure, but he also had a plan. He arrived long ago when Gao Lin was kicked by himself, but he didn't rush to do it, but he did it after seeing his own means, but Gao Shan didn't think that he was much more terrible than he saw.

Finally, when Lin Yi left, he saw Gaoshan and realized that he was not a good person to provoke. After all, it's better to do more than less in this moonlit city.

After entering the self domain, Lin Yi obviously felt that it was much more prosperous than the former Xin domain and Geng domain, and there were obviously more people here than those two domains. The buildings were not as full of dilapidated houses as before.

Lin Yi found an inn and then stayed. It's much better than the previous two domains. Lin Yi didn't see the killing here. Lin Yi thought it was the survival of the fittest. Those with weak strength can only be on the periphery, and those with slightly strong strength will be treated well.

The environment here is good, so the closer to the center, what kind of situation the environment will reach, and it is said that the treatment of each floor will be different.

In the outer five domains, people will pay tribute to the inner three domains. People in the outer five domains must pay a certain amount of money, otherwise they will be expelled. In the three domains a, B and C, they will not pay tribute and money, on the contrary, they will get a certain amount of money subsidies. As long as you have the strength, you can live there all the time.

Time is like a passing horse. In the remaining areas, Lin Yi shows his strength and pays a certain amount of money. At this time, Lin Yi has come to Ding area. At this time, ten days have passed.

At this time, Lin Yi also saw what prosperity is. He saw pavilions everywhere, tall buildings rising from the ground. Although he had to pay money here, it was very few.

"Alas, have you heard? It is said that the daughter of the city Lord is getting married."

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Where did you hear it? We Ding Yu can't know this."

"One of my relatives is in C domain. He came back and told me a few days ago. It is said that the first three domains are preparing this matter now."

Lin Yi frowns slightly. This is the first time he heard about it. When he came here, Lin Yi made a lot of investigations. That is, Lin Yi determined that tea is here and is the daughter of the city Lord. Now it is said that tea is going to marry. Lin Yi immediately saved the emergency.

"Brother, can you tell me what's going on?" Lin Yi walked up to the two men and looked at them and asked.

One of them ignored Lin Yi when he saw him coming. Lin Yi immediately took out a ingot of gold and put it in front of them. They looked at the gold on the table and seemed to be thinking about whether it would have a bad impact on themselves.

Seeing this, Lin Yi immediately took out another ingot of gold and put it on the table. At this time, they were completely not calm. Although there were many rich people in Dingyu, this ingot of gold was not a small amount. Then the man whispered, "do it, brother. What do you want to know?"

"That's what you just said. When did the daughter of the city Lord get married? Tell me the whole story of this. The gold is yours." Lin Yi said coldly.

Tea that is their own woman, their mistakes, of course, they have to make up for, besides, how can the woman they have touched let her marry someone else? At this time, Lin Yi was in a bad mood.

"This matter has to be mentioned a long time ago. When the city Lord sat down, there were several capable generals, and the Banyue family was his loyal backing. Therefore, the city Lord had a good relationship with the Banyue family. When the princess was born, she was betrothed to the little genius Banyue son of the Banyue family."

"Half moon childe?" Lin Yi murmured that he had no impression of this man, and he had never received information about him.

"Yes, half moon childe, it can be said that he is the most powerful person in the younger generation. The princess grew up with him and never guessed. Just last time, almost a year ago, the princess ran out of the moon night city. No one knows where she has gone. Then she suddenly appeared in the moon night city. At that time, her marriage with half moon childe was coming, but the princess didn't want to Married, which makes the Banyue family angry. "

Lin Yi listened carefully. When he heard the silver teeth clenching, he knew why red tea didn't want to marry. It must be because of himself: "later?" At this time, Lin Yi's heart was bored.

"Later, the city Lord didn't know why he began to delay. This move completely angered the Banyue family. They had a heavy weight in the moon night city and kept making some small moves in private."

"In the last half month, the family forced the city Lord again. The city Lord had to announce that the princess and the half month childe would be married after half a month." The man said slowly.

Just then, Lin Yi suddenly came forward and grabbed the man. He said coldly, "who are you? I'm afraid you're not from Ding Yu? What's your purpose to get close to me?"

This move not only startled the people next to the man, but also the Xiong brothers stood up and jumped up as long as there was something wrong.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The man was out of breath by Lin Yile and coughed constantly.

"Young master, let go, let us go. We'll say everything you want to know." People on one side said hurriedly when they saw the scene.

Lin Yi loosened the man's clothes a little and then asked, "who the hell are you? Ding Yu's people can't know so much, and I found someone following me two days ago. Compared with the two of you, isn't it? What's your purpose?"

"Plop!" Suddenly, the man knelt in front of Lin Yi and cried miserably. Then, in Lin Yi's shock, the man stretched out his hand and tore off a human skin mask on his face, which made Lin Yi suddenly don't know what to do.

"Uncle, she and I are the servant girls around the princess. The princess knew when you entered the moon night city, but she couldn't come out. She could only let us dress up, and then see you and explain the situation to you." Said the woman kneeling on the ground.

Lin Yi frowned as if he was considering whether what they said was true or false. Then Lin Yi found that there were obvious signs of disfigurement on the neck of the woman he caught. Lin Yi immediately tore it off.

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