Lin Yi, who got the news, frowned, grabbed the man and asked, "what's your plan?"

The shadow was caught in Lin Yi's hand and couldn't move. He didn't mean to speak at all. Lin Yi smiled and said slowly, "do you still want to experience the feeling that you shouldn't cry every day?"

As soon as this sentence was said, the dark shadow immediately trembled, but still kept silent. Lin Yi saw that he was still like this, and his face gradually cooled down. Then he gently stabbed the silver needles into his body. When the silver needles appeared, the man immediately changed his face, as if he was afraid.

The acupoints on the man were closed so that he could not move. Then he took him back to Xuanfeng hall and threw the man on the ground like a dead dog. At this time, the Xiong brothers hurried out when they heard the movement. When they saw the figures on the ground, their faces became extremely abnormal.

"Boss, isn't he dead?" Xiong Hu was surprised.

"Death? Hehe, I don't think he's dead. I'm afraid his Lao Tzu is not dead either. Do you think I'm right? Half moon Yang?" Lin Yi said from the half moon sun underground.

This person was the half moon Yang who committed suicide in full view of the public. At that time, Lin Yi checked a little and confirmed that he was dead, but he still appears here. Then he must have escaped Lin Yi's inspection by some unknown way.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You forced my father to death. Now you say he's alive. It's ridiculous." Half moon Yang said fiercely to Lin Yi.

"It seems that you are still dishonest. In that case, you have to suffer a little. I didn't want to be so cruel." Lin Yi smiled.

Then, under the gaze of half moon Yang, he saw Lin Yi stabbing silver needles into his body again, which made half moon Yang who could not move seriously full of panic at this time.

"Say it or not? Not yet? Good. I hope you can keep talking hard." Lin Yi seems to be talking to himself, but the action under his hand doesn't stop.

"Why bother? If my last silver needle falls, you will be really ugly. You will feel itchy and itchy all over your body. You want to scratch, but because I closed your body acupoints, you can't move, but when you reach a certain level, I will untie your hand, and then you will scratch yourself into a pile of mud." Lin Yi sleeps slowly. It seems that in order to make banyueyang deeply feel that he is not joking, Lin Yi also makes his voice particularly gloomy.

"My mother, boss, this is too terrible." On the side of the bear tiger, hearing Lin Yi's introduction, he felt his hair stand up.

At this time, half moon Yang finally changed his face, but he still didn't mean to speak. Lin Yi had to gently stab the silver needle into half moon Yang's body.

Before long, the face of Yueyang became a little strange. At this time, Lin Yi said again, "don't worry, I won't let you die, but I can make a little change in your body, such as abolishing a hand, or eyes, or your offspring."

This can't help but make the Xiong brothers on the side suddenly close their legs together. Even Xiao Hei learned to be like a model. At this time, half moon Yang said, "I advise you to let me go or kill me, otherwise you will cause trouble sooner or later. As for what you want me to say, it's just wishful thinking."

"Oh, it's hard to talk. In that case, let's see if I'm kidding you." When Lin Yi finished, he looked at him with an evil face. Half moon Yang immediately panicked.

"What do you want?" Half moon Yang is really afraid of Lin Yi, because he hasn't been happy since he met Lin Yi. At this time, half moon Yang can obviously feel itching on his body.

"Don't do anything. Since you are so hard spoken, let me make your nerves more sensitive and enlarge all the senses. In this way, you will itch when you itch, and feel comfortable and painful when you scratch."

Hearing this, half moon Yang's face suddenly turned pig liver color. Then he was stunned. Instead of talking, he closed his eyes, but after a while, bean sized beads of sweat gradually appeared on half moon Yang's forehead and clenched his teeth. It seemed that he was bearing some great pain.

Seeing this, the Xiong brothers warned themselves again and again in the bottom of their heart that they must not offend Lin Yi. Looking at the appearance of half moon Yang, they knew that this was simply unbearable.

"Still don't say it? Then I'll unlock the acupoints on your hand. Don't beg me then." Lin Yi smiled.

Then Lin Yi gently pressed banyueyang's arm. Then he saw a silver needle jump out of banyueyang's body. When the silver needle was taken out by Lin Yi, Lin Yi saw that banyueyang didn't grab his body but grabbed his neck for the first time.

"Hold the grass, zhennima is a talent. I admire very few people all my life, and you are one. You can resist it and want to commit suicide." Lin Yi was shocked when he saw the move of half moon Yang.

"Cough, cough ~" Lin Yi came forward and pressed half moon Yang's hand. He can't really let him die now. After all, he has to find clues on him.

After many unsuccessful attempts, Lin Yi knows that there may be nothing to scare banyueyang. This kind of person is the most terrible, because he will not live against you. Lin Yi doesn't ask anything, so he has to let the Xiong brothers secretly send banyueyang to the city master's house and give it to Yeyou.

Lin Yi never received a note again this day. He asked banyueyang why he wanted to give himself this note, but banyueyang didn't speak at all, which made Lin Yi angry, but he couldn't help taking banyueyang. He had to thank you for killing him.

"Who pushed all this forward behind his back?" Lin Yi frowned, but he couldn't find any clue.

Originally, Lin Yi thought that this matter would subside, but what he didn't expect was that after three days, many things absorbing people's blood took place in the whole moon night city, and everyone became a corpse without exception.

You couldn't sit still all night and ordered Zuo Wudao to patrol the street every day. Even so, the number of dead people continued to increase, which made everyone fall into fear.

"Father in law, what are these people doing?" Lin Yi came to the city Lord's house and asked. He thought Yeyou must know something, so he specially ran over to ask.

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