After entering the city, Lin Yi wanted to take Jin Dabiao and others to have a good meal, but what Lin Yi didn't expect was that he was shy in his pocket. But at this time, he had come to the door of the restaurant and boasted. Looking at the magnificent restaurant, Lin Yi took Jin Dabiao in with his silver teeth.

"My guest, what can I do for you?" The second mock exam was a high officials and noble lords. When he entered the door, he saw a little boy dressed up in a small fashion. When he saw Lin Yi's wearing, his smile was even more successful. Lin Yi's clothes were in the Xu Du, which was also worth the officials, but he knew that Lin Yi was only buying it outside, but the prices were not the same in different places.

"Find us a quiet place." Lin Yi said coldly, because only in this way can people feel that he is inaccessible, and money is not a problem.

Hearing this, the waiter's eyes lit up and immediately led Lin Yi to a "quiet" place. It turned out to be a private room. When he saw this private room, Lin Yi's face turned black. Because the private room looked very luxurious, Lin Yi felt a little uneasy when he thought of his money.

"Shit, what are you afraid of? As the saying goes, those who can't die of hunger are always capable people, not to mention me." Lin Yi thought of this and made his body strong. He looked like a rich man.

However, when Lin Yi saw the dishes ordered by Jin Dabiao and others, Lin Yi wanted to strangle them directly. He saw a large table full of dishes, with everything on it. Seeing these, Lin Yi's face finally turned black.

"What's the matter? Boss, why is your face so ugly? Don't you have so much money? Shouldn't you?" Jin Dabiao said indifferently. It seemed that if Lin Yi didn't have money, it would be unreasonable.

Lin Yi looked at Jin Dabiao with a chill in his eyes, because he knew that the seemingly simple and honest guy must have said this on purpose.

Looking at a large table full of dishes, Lin Yi felt a little sore in his heart, but there was no way. Anyway, it was impossible to go back. Instead of this, he might as well have a big meal. After he figured it out, Lin Yi also stipulated the concerns in his heart and began to eat and drink.

"Burp!" Before long, everyone touched their stomach and couldn't support any more.

"The boss, you can pay the bill." Jin Dabiao doesn't forget to remind Lin Yi after eating. When Lin Yi hears this, he immediately wants to kill this guy, but then Lin Yi comes up with a good idea.

"What do you pay?" Lin Yi said indifferently.

Originally, Jin Dabiao wanted to test Lin Yi to see if he was heartbroken, but he didn't think Lin Yi didn't have so much money at all. Suddenly, Jin Dabiao and his younger brothers were sweating on their foreheads,.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi was happy. He wanted to make you sick of me. Then he pretended to be innocent and said, "I thought you had money, didn't you?"

Hearing this, Jin Dabiao really wants to scold. If he had money, would he rob Lin Yi? It must be necessary to think that if you don't have the money to have a bully meal and get a beating. Thinking of this, Jin Dabiao began to blame Lin Yi. Of course, he thought in his heart, why do you keep walking in front if you don't have the money and look like a treat, so that everyone thought Lin Yi was kind-hearted.

Seeing the cold sweat of the people, Lin Yi knew that the time was almost right, so he took out a piece of white cloth from his package, and then wrote the words "hanging pot to help the world" on it. Lin Yi seemed to feel that it was not enough, and wrote on it: cure all diseases!

When Lin Yi finished writing, he sent out cash. Dabiao and others looked like they didn't know him, and Lin Yi now changed his clothes and became a Jianghu doctor.

"That boss, what are you doing?" Jin Dabiao suddenly has a bad feeling. It seems that Lin Yi is going to run.

Jin Dabiao's nervous appearance fell in Lin Yi's heart. He immediately knew what he thought, so he said helplessly, "what else can you do? Change money, or you're going to spend the night here?"

Hearing this, Jin Dabiao calmed his uneasy heart a little, and then asked, "boss, can you still do this? If you can't, don't go out to cheat. Xudu's public security is very strict."

Seeing that Jin Dabiao was still nervous, Lin Yi gave him a reassuring look and said, "you wait for me here. I'll come back to save you in about half an hour. Don't worry."

Then they saw Lin Yi walking out towards the door. When he went out, Lin Yi also met the waiter, but he didn't say much when he saw someone else in the room, but he was curious when he saw Lin Yi's dress.

"This man didn't look like this when he went in just now, but how did he become like this now? Do you want to eat overlord's meal?" Looking at Lin Yi's fading back, the waiter suddenly felt a little bad, but before he could react, he saw that Lin Yi took out a stick, tied a white cloth on it, and then sat in the lobby.

The waiter immediately knew that Lin Yi must have eaten the overlord meal, but whether Lin Yi had gone or not, so he had to endure it, and then looked at Lin Yi with a sneer in his heart. As long as Lin Yi dared to go out, he would call someone out and let this person feel the consequences of eating the overlord meal at that time.

"Come on, have a look, have a look. It can cure all diseases. If you can't cure them well, you can lose money. You can cure any disease." Lin Yi sat there and saw that no one had come for a long time. He immediately yelled at his throat.

It's good that Lin Yi doesn't roar. At this roar, many people immediately gathered around. The people who can come here for dinner are also some famous families or rich businessmen. They seem to make life comfortable day by day, so they often look for trouble. Now when they see Lin Yi playing such a big banner, they are ready to come forward to find Lin Yi's trouble one by one.

"Boy, can you really cure all diseases? You can cure any disease?" One of them, a man with a big belly and an oily face, came forward and looked at Lin Yi with a smile.

Seeing the man come forward and ask this question, Lin Yi knew that the other party was on the hook. Then Lin Yi smiled and said, "that's natural. I'm not going to smash my own sign. What's wrong with you that I want to see?"

"It doesn't matter whether I'm ill or not. What matters is how you say you should accompany me if I can't be cured?" The fat man with a fat face said.

"Well, my price is not expensive, it's only one hundred liang of gold. If I don't cure your disease, I'll refund you five hundred liang of gold." Lin Yi stretched out his finger and said slowly.

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