At this time, Yeyou and banyuetian have become a regiment. The strength of banyuetian is equal to that of Yeyou. Their battle covers a wide range, and many buildings become debris directly in their fight.

"Half moon day, are you just a fool? I knew it when you had the idea of rebellion, but I didn't point it out, but it was still developed by you to see who would take the opportunity to stab me in the back. After all, the moon night city hasn't changed blood for too long. It's time to change blood." Yeyou sneered.

"Do you think I won't have any defense? I knew you would know when, so it's time for you to see my real strength." Suddenly, Yeyou felt that the half moon sky had become a little different. What Lin Yi saw most here was the collision of dead Qi. Losers were generally absorbed all their blood. Now in this battle, many people have died, but their blood has not been absorbed. First, it is too late, but there is no such opportunity at all.

"Bang!" A deafening voice came, which immediately attracted everyone's eyes. At this time, Yeyou had become extremely embarrassed, with scattered hair and a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth.

Yeyou looked at banyuetian with a shocked face. He didn't expect that banyuetian had hidden his strength when facing himself. Now the strength displayed by banyuetian made him feel that he couldn't fight against him.

"Hahaha, how about Yeyou? I didn't expect it. I said that if you don't hand over the city master today, you'll be ready to die." After half moon day showed its strength, Yeyou retreated day by day. He was not half moon day's opponent at all.

Lin Yi is also anxious. If Yeyou is defeated, nothing can be changed at that time. Then Lin Yi slowly approaches Yeyou.

When half moon day saw Lin Yi slowly appear behind Yeyou, he was happy and thought that if Yeyou was killed by half moon Yang, no one would say more when half moon Yang became the city Lord. Thinking of this, half moon day immediately stopped his steps to go up and kill Yeyou.

Lin Yi gathered around Yeyou and said softly, "father-in-law, kidnap me quickly." Only Lin Yi and ye you could hear this.

The opposite half moon day saw Lin Yi getting closer and closer to Yeyou. At this time, his heart sneered at Yeyou and thought that although you didn't die in my hand, you died in my son, but you also died well.

But just then, he only saw the half moon sun running behind Yeyou and yelling, "Yeyou old thief is dead."

This suddenly changed the complexion of the half moon sky. Isn't it obvious that you're behind him? Sure enough, when ye you heard this, ye you immediately reflected it. Immediately, ye you accelerated back and rushed in front of Lin Yi. The speed was so fast that even Lin Yi was caught by Ye you.

"Yeyou let go of my son, or I'll bury you in the city master's house." At this time, banyuetian's eyes are red. Looking at Yeyou's eyes is deep anger. Although banyuetian is also very angry, why did banyueyang run so foolishly behind Yeyou and shout, but he is his own son after all. How can he ignore it.

Seeing the half moon sky almost crazy, Yeyou said coldly, "let your people put down their weapons and squat on the ground."

"It's impossible. I won't bet the life of my whole family." The half moon roared loudly at this time.

When hearing this sentence, Lin Yi still felt that this half moon day was a man, but then he heard him say, "I'm ready to change an heir. It's just right for you to kill him."

"Boy, it's up to you. He has killed countless people in the past half a month, and you see, he also uses ordinary people's blood to train his army. It's crazy." Yeyou seems to be afraid of Lin Yi's weakness, and still tells Lin Yi the crime of half moon day again and again.

Then Yeyou made an expression that didn't seem to be of much use to catch the half moon Yang. The half moon day sneered at it, and then saw Yeyou throw the half moon Yang over. The half moon day immediately roared: "hahaha, the old man of Yeyou had to say that you have lived a long time, but you have lived to a dog."

While he was holding Lin Yi in his hand, he suddenly felt that his actions were a little slow. This discovery made half a month's day suddenly sweat, thinking that ye you should not know.

"Yang'er, hold me. There seems to be something wrong with my body. I must not let Yeyou old man know." The half moon told Lin Yi.

As the initiator of all this, Lin Yi didn't seem to hear it at all. Instead, he held the moon and said, "Dad? Dad, what's the matter with you? Dad, what are you talking about, dad?"

After hearing this, banyuetian wanted to slap Lin Yi to death. Unexpectedly, banyueyang said it. If Yeyou knew it, he would have to explain it here today.

Sure enough, some people who were going to leave immediately came back, and then looked at the half moon day with a playful face. Lin Yi immediately released his hand, rushed to the half moon day, opened his hands and said, "old man Yeyou, I won't let you hurt my father."

"Plop!" A muffled sound came from behind Lin Yi. Lin Yi turned around and found that Yeyou fell straight to the ground. Lin Yi's eyes were full of anger and depression.

Yeyou saw the half moon falling to the ground and immediately said with a smile, "ha ha ha, it seems that heaven helps me." Then he rushed up towards the half moon sky.

"Yang'er, go quickly. Old man Yeyou will not spare you. Remember to avenge me in the future." The half moon roared at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't expect that he didn't do anything else at the end of the half moon day, but let himself go quickly. Although he was not half moon Yang, after so many events, the half moon day even let himself go quickly. Lin Yi was a little moved in his heart, and the half moon day looks not much different now. It's all his own fault.

Lin Yi stands beside banyuetian and doesn't know what to do. Although banyuetian is ambitious and does some things without conscience, he is also a father and makes Lin Yi feel the feeling of fatherly love, although this is not true.

After Yeyou rushed up, he raised his palm and split it towards banyuetian. Lin Yi suddenly couldn't bear it. At this time, banyuetian also knew that he was dead and implicated everyone.

But after Yeyou's palm was cut off, after a while, half a month, he didn't feel anything. When he looked at his eyes, he saw his son blocking his palm in front of him.

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