After closing the city gate, the whole moon night city suddenly became the same as before. There was no trace of sunshine. The only light that could be seen was from the moon.

Sima Huangtian was led directly to the city master's residence by the night path. Tang Yuan was also excited when he saw Lin Yi: "I heard that your son has become the son-in-law of the moon night city? No wonder you don't want to go back. Sure enough, you forgot us after a good life."

"Brother Tang is joking. I just stabilized recently. I had to go back and have a look sometime." Lin Yi said with a laugh.

After entering the city master's house, ye you and Sima Huangtian enter the room to have a long talk. Lin Yi doesn't go in, but continues to do his old business. After he married red tea, Lin Yi moved out of the city master's house with red tea and opened a medical center next to the City Master's house.

Lin Yi has always been fond of medical skills. Even though there is little time now, Lin Yi still takes advantage of the offline time to see a doctor. With the signboard of the city Lord's house, Lin Yi's passenger flow is naturally large. Originally, everyone was not very optimistic about the son-in-law, but after Lin Yi's treatment, he didn't have any disease in the end, This made people begin to believe Lin Yi.

Lin Yi has long been familiar with such things. After all, every time he starts from scratch, someone will always know whether it is good or bad.

In the evening, news finally came from the city Lord's residence, but it was not good news. It was said that Sima Huangtian and Yeyou had a big quarrel, and then Sima Huangtian went back in a stormy weather. When he came in, he treated him as a VIP, but when he left, he had to leave through the small door because he was unhappy, which made many people sigh.

"How could such a thing happen? My father-in-law should not do so, and uncle Sima is not a person who can lose his temper in vain." Lin Yi always feels that there is something fishy in it, but no one dares to ask Yeyou. Finally, Lin Yi asks tea to ask what's going on, but what surprised Lin Yi is that Yeyou, who has never yelled tea, yelled at Lin Yi.

This abnormal reaction makes Lin Yi feel that it doesn't seem so simple. Unfortunately, red tea is wronged and crying there at this time.

After ye you drove away tea, he murmured, "I hope Lin boy can understand my purpose. Now those who watch the play should have a good time?"

After that, the whole moon night city seemed to become extremely dull. Everywhere was full of a sense of killing. The streets were in a hurry. All this was changing imperceptibly.

Sima Huangtian, who returned to Xiongguan, didn't know what explosives he ate. He could get angry with anyone. For a moment, the whole Xiongguan was in a panic. For this situation, everyone blamed Yeyou.

Lin Yi sees all these changes. He knows that Yeyou and Sima Huangtian must have a purpose, but the purpose is unknown.

Although so many absurd things have happened, Lin Yi's hospital has not been affected at all, and its business is getting better and better. I'm afraid the most lively thing in the whole moon night city is Lin Yi's Xuanfeng hall. The Xiong brothers do chores, and Jiang Yuer is also caught by Lin Yi as the cashier. Everything is in order.

"Aunt, this is caused by blood vessel blockage. I'll dredge it for you."

"Brother, it's a little difficult for you, but it's not a big deal. Just a few stitches."

Lin Yi's Xuanfeng hall is in full swing. Although there is death in the people in the moon night city, many people are still ordinary people and can't absorb other people's blood. What makes Lin Yi feel terrible is that there are really few hospitals in the moon night city. What makes Lin Yi speechless is that they only know a little fur. Many people choose to ignore them after they get sick, Because no one here can cure these diseases, but Lin Yi's appearance is a clear stream.

"Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin, come and see what's wrong with this man?" At this time, a loud drink came from the door of Xuanfeng hall. Lin Yi didn't like others to call him his son-in-law, so he asked everyone to call him Dr. Lin, because in this way, Lin Yi won't forget his identity and is still a doctor who treats patients and saves people.

All the people gave way to the road after hearing the loud drink. Then they saw a man being carried up. When Lin Yi saw the man, his pupils narrowed sharply.

At this time, the person lying on the stretcher was no longer human. The whole person was sucked into a mummy. His death was very tragic, but Lin Yi came forward and found that his body was being repaired.

"Hmm? How could this man still have vitality?" Lin Yi stepped forward and wondered.

"Shua!" But just then, Lin Yi suddenly found that the corpse's eyes opened at this moment and suddenly sat up. Everyone present was startled. After the man's eyes opened wide, his eyes slowly dimmed. Finally, the man slowly fell to the ground.

Lin Yi frowned and then asked, "what's going on?"

When Lin Yi asked, the man who carried the corpse came forward and said, "we don't know what's going on. When we appeared at the corner, we saw him on the ground. At that time, he wasn't dead and didn't look like this, but on the way we carried him, his whole body suddenly shriveled quickly."

This made Lin Yi's eyebrows frown more fiercely. He checked the body of the dead and found nothing, no wounds, no signs of fighting.

At this time, Lin Yi suddenly heard a noise outside. Jiang Yuer immediately went out to check the situation, but when he came back, he looked gloomy. Then he came to Lin Yi and said, "the boss has an accident. There are many such mummies outside."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was not calm immediately. Everyone present became worried. Lin Yi quickly rushed to the street and found that many soldiers were carrying stretchers, and all the people on the stretcher had become a corpse.

This matter soon spread to Ye you's ears. Ye you was furious: "who dares to ignore my orders and openly kill and seize blood and gas in the first three domains? Are you looking for death?"

In the following days, the army would patrol the streets all day, but people still died. The next day, Lin Yi suddenly found a note in his clothes.

Lin Yi opened the note and was puzzled when he saw the contents. It said: you and we are the same kind of people.

In the next period of time, Lin Yi will receive this note every day, sometimes in bed and sometimes in shoes. It seems that the person who puts the note is everywhere, and the content on the note is the same.

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