"Gulu Gulu!" After several mouthfuls of wine, the young man's face was a little red, but he found that the tingling feeling he used to have when drinking in his lower abdomen had disappeared.

After a period of time, there was still no tingling. At this time, the young man's face finally changed. There was joy on his face. He quickly said to Lin Yi, "thank you for saving my life."

Lin Yi smiled and didn't speak, but shouted, "next!"

After those people saw Lin Yi's ability, for those who knew they were ill, they wanted to see Lin Yi's jokes and take one or two gold. When they saw that the first person was cured, they didn't want to stay here. After all, if Lin Yi saw any disease, he still had to pay 52 gold for diagnosis.

"Doctor Lin, we won't see a doctor. My mother called me home for dinner." Then someone finally came out and said.

"Yes, my daughter-in-law is still waiting for me."

Seeing that some of them wanted to leave, Lin Yi's face immediately became gloomy. Then he said to them in a cold voice, "what's the panic? Just see a doctor. If you really don't want to see a doctor, then lose money."

"Lose money? Lose what money?" One of them was puzzled.

Seeing this, Lin Yi had a murderous look on his face. Then he took a leaflet, handed it to the man's hand and said, "look at the lower right corner. Is there a sentence there?"

Hearing this, the man immediately put the lower right corner of the leaflet in front of him. It said that if he didn't want to see a doctor after exchanging one or two gold, he would have to pay twenty liang of gold as compensation.

When he saw the small ant like font, the man's face finally changed greatly. Then he pointed to Lin Yi and yelled: "profiteer, profiteer, who will notice such a small font?"

"Noticed or didn't notice, that's your business, but I did write it, so if you don't see a doctor, you'll lose money." Lin Yi's tone was a little cold.

For them, it has always been them who pit others, but I didn't expect others to pit them today, and it's still a feeling that Youku can't say.

When Lin Yi saw that the man didn't seem to want to take the money and was about to leave, Lin Yi sneered and shouted, "Jin Dabiao!!"

Jin Dabiao has been paying attention to Lin Yi's situation. When he heard Lin Yi calling himself, Jin Dabiao immediately ran over. Because Jin Dabiao's body is particularly strong, he made everyone present feel like earth shaking and mountains shaking when he ran.

The man who wanted to leave changed his face. He knew that he could not escape the twenty liang of gold today, so he immediately took twenty liang of gold from his sleeve and threw it at Lin Yi.

After Lin Yi recorded the gold, the face that had been made up by the frost suddenly changed. Seeing the man leave, Lin Yi smiled a big victory on his face, and then respectfully said, "welcome to come again next time."

Lin Yi's words reached the man's ears. He suddenly stumbled and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and didn't really fall.

Then Lin Yi continued to treat people. Every time Lin Yi's diagnosis was extremely accurate, and everyone gradually understood Lin Yi's character. It was only money but not people, but everyone saw Lin Yi's ability clearly there.

At first, some people thought it was Lin Yi's trust, but finally, after Lin Yi gave many people accurate diagnosis and treatment, his worries were put down.

At the end of the day, Lin Yi was tired and had a backache, but Lin Yi felt a little relieved that his box of money was full, and Jin Dabiao and others admired Lin Yi more and more one by one. Lin Yi didn't disappoint them and gave them one hundred liang of gold in return.

Jin Dabiao and others have never seen so much money in their life. What's more, they still own it now. Originally, they didn't report much hope, but when Lin Yi threw one hundred and twenty gold tickets into their hands, their hands trembled excitedly.

"Boss!!" Lin Yi just handed the gold ticket to Jin Dabiao and others. Then Lin Yi heard them roar. Lin Yi was shocked. Then Lin Yi saw that there were tears in their eyes.

"What's the matter with you? Don't be so moved?" Lin Yi smiled.

"Boss, no one has been so kind to us since childhood. You show us hope. You give us a good day. Boss, my life is yours." Jin Dabiao said excitedly.

Lin Yi felt his sincere words, and he was also touched. In the past, Lin Yi could feel that they were not satisfied with themselves, but now this feeling has disappeared without a trace.

Looking at Jin Dabiao and others, Lin Yi said very seriously: "we are brothers, we shouldn't say so much. If we are brothers, we should be blessed and enjoy the same difficulties. Originally, I wanted to divide all the gold tickets, but I still have some things unfinished, so I gave you a gold ticket. I hope you won't be surprised."

Hearing this, the tears in the eyes of Jin Dabiao and others finally flowed out like a flood breaking the dike. They only heard them roaring loudly: "share the blessings and share the difficulties!!" Lin Yi was delighted to see this scene.

The next day, when Lin Yi opened the door of Xuanfeng hall, Lin Yi was stunned by the scene in front of him. He saw that there were people everywhere outside, and each of them even had gold tickets in their hands, which seemed to have more money than anyone else.

"Dr. Lin, you finally opened the door. We have money. As long as you cure our disease, these are yours." Then he raised the gold ticket in his hand.

When Lin Yi saw so many people, he could not help feeling numb, but he chose to treat them one by one. After noon, Lin Yi found that he was too tired. It was only one morning that Lin Yi treated the number of people yesterday.

"No, I'll be tired to death if I go on like this. I have to do it like a way." Lin Yi has been thinking about this problem all day. After all, he is the only one in Xuanfeng hall. He can't refer to Jin Dabiao and others, and he can't be busy.

"By the way, I can do this!" Finally, in the evening, Lin Yi thought of a wonderful attention.

Then Lin Yi called Jin Dabiao: "listen, go and make me ten iron cards and follow the above drawing."

Lin Yi gives Jin Dabiao a drawing. On the drawing is an iron plate that looks extraordinary. Because it was explained by Lin Yi, Jin Dabiao left with the drawing without asking.

The next day, Jin Dabiao took the iron card back. When he saw the iron card, Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction.

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